. . . "Cologne was a pleasant scent that sentients applied to themselves. This was often used to cover bad smells. Different brands existed, such as Tauntaun Splash-On Cologne and Hapan cologne. A Rodian bounty hunter, Slyder, applied cologne to cover his strong pheromones. Vor senator Fyg Boras of the New Republic wore cologne with a mint scent."@en . . . . . "Blue Zone"@en . . "The flag of Cologne."@en . . . "After World War II, Cologne was in the British occupation zone of Germany. Before World War II, Konrad Adenauer served as mayor of the city, until he was taken by the Nazis as a political prisoner. After the war, Adenauer was liberated, and made his home in Cologne for the few months before his tragic visit to Erlangen."@en . "Cologne is a select-able nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. Its government type is a Theocracy."@en . "Cologne is an elder of the Joketsuzoku, a more or less isolated tribe in the Chinese wilderness. Because the Joketsuzoku is a tribe ruled by the women, they are described as 'Chinese Amazons' by English speakers. Cologne is the great-grandmother of Shampoo, one of the many female suitors for Ranma Saotome in the anime and manga Ranma 1/2. Though over a hundred years old (the anime goes so far as to say she may be three hundred years old) and short in height, she is a formidable opponent in battle. She is sometimes the go-to person for anyone seeking advice or exposition. But of course, she will not teach her ancient Joketsuzoku techniques to just anyone. Cologne has been played by Chris Lang in all her Traitor Game appearances."@en . "Red Zone"@en . . "Cologne is an elder of the Joketsuzoku, a more or less isolated tribe in the Chinese wilderness. Because the Joketsuzoku is a tribe ruled by the women, they are described as 'Chinese Amazons' by English speakers. Cologne has been played by Chris Lang in all her Traitor Game appearances."@en . "Cologne is a city in Germany. Its name comes from the Latin word for colony as the Romans founded the city as a colony. Cologne is situated in a part of Germany which was once part of the Roman Empire."@en . "Cologne \u00E4r en parfym fr\u00E5n planeten Jorden. Cologne kommer fr\u00E5n Tyskland. Under 2003 blev Doktor Jay Felgers assistent Chloe Angstrom \u00F6verraskad att han kom till Stargate Command i slips. Han ber\u00E4ttade att han b\u00E4r slipsar och hon fr\u00E5gade och cologne. Felger svarade att de inte var inget fel med en man med stolthet med sitt utseende och lukt. (SG1: \"Avenger 2.0\")"@sv . "Formerly Happosai"@en . . . "Female"@en . . "Viz communications"@en . . . "The Assassin apprentices sent by Ezio Auditore da Firenze from Rome traveled to Cologne to meet with Conradus Celtis, a scholar who had discovered begun to uncover the existence of the Assassin Order through his thorough research. The Assassins managed to persuade him of the need to keep their existence secret, and Celtis agreed to keep his research hidden."@en . . "Joketsuzoku"@en . "Traitor Game V, Traitor Game VI, Traitor Game VII , Traitor Game IX, Traitor Game XIV, Traitor Game XX"@en . . . "Cologne, Germany, with its one million inhabitants, is the largest city in northern Rhineland. It is situated in the German state of North-Rhine Westphalia, in a wonderful landscape of castles, villages and hills, covered with forest and vineyards. The city stands on the banks of the river Rhine and some of the best views of the city can be had directly from the river. Cologne is an elegant city, which functions as a show piece for numerous industrial sectors including the perfume industry, which still today makes the famous 'Cologne Water', originally produced in 1709. Thanks to its excellent air, land and water links, the city was already considered the nerve point for transport to the west at the time of the Roman Empire. This is further confirmed by