. "An extensive coastline makes fishing the largest industry, with tourism running a close second. Barmenia's famous golden beaches have been zealously protected from over-development, making them amongst Terra's most precious beauty spots. The country's spectacular natural environment is a Mecca for mountaineers, hikers and nature lovers, not to mention enthusiasts of every variety of mountain and water activity, from canoeing to paragliding. Barmenians pride themselves on farming, which is big business here. Most agricultural land is owned by large democratic worker collectives which give a stake to every employee and use efficient natural methods to provide our citizens and their beloved cats with a huge variety of the freshest and choiciest produce all year round. Second to the cat, the honey bee is the animal most associated with Barmenia. A beehive in the backyard and a bee-keeping club meeting in the village pub are everyday sights in a land which makes oodles of the thickest-flowing gorgeously sweet oozing honey available anywhere in Terra. The national drink is mead, a luscious wine made with honey which is adored by locals and constitutes one of Barmenia's most successful exports. Barmenians love authentic handicrafts, homemade clothes and homemade food, shunning the mass manufactured products which have swamped other nations and wiped out once valued skills.We like to have an idea of who made the things we own and how they were made, prizing individuality and disdaining bland uniformity. Craftsmen, tailors, painters, musicians and other creative types swarm to Barmenia from all over Terra just to be in amongst the atmosphere and culture here. One of our greatest passions is oral storytelling, where village groups meet up within a friendly atmosphere in pubs, living rooms and public spaces to regale each other with tales, each speaker trying to be more entertaining than the previous one. Skill in this art is greatly esteemed, and many who began as storytellers have found themselves - often almost unwittingly! - propelled up the ranks of local or even national politics."@en . "An extensive coastline makes fishing the largest industry, with tourism running a close second. Barmenia's famous golden beaches have been zealously protected from over-development, making them amongst Terra's most precious beauty spots. The country's spectacular natural environment is a Mecca for mountaineers, hikers and nature lovers, not to mention enthusiasts of every variety of mountain and water activity, from canoeing to paragliding."@en . . "Feline Homeland of Barmenia"@en . . . . . .