. . "DATE: DAY 10, MONTH 6, 17BBY \"We're going home, boys!\" I couldn't WAIT till that day. Finally, we were going back to Kamino. Everyone in the mess hall cheered. A couple of them even whistled. I winced as I got up to polish my armor for the last time. I can't believe we're going home. Even though I got injured 3 weeks ago, I still had the excrutiating pain. It took the docotor three hours to get all the shrapnel out. \"Lighten up, kid.\" Jad, the most jerk-like clone there was, came over to my table. Even though he WAS a jerk, he had lightened up lately. \"We'll be back soon. You won't have to fret.\" \"What about you?\" I wittedly said. Jad's \"possy\" gasped. Jad waved to them to be quiet. \"Okay, okay,\" he said reluctantly. \"I see you're getting more witty.\" Jad put his hand on my shoulder. We both walked back to the barracks together. When we got into the room, General Tresh was standing there, arms folded. He was standing tall above us, looking down (of course) at us. Oh no, I thought, as me and Jad both stood up to attention at the sight of Tresh. \"I see you're getting alone well,\" he said in his low, deep voice. He sort of reminded me of General Krell. Oh Krell, I thought. \"You two will be stationed together on Kamino.\" He led us both back into the War Room. \"I just got this transmission from Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.\" The familliar hologram of General Kenobi lit up the holo-screen. The image flickered, and so did his voice; but you could still make out the wods. \"We have been [...] by Ventress' forces [...] need reinforcements [...] bring your best men.\" \"That is all we heard before Platform 12, where Master Kenobi was, was blown to smitherines by a Trident. Fortunately, Kenobi got out in one piece.\" Whew, I thought relieved. \"You mean we ARE going home...\" \"Yes.\" Tresh messed with some controls on the main computer. No doubt he was making preparations for us to go home. (Kamino, of course.) \"But not the way we thought.\" \"No.\" He tapped ever faster. He must have been wanting us to go FASTER. Nice, I thought. Just what I was getting away from. I did NOT want to go to battle again. But I knew I had to protect my home planet and all my brothers there. I took a deep breath; so did Jad. \"For our brothers,\" I whispered to Jad. \"For our brothers.\" We both put our arms around each other and sighed. \"Okay. We're ready.\" Tresh came walking over to us with armor in his hands. But we already have armor on, I thought. \"You will be wear these,\" he said, handing them to us. \"They are Phase 2 armor. They will protect you better than those,\" he touched our armor, \"flimsy plates.\" He directed us towards the loading bay. When we got in there, he showed us a Republic Shuttle. \"You will travel on this.\" \"Hello.\" A Republic Pilot came our way. \"I will fly you to Kamino.\" We walked towards him and into the shuttle. Back home, I thought, looking out the window. When we landed, we were greeted by Captain Rex. He saluted us, we saluted back. \"Men.\" He handed us two sniper rifles. \"You will need these. Now follow me.\" He led us down a few halls, past the training area, and to a roof-top overlooking a full military army. Wow, I thought. That army is HUGE! \"Gee. Lou.\" The commander spoke in fluent Ronain. \"I'm guessing when you guys on Rondai-2 were fighting battle droids,\" Captain Rex said, \"these guys made a pact with the Seppys and came to destroy the cloners.\" \"Well, that was bad timing.\" Me and Jad both sighed. \"We'll get on it right away.\" \"Let me tell you the plan...\""@en . "Diary of A Clone/2"@en . . . "22"^^ . "JediForJesus"@en . "JediForJesus"@en . "JediForJesus"@en . "Entry 2"@en . "--05-20"^^ . . . "DATE: DAY 10, MONTH 6, 17BBY \"We're going home, boys!\" I couldn't WAIT till that day. Finally, we were going back to Kamino. Everyone in the mess hall cheered. A couple of them even whistled. I winced as I got up to polish my armor for the last time. I can't believe we're going home. Even though I got injured 3 weeks ago, I still had the excrutiating pain. It took the docotor three hours to get all the shrapnel out. \"What about you?\" I wittedly said. Jad's \"possy\" gasped. Jad waved to them to be quiet. Whew, I thought relieved. \"You mean we ARE going home...\" \"But not the way we thought.\""@en . .