the presence today of 10 European motorways which converge on Cologne's ring-road system. The city's railway station is considered the most important hub in Europe. From the two main airports Cologne/Bonn and D\u00FCsseldorf it is possible to reach over 200 destinations around the world. Cologne is also considered the media capital of Germany. In no other place in the Federal German Republic, are there such a large number of activities, directly linked to the world of telecommunication. From an artistic point of view, Cologne offers its visitors a wide choice of attractions. The main monument is the Dom, the geographic and spiritual heart of the city and probably the most famous religious building in Germany. It required 632 years before the construction of this magnificent church, the largest cathedral in Germany, was completed. The foundations were laid in 1248, but following initial rapid progress, work slowed, due to a lack of funds and stopped completely in 1560. It was only thanks to the romantic enthusiasm for the Medieval period expressed by the Prussian Court, that in the 1800s, work restarted and the cathedral was finally able to be inaugurated in 1880. The interior of the cathedral houses some important works, including the Gerone Cross and the King's Shrine, which is said to contain the remains of the Three Wise Men. The gold, jewel-studded sarcophagus was taken from Milan in 1164, as part of the war bounty for the Chancellor of Federico Barbarossa. Other notable features of the cathedral's interior include: the choir stalls and the alter piece featuring the adoration of the Three Wise Men, which dates back to the 15th century. The 509 steps of the west tower of the Dom, Europe's tallest building before the construction of the Eiffel Tower, provides the breathless visitor with spectacular views over the city. From here it is possible to observe Peter's Dome, weighing 24 tons and housing the largest bell in the world. Apart from the Dom, the splendour which Cologne acquired during the Medieval period is apparent in its magnificent churches including: Gross St. Martin with its four towers, St. Maria im Kapitol and St. Gereon with its magnificent decagon dome and four floors dating back to the 13th century. The city also bears evidence of its ancient past, when it was a Roman settlement. In the Cathedral Square it is possible to see the archway in the north part of the wall, while a short distance away in Roncalliplatz 4, on the walls of the R\u00F6misch-Germanisches Museum, together with two Roman wells, there are the remains of a Roman gate, which leads to the banks of the Rhine. The Medieval Town Hall (Rathaus) is noteworthy for its Gothic tower and Renaissance lodge. Here it is also possible to visit the ruins of the ancient Palace of Pretoria."@en . "Rheinlaender"@en . . "Cologne (\u30B3\u30ED\u30F3 Koron?) is the leader of the Chinese Amazons and the great-grandmother of Shampoo."@en . "Nicknames"@en . "\u30B3\u30ED\u30F3"@en . . . "After World War II, Cologne was in the British occupation zone of Germany. Before World War II, Konrad Adenauer served as mayor of the city, until he was taken by the Nazis as a political prisoner. After the war, Adenauer was liberated, and made his home in Cologne for the few months before his tragic visit to Erlangen."@en . "First TG Appearance"@en . "Cologne (\u30B3\u30ED\u30F3 Koron?) is the leader of the Chinese Amazons and the great-grandmother of Shampoo."@en . . . . "Traitor Game Roles"@en . . "Cologne"@fr . . "Cologne1.PNG"@en . . . "Um sp\u00E4testens 18:00 Uhr geht es dann gem\u00FCtlich durch die K\u00F6lner Innenstadt - die Strecke bestimmt der, der vorne f\u00E4hrt. Weitere Informationen gibt es im Weblog der K\u00F6lner CM unter Critical Mass K\u00F6ln. Ab M\u00E4rz 2012 gibt es zus\u00E4tzlich einen Critical Mass Nightride/Speedride."