"Endgame is the twelfth studio album by the American heavy metal band Megadeth. It was released via Roadrunner Records (the second of three Megadeth records) on September 15, 2009 and was produced by Dave Mustaine and Andy Sneap. Endgame was the first album featuring guitarist Chris Broderick, following Glen Drover's departure in 2008, and was the band's last studio album with bass guitarist James LoMenzo; original bassist Dave Ellefson would rejoin the band only several months after the album's release."@en . "Brandy Ledford as Zarin"@en . . . . . "1487"^^ . . "Endgame is a member of the anime/manga boards at GameFAQs. He is the creator of HSOWA (Hot Skitty On Wailord Action) and is obsessed with May, from Pokemon, and had a rivalry once with Yoshifan823 and currently has a rivalry with jlh28532. Was banned and came back in too many forms to count. He loathes most RPGs, espically the Final Fantasy games. Bastard."@en . . "231"^^ . . "Steel Release: Impervious Armour"@en . . . . . "EndGame"@en . . . "Kita"@en . "Jun 2011"@en . "Offensive"@en . "874312876"^^ . "Endgame"@nl . "2611.0"^^ . "112"^^ . . . . "Community Favorites"@en . "When Brutus kills Ephiny in the heat of battle, Gabrielle takes over as the rightful Queen of the Amazons. Meanwhile, Xena pursues Brutus, hoping he'll lead her to Pompey."@en . . . . . "Dan Shea as MSgt. Sylvester Siler"@en . . . . "Mark Gibbon as M'zel"@en . . . "Log Title: Endgame Characters: Capt Zero, Lt Bludd Location: Springfield, IL, (SG) Date: 8 August 2013 Summary: Capt Zero takes Lt Bludd to Springfield to be reunited with his family at last. As logged by Lt Bludd"@en . . . . . . "Tooned In"@en . . . . . "The full synopsis of this event is unknown."@en . . . "Endgame"@en . "8.1"^^ . . . . . . "14"^^ . "\"Endgame\" is the tenth episode of the eighth season of Stargate SG-1."@en . . . . . . "12351"^^ . "VOY"@en . "Renewal"@en . "string sEndMovie"@en . . . . . "\"Endgame\" is the twelfth episode of The Legend of Korra, and also the last episode of the show's first season."@en . . . . "The full synopsis of this event is unknown."@en . . . . "Bolin, Asami, and Iroh travel on Naga toward the Equalist airbase. Upon arrival, Iroh tells Bolin to use his earthbending to destroy the airstrips to prevent the biplanes from taking off or landing. They head down to the base, leaving Naga and Pabu behind. However, as they make their way toward the base, they are electrocuted by wireless fence posts that render them unconscious. Meanwhile, Mako and Korra arrive at Amon's rally, disguised as Equalist chi blockers. Amon appears on stage and begins his speech by recounting his fabricated past. At that moment, Korra unmasks herself and denounces Amon as a liar, revealing his true name, Noatak, and his status as a bender. The Lieutenant and the crowd are unsettled by Korra's claims, prompting Amon to dismiss her accusations. He pauses, deciding to let Korra speak freely to the crowd, assuring them that there is nothing to fear. Korra continues speaking, telling the crowd that Amon has been removing people's bending through the use of bloodbending, that his family was not killed by a firebender, and that he is Yakone's son and Councilman Tarrlok's older brother. Unnoticed by Amon, the Lieutenant eyes widen in shock at the revelation, though an unfazed Amon merely counters that Korra is desperate and making up stories as a \"pathetic last resort\". He substantiates his counter by revealing his \"scarred\" face, causing the crowd to disbelieve Korra and reaffirm their faith in him. Korra tries to persuade them, but to no avail. Mako points out that regardless, they have said what was needed and should escape. As Mako and Korra ready themselves to fight several approaching Equalists, Amon reveals a shocking surprise: he has captured Tenzin and his family. Asami and the others wake up in a prison cell. Hiroshi Sato apologizes to Asami for hurting her, but tells her that he believes she will one day come to her senses and they will be able to be a family again. Asami rejects his words and exclaims her mother would hate him for what he has become. Enraged, Hiroshi condemns his daughter and declares that he is still avenging his wife's death. At that moment, a chi blocker informs him that the airplanes are ready for take-off. Hiroshi gives the order to annihilate the second United Forces fleet, much to Iroh and Bolin's surprise. Hiroshi goes on to goad Iroh, revealing that Equalist forces had intercepted his message to Bumi and now know exactly where the Second Division Fleet is hiding. Dismayed, Asami laments their poor chances of escape. Iroh asks Bolin if he can metalbend, which he, solely as an earthbender, is unable to do, much to Iroh's chagrin. Soon after, Naga bursts in and breaks the prison bars. Pabu helps the three out of their bonds by chewing through them, and the group races to the airstrip where the planes have already started taking off. Iroh goes after the planes, Bolin rides off with Naga, and Asami boards one of the empty