. . "Sudeki is a Role Playing Game for the X Box made in 2004 (ported to PC in 2005) that, oddly, despite being made by Western game designers, is basically an Animesque Eastern RPG experience. The plot is fairly simple. There are two worlds, one of Light, and one of Shadow. During the game, the worlds suffer a calamity and everything goes pear shaped as a result, and you and your party have to fix it. The game itself was notable for being one of the few Eastern RPG-like games on the X Box, and even though the Xbox version was released in the United States, the PC port never saw a US release, but due to PC games not being region locked and the fact it has an English dub, it is perfectly importable. \n* Abusive Parents: Arlo is very emotionally abusive to Tal, outside of his duties as his son's commanding officer (and is apparently an alcoholic as well). \n* Animesque: Very. It's basically a Western game drawn in Japanese RPG style. \n* Badass \n* Action Girl: Buki and Ailish. \n* Badass Finger-Snap: Ailish can open chests and smash breakable stuff this way. \n* Badass Princess; Ailish makes it quite clear to Tal she is one and she has no desire to listen to any Stay in the Kitchen nonsense. \n* Eyepatch of Power: Worn by General Arlo. \n* Catgirl: Buki. \n* Chaste Hero: Tal, especially in response to Ailish, who he gets very nervous around when she gets flirty. He also seems to be nervous when women get inside his personal space in general, as best demonstrated at the beginning of the game when Buki gets a little close for comfort. \n* Drill Sergeant Nasty: General Arlo, who also happens to be Tal's father. \n* DRM: The PC version has Starforce, which made installing it difficult even on computers it was officially designed for, and due to how ancient the version of Starforce was included, it would make running the game on 64-bit operating systems nigh impossible (though 32-bit systems also have their own problems). However, it was discovered that with the DRM removed, the game installs and runs rather well. \n* Fartillery: An early boss uses his farts as a weapon, which not only do damage but also poison you. \n* First-Person Shooter: When playing as Ailish or Elco in combat mode. \n* Gibbering Genius: Elco, lampshaded by Ailish. \n* Good Morning, Crono: This crossed with Sleepyhead is how the game starts. \n* Gratuitous Japanese: The mistranslated title was going to be \"Suteki\", which means \"excellent\", according to the official developers. \n* Jerkass: Arlo, in spades. \n* Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards: Subverted. Ranged characters like Ailish and Elco can be nigh on Game Breaker useful since they can use First-Person Shooter tactics to circle strafe enemies to death, thus allowing them to One-Man Army everything on the battlefield while avoiding damage as long as they keep moving. Melee fightrs, while they get to deal far more damage, they have very few means of consistently avoiding getting dogpiled by enemies. \n* Ludicrous Gibs: Tal and Buki killing often means that enemy explodes into gore. Any kill by special attack. \n* Momma's Boy: Tal. \n* Our Angels Are Different: A few show up as messengers from above to announce each hero is The Chosen One since they are the ancestors of the ancient heroes mentioned in the backstory, and they also hand out each character's Take a Level In Badass power. \n* Redheaded Hero: Tal. \n* Heroes Want Redheads: Ailish has a blatantly obvious crush on Tal. \n* Royals Who Actually Do Something: Ailish is not content to sit on her ass all day and stay out of trouble. At all. \n* Stripperiffic: The playable female cast. \n* The High Queen: Ailish's mother. \n* \"Well Done, Son\" Guy: Tal, at the very least, would greatly enjoy not having General Arlo (his father) treat him like a screwup every five minutes, especially towards the beginning of the game where the plot screws him over independent of his actions. \n* Well, Excuse Me, Princess!: How Ailish and Tal get along when they first meet."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Sudeki is a Role Playing Game for the X Box made in 2004 (ported to PC in 2005) that, oddly, despite being made by Western game designers, is basically an Animesque Eastern RPG experience. The plot is fairly simple. There are two worlds, one of Light, and one of Shadow. During the game, the worlds suffer a calamity and everything goes pear shaped as a result, and you and your party have to fix it."@en . . . . . . . "Sudeki"@en .