@en . . . "Elder of the Joketsuzoku"@en . . "Cologne, Germany, with its one million inhabitants, is the largest city in northern Rhineland. It is situated in the German state of North-Rhine Westphalia, in a wonderful landscape of castles, villages and hills, covered with forest and vineyards. The city stands on the banks of the river Rhine and some of the best views of the city can be had directly from the river."@en . "Kathleen Barr"@en . . . . . . "Purple"@en . . . "Cat\u00E9gorie:Objet Cat\u00E9gorie:Hygi\u00E8ne Cat\u00E9gorie:Arme right|thumb|300px|S'appliquer ou boire Cologne pr\u00E9vient les risques d'arthrose et renforce le m\u00E9tabolismeCologne est un terme g\u00E9n\u00E9rique tr\u00E8s largement accept\u00E9 et utilis\u00E9 pour d\u00E9crire un parfum pour Homme ou pour Femme, lorsqu'il est utilis\u00E9 comme lotion apr\u00E8s-rasage. L'Eau de Toilette, l'Eau de Parfum et l'Aftershave sont des eaux de Cologne non dilu\u00E9es, chacun \u00E9tant adapt\u00E9 \u00E0 des utilisations diff\u00E9rentes. C'est une fausse id\u00E9e re\u00E7ue que de croire que Cologne est une ville en Allemagne de l'Ouest. L'eau de Cologne est compos\u00E9e de 4 \u00E0 6% d'essences, et peut \u00E9galement servir de carburant pour votre tracteur personnel."@fr . "Unnamed grandson or grandson-in-law"@en . "Cologne was a pleasant scent that sentients applied to themselves. This was often used to cover bad smells. Different brands existed, such as Tauntaun Splash-On Cologne and Hapan cologne. A Rodian bounty hunter, Slyder, applied cologne to cover his strong pheromones. Vor senator Fyg Boras of the New Republic wore cologne with a mint scent."@en . "Cat\u00E9gorie:Objet Cat\u00E9gorie:Hygi\u00E8ne Cat\u00E9gorie:Arme right|thumb|300px|S'appliquer ou boire Cologne pr\u00E9vient les risques d'arthrose et renforce le m\u00E9tabolismeCologne est un terme g\u00E9n\u00E9rique tr\u00E8s largement accept\u00E9 et utilis\u00E9 pour d\u00E9crire un parfum pour Homme ou pour Femme, lorsqu'il est utilis\u00E9 comme lotion apr\u00E8s-rasage. L'Eau de Toilette, l'Eau de Parfum et l'Aftershave sont des eaux de Cologne non dilu\u00E9es, chacun \u00E9tant adapt\u00E9 \u00E0 des utilisations diff\u00E9rentes. C'est une fausse id\u00E9e re\u00E7ue que de croire que Cologne est une ville en Allemagne de l'Ouest."@fr . . . . . . "Cologne"@en . . . "Cologne (German: K\u00F6ln (help\u00B7info), IPA: [k\u0153ln]; local dialect: K\u00F6lle [\u02C8k\u0153\u026B\u0259]) is one of the oldest cities in Germany, having been founded by the Romans in the year 30 BC. Cologne was granted the status of a Roman \"city\" in the year 50 AD. Cologne lies on the Rhine."@en . . "Male"@en . "Ruins of the city near Lanxess Arena"@en . "Koron"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Overrun by Tiberium"@en . . . "Cologne"@en . "9.46728E10"^^ . . . . "Koron"@en . ""@en . ""@en . . "The Assassin apprentices sent by Ezio Auditore da Firenze from Rome traveled to Cologne to meet with Conradus Celtis, a scholar who had discovered begun to uncover the existence of the Assassin Order through his thorough research. The Assassins managed to persuade him of the need to keep their existence secret, and Celtis agreed to keep his research hidden."@en . "Catholic"@en . . "Martial Artist"@en . . . "Base of Operations"@en . "1024373"^^ . "Traitor Game History"@en . . . . . . . "Restaurant owner"@en . . "Koron"@en . . . . . . . "Cologne \u00E4r en parfym fr\u00E5n planeten Jorden. Cologne kommer fr\u00E5n Tyskland. Under 2003 blev Doktor Jay Felgers assistent Chloe Angstrom \u00F6verraskad att han kom till Stargate Command i slips. Han ber\u00E4ttade att han b\u00E4r slipsar och hon fr\u00E5gade och cologne. Felger svarade att de inte var inget fel med en man med stolthet med sitt utseende och lukt. (SG1: \"Avenger 2.0\")"@sv . "Cologne was invented by Albert Einstein in 1938 as an anti-war measure in an attempt to stop the Nazis invading his homeland of Austria. Detailed plans to drop three cubic tonnes of Jew-scented cologne onto the Nazi HQ in Munich were produced by the US government but were soon quashed after Adolf Hitler apologised personally to Albert Einstein live on national television. 