mecha tanks, commenting that it is similar to a Future Industries forklift. Iroh uses his firebending to propel himself onto one of the planes in the middle of take-off. He throws the pilot out of the cockpit and takes control, regardless of his lack of piloting experience. He soon figures out the rudimentary controls of his craft and gives chase to the airborne planes. Meanwhile, at the rally, Amon announces that he will rid the world of airbending forever. Korra demands he let Tenzin and his family go, prompting Amon to taunt her, saying she is welcome to try and save them. Mako cautions Korra that Amon is baiting them, but the situation gives them no other option. Mako fires lightning at Amon, forcing him away from the airbenders. Using firebending to give them supporting force, Mako and Korra run on the face of the adjacent wall and land on the stage, hurling fire blasts to further push Amon and his forces back. Korra releases Tenzin while asking him if he knows the location of Pema, Rohan, or Lin Beifong. Tenzin replies that he knows where Pema and the baby are imprisoned, but is clueless as to Lin's whereabouts. Freed, Tenzin rushes to the front of the battle and airbends gales of wind, knocking the remaining Equalist guards off the stage, and finally Amon who had been evading incoming fire and air. As the fighting continues, Korra releases the three kids and they escape into a backstage corridor. Upon reaching a fork in the corridor, Korra opts to stay behind and create a diversion as Tenzin and his family escape. Tenzin and the kids go to rescue Pema and Rohan; Korra and Mako turn back to see Amon enter the corridor. The two run off down the fork opposite of Tenzin and the kids. Korra conjures flame walls to hinder Amon and they enter one of the doors ahead. Undaunted, Amon chases after them, paying little heed to the flames, hopping over them. Korra, hidden beneath a table covered by a cloth, watches Amon's feet slowly walk past. He pauses momentarily and walks on. As soon as Korra breathes a sigh of relief, however, she is pulled out from hiding by Amon's bloodbending. As she is suspended in midair, Mako emerges and hurls fire at Amon, trying to save Korra, but he is subdued as well. Defeated, Korra has her bending taken away at the hands of Amon. Upon release, she collapses to the ground and he gloats in victory. In the meantime, Iroh has been giving chase to the airplanes over the skies of Republic City. He fires lightning at the middle plane in the Equalists' formation and it crashes into the one on its immediate right, taking two down in one hit. The other planes scatter with Iroh chasing one of them. It releases a bola that becomes entangled in Iroh's propeller, thus stopping his plane. Iroh jumps off in midair immediately before the plane explodes. He uses the air resistance to position himself and uses firebending to boost himself and navigate onto the wing of one of the remaining planes. He punches out a fire blast to destroy the plane right in front of him. He subsequently rolls toward the cockpit, fire-kicks the pilot out and falls into the recently vacated seat. The ejected Equalist manages to release his parachute. However, Iroh is not given much time to rest as a bomb falls on the left tip of his tail-wing. As he desperately tries to maintain control, the last airplane maneuvers directly above him and prepares to drop a bomb right into Iroh's cockpit. Seeing this, Iroh firebends a blast straight up into the opposing plane's bomb-bay and destroys it. Approaching the Equalist-modified statue of Aang, he gives up on regaining control and jumps off, grabbing onto the Equalist-emblazoned cloth now hanging from the staff. The plane crashes into the Amon mask on the statue's face and Iroh witnesses the mask fall off revealing Aang's face. He subsequently thanks Aang for looking out for him. Back at the airbase, Bolin has already rendered four of the five airstrips useless via his earthbending and proceeds to destroy the last one as three mecha tanks approach him. Equalists attack him with their cables just as he finishes. Suddenly, Naga jumps in, grabbing all three cables in her mouth and flipping over the three mecha tanks in one go. They fall and slide until they are a breath's distance from Bolin's face. He thanks Naga, who seems overjoyed to have finally assisted in the fight. At that time, Asami is within one of the hangars, destroying the remaining planes with her newly acquired mecha tank. Hiroshi appears in another mecha tank and confronts her, telling her that she is aiding the very people who killed her mother. Asami angrily cuts his contention down, telling him that he does not feel love for her mother anymore, rather acting upon the hatred he feels for benders. Angered, Hiroshi calls her an ungrateful and insolent child, charging at her shortly thereafter. Asami releases wires to entrap him, but Hiroshi avoids them and takes this chance to ram his mecha tank into hers, launching her away and onto her back. He approaches the