"How do I know who answered my question on Wikianswers"@en . . "There is a history link at the top of every question, showing you everyone that has contributed to the answer. If you're logged in, you can also use your watchlist (Questions you ask are automatically added to your watchlist by default). You can also see the people that answered listed in the \"answered by\" section at the end of any answered question. See also Why aren't answers signed on Wikianswers."@en . . "There is a history link at the top of every question, showing you everyone that has contributed to the answer. If you're logged in, you can also use your watchlist (Questions you ask are automatically added to your watchlist by default). You can also see the people that answered listed in the \"answered by\" section at the end of any answered question. See also Why aren't answers signed on Wikianswers."@en .