92% of the stock pile of cologne produced and developed for warfare during WW2 was sold by the US government in the 50s to Christian Dior (43%) and Chanel (51%) respectively."@en . . "__NOEDITSECTION__"@fr . "150"^^ . . "Cologne is Germany's fourth-largest city (after Berlin, Hamburg, and Munich), and is the largest city both in the German Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia and within the Rhine-Ruhr Metropolitan Area, one of the major European metropolitan areas with more than ten million inhabitants."@en . . "Cologne (English pronunciation: /k\u0259\u02C8lo\u028An/, German: K\u00F6ln [k\u0153ln], K\u00F6lsch: K\u00F6lle [\u02C8k\u0153\u026B\u0259]) is Germany's fourth-largest city (after Berlin, Hamburg, and Munich), and is the largest city both in the German Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia and within the Rhine-Ruhr Metropolitan Area, one of the major European metropolitan areas with more than ten million inhabitants."@en . "KOL"@en . "Group Affiliations"@en . "Ranma \u00BD: Ch\u014Dnai Gekit\u014Dhen"@en . . "Cologne was very calm and caring for his partner. Unlike the other fairies, he was mature in thought and action. He worried about Cure Moonlight constantly for taking the burden of Pretty Cure, but understood the kindness in her heart."@en . . . . "Cologne (English pronunciation: /k\u0259\u02C8lo\u028An/, German: K\u00F6ln [k\u0153ln], K\u00F6lsch: K\u00F6lle [\u02C8k\u0153\u026B\u0259]) is Germany's fourth-largest city (after Berlin, Hamburg, and Munich), and is the largest city both in the German Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia and within the Rhine-Ruhr Metropolitan Area, one of the major European metropolitan areas with more than ten million inhabitants. Cologne is located on both sides of the Rhine River. The city's famous Cologne Cathedral (K\u00F6lner Dom) is the seat of the Catholic Archbishop of Cologne. The University of Cologne (Universit\u00E4t zu K\u00F6ln), established in 1388, is one of Europe's oldest and largest universities."@en . "405.15"^^ . "Brown"@en . . . "Traitor Game V"@en . "\u30B3\u30ED\u30F3"@en . . . . "Cologne (German: K\u00F6ln) is a large city in the western territory of the former nation state of Germany. Cologne is located near the river Rhine. The most famous sight of the city is the Cologne Cathedral. The motto of Cologne is to \"live and let live\". The Cologne Cathedral became badly damaged during World War III. The restoration of the cathedral was completed in 2392. (Dragon Ball Z vs. Star Trek: The Way of Infinity) Cologne is also the hometown of the Colognefighters TNG. Rene Michael had a house in Cologne. (Dimensional Prophecy of Zohar)"@en . . . . . "Cologne is the Holy Germanian Empire's fourth-largest city (after Berlin, Hamburg and Munich). It is one of the oldest cities in Holy Germania, having been founded by the Romans in the year 38 BC. Cologne lies on the River Rhine. The city's famous Cologne Cathedral (K\u00F6lner Dom) is the seat of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Cologne. The University of Cologne is one of CP's oldest universities. In 2005 Cologne hosted the 20th Roman Catholic World Youth Day with Pope Benedict XVI."@en . "Europe"@en . "Cologne"@sv . . . "__NOEDITSECTION__"@fr . "Brown"@en . "Cologne is a select-able nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. Its government type is a Theocracy."@en . . "150"^^ . . . "2014-02-01"^^ . . "Cologne is a city in Germany. Its name comes from the Latin word for colony as the Romans founded the city as a colony. Cologne is situated in a part of Germany which was once part of the Roman Empire."