fallen mecha tank and proceeds to bash in Asami's cockpit. He says that he now sees that Asami cannot be saved and prepares to deal the final blow. At that moment, Bolin hurls rocks at Hiroshi's mecha tank, forcing him away. He charges in on Naga's back, throwing boulders, and yells at Hiroshi for being a horrible father, forcing him further away from his daughter under this new onslaught. Asami seizes the opportunity to stand up and rip the arm off of Hiroshi's mecha tank, tossing him into the hangar wall. Asami approaches and tears off the door to his cockpit. However, she hesitates for a moment and Hiroshi takes this opportunity to launch a cabled claw at her as a distraction so he could climb out of the damaged mecha tank and escape. Voicing her firm realization of Hiroshi as a horrible father, she launches a spinning wire trap, which entangles and electrifies Hiroshi into submission. She bows her head and sheds a tear. Meanwhile, Amon stands before a collapsed Korra and declares her finally powerless. Korra struggles to her knees and tries to bend at him, but to no avail. Despite Amon's victory, the Lieutenant had followed him. He confronts Amon, telling him he witnessed him bloodbending the Avatar. He takes off his mask, throws it to the ground and stomps on it, crushing the in-built goggles. He proclaims Amon to be a traitor, furious that he had pointlessly dedicated his life to him. He proceeds to attack, but is stopped by Amon's bloodbending. Amon thanks him for his service and throws him aside into a pile of timber. Amon turns and walks past the now weakened Korra to approach Mako. He proceeds to bloodbend Mako into position, but Mako manages to inconspicuously point his fingers up at Amon and fires a lightning attack that stuns him. The unexpected attack connects, hurling Amon and slamming him into a corner of the room. Mako, still debilitated by the bloodbending, manages to weakly throw two fire blasts that cause the timbers around Amon to fall on top of him. Knowing that it would not be long before Amon recovers, Mako quickly takes Korra into his arms and runs out into the corridor. Korra begins to tell Mako about her bending, but Mako cuts her off, telling her everything will be all right and that they simply need to escape. Shortly thereafter, he is forced to stop again by Amon, who has caught up to them, causing Mako to drop Korra. Amon bloodbends Mako and slams him into the ceiling, the floor, and the two walls on his sides. Mako collapses and Amon tells him that he is the first person to get the better of him like that. He forcibly bloodbends Mako into submission, saying that it is almost a shame to take away the bending of someone so talented. Korra, seeing this, is unable to accept that Mako is about to suffer a similar fate. In utter desperation and with seemingly no bending, she defiantly throws a punch at Amon. However, wind forms around her fist and hits Amon, causing him to stagger and release his grip on Mako. Her desperation, in tandem with a strong desire to protect Mako, had allowed her to break through her spiritual block, thus enabling her to airbend. Realizing what she had done, Korra proclaims that she can indeed airbend, and regaining her confidence, she launches consecutive air-punches at Amon. Amon is forced back to the window at the end of the corridor, but retaliates, using bloodbending to ensnare Korra. However, Korra is able to resist and forces her leg up and forward to launch a powerful air-kick at Amon, blasting him out the window and into the sea. His mask falls off in mid-air as he plummets into the water in front of many of his Equalist supporters. The supporters gather by the railing and witness Amon's mask float to the surface. The Equalist protester begins pandering to the crowd's anger, branding Korra a bending tyrant and an evil Avatar. Meanwhile, Amon, unconscious, sinks deeper into the sea, while the red ink he used to fabricate the scar on his face begins to dissolve in the water. Suddenly awakening, he finds himself in danger of drowning and instinctively waterbends a spout to force himself up and out of the water, revealing his unmarred face to the crowd. His supporters realize that everything the Avatar told them is the truth and that Amon's entire revolution is a fraud. Seeing that he has lost everything, Amon descends to the surface and rapidly propels himself away from the scene, successfully evading Mako's fire blasts. Back on Air Temple Island, Amon visits his brother Tarrlok, who addresses him by his true name, Noatak. Noatak tells him that it is over and apologizes to Tarrlok for what he did to him. Tarrlok sighs and tells him that it was their father who set them on this path, and fate caused them to collide. He tells Noatak that he should have left with him back when they were boys. Noatak opens the cage door and asks Tarrlok to come with him so that they can start over again, noting that the only thing they have left in the world is each other. Back at the port, Team Avatar, Lin Beifong