@en . . . "Alternates between Joketsuzoku village in Chinese wilderness and the Nekohanten Chinese restaurant in Nerima, Japan"@en . "Cologne is Germany's fourth-largest city (after Berlin, Hamburg, and Munich), and is the largest city both in the German Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia and within the Rhine-Ruhr Metropolitan Area, one of the major European metropolitan areas with more than ten million inhabitants."@en . "Cologne was invented by Albert Einstein in 1938 as an anti-war measure in an attempt to stop the Nazis invading his homeland of Austria. Detailed plans to drop three cubic tonnes of Jew-scented cologne onto the Nazi HQ in Munich were produced by the US government but were soon quashed after Adolf Hitler apologised personally to Albert Einstein live on national television. 92% of the stock pile of cologne produced and developed for warfare during WW2 was sold by the US government in the 50s to Christian Dior (43%) and Chanel (51%) respectively."@en . . . "great-grandmother , old ghoul , old mummy , elder"@en . "Happosai"@en . . . . "Cologne was very calm and caring for his partner. Unlike the other fairies, he was mature in thought and action. He worried about Cure Moonlight constantly for taking the burden of Pretty Cure, but understood the kindness in her heart."@en . . "Western"@en . . "Purple"@en . . . . "Cologne (\u30B3\u30ED\u30F3 Koron?) was once Tsukikage Yuri's fairy partner in Heartcatch Pretty Cure!. He, along with Cure Moonlight, protected the Tree of Hearts until he died protecting her. As all other fairy partners have been shown to give Pretty Cure their Pretty Cure Seeds, it is highly likely that he did the same. He was also Chypre and Coffret's upperclassman, making him possibly a powerful fairy."@en . "Cologne"@en . "Cologne (\u30B3\u30ED\u30F3 Koron?) was once Tsukikage Yuri's fairy partner in Heartcatch Pretty Cure!. He, along with Cure Moonlight, protected the Tree of Hearts until he died protecting her. As all other fairy partners have been shown to give Pretty Cure their Pretty Cure Seeds, it is highly likely that he did the same. He was also Chypre and Coffret's upperclassman, making him possibly a powerful fairy."@en . . "Elan Ross Gibson"@en . . "5767856"^^ . . "\u2122 / \u00A9 Owner"@en . . "Roughly 118-220"@en . "Low Tiberium contamination"@en . . . . . . . . "\u30B3\u30ED\u30F3"@en . "The flag of Cologne."@en . . . "Shampoo"@en . ""@en . "Cologne (German: K\u00F6ln (help\u00B7info), IPA: [k\u0153ln]; local dialect: K\u00F6lle [\u02C8k\u0153\u026B\u0259]) is one of the oldest cities in Germany, having been founded by the Romans in the year 30 BC. Cologne was granted the status of a Roman \"city\" in the year 50 AD. Cologne lies on the Rhine."@en . "Occupation"@en . . "New Eden blue zone, Germany"@en . "Doctor Doom, Darth Jubba, Kammy Koopa, Sif"@en . "Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Powers and Abilities"@en . . . "Traitor Game Rivals"@en . "Old ghoul, by Ranma"@en . "Cologne (\u53EF\u5D18, K\u011B L\u00FAn?, or \u30B3\u30ED\u30F3 Koron) is the great-grandmother of Shampoo and upon Shampoo's return to Japan, she moved to Japan with her and opened the Cat Cafe. Cologne is a master martial artist and knows many techniques that had been lost to the ages. She is a constant source of trouble for Ranma, because she knows how strong he is and that the would make an excellent fiance for her great-granddaughter. But despite causing so many problems for Ranma, she honestly likes him and has helped him to become a much more talented martial artist teaching he and Ryoga such techniques as the Bakusai Tenketsu, Kachu Tenshin Amaguirken and the Hiryu Shoten Ha. She also helps out Ranma in Dire need"@en . "Princess Cologne-chan"@en . "* Theme Park Employee\n* Numbers Hunter"@en . "Cologne"@en . "Cologne (German: K\u00F6ln) is a large city in the western territory of the former nation state of Germany. Cologne is located near the river Rhine. The most famous sight of the city is the Cologne Cathedral. The motto of Cologne is to \"live and let live\". The Cologne Cathedral became badly damaged during World War III. The restoration of the cathedral was completed in 2392. (Dragon Ball Z vs. Star Trek: The Way of Infinity) Cologne is also the hometown of the Colognefighters TNG. Rene Michael had a house in Cologne. (Dimensional Prophecy of Zohar)"@en . . "37 m"@en . "Great-grandmother, by Shampoo"@en . "Cologne (\u53EF\u5D18, K\u011B L\u00FAn?, or \u30B3\u30ED\u30F3 Koron) is the great-grandmother of Shampoo and upon Shampoo's return to Japan, she moved to Japan with her and opened the Cat Cafe. Cologne is a master martial artist and knows many techniques that had been lost to the ages. She is a constant source of trouble for Ranma, because she knows how strong he is and that the would make an excellent fiance for her great-granddaughter. But despite causing so many problems for Ranma, she honestly likes him and has helped him to become a much more talented martial artist teaching he and Ryoga such techniques as the Bakusai Tenketsu, Kachu Tenshin Amaguirken and the Hiryu Shoten Ha. She also helps out Ranma in Dire need Cologne also had a relationship with Happosai in the past. He visited her village in China decades ago and fell in love with her. Of course Cologne was much more attractive then, but she did not fall for Happosai's lustful charms. The two seniors have now become rivals and can not stand each other. Cologne can be broken down to \"approve\" and \"rugged mountain-place\" which has no real meaning. The real pun in Cologne's name though, is that all the Chinese characters are named after beauty products, such as Mousse and Shampoo."@en . "Shampoo"@en . "K\u00F6ln"@en . . . "Traitor Game VII"@en . . . "Um sp\u00E4testens 18:00 Uhr geht es dann gem\u00FCtlich durch die K\u00F6lner Innenstadt - die Strecke bestimmt der, der vorne f\u00E4hrt. Weitere Informationen gibt es im Weblog der K\u00F6lner CM unter Critical Mass K\u00F6ln. Ab M\u00E4rz 2012 gibt es zus\u00E4tzlich einen Critical Mass Nightride/Speedride."@en . "Cologne is the Holy Germanian Empire's fourth-largest city (after Berlin, Hamburg and Munich). It is one of the oldest cities in Holy Germania, having been founded by the Romans in the year 38 BC. Cologne lies on the River Rhine. The city's famous Cologne Cathedral (K\u00F6lner Dom) is the seat of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Cologne. The University of Cologne is one of CP's oldest universities. Cologne is a major cultural center of the Rhineland and has a vibrant arts scene. Cologne is home to more than 30 museums and hundreds of galleries. Exhibitions range from local ancient Roman archeological sites to contemporary graphics and sculpture. The city's Trade Fair Grounds are host to a number of trade shows such as the Art Cologne Fair, the International Furniture Fair (IMM) and the Photokina. Cologne is also well-known for its celebration of Cologne Carnival, the annual reggae summerjam, and the gay/lesbian pride festival Christopher Street Day (CSD). Within Holy Germania, Cologne is known as an important media center. Several radio and television stations, including Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR), RTL and VOX, have their headquarters in the city. Both Pro7 and Sat.1 produce TV shows in Cologne as well. Further, the city hosts the Cologne Comedy Festival, which is considered to be the largest comedy festival in mainland Capitalist Paradise. In 2005 Cologne hosted the 20th Roman Catholic World Youth Day with Pope Benedict XVI."@en . "Several ancient skills and techniques"@en . "300"^^ . . . . "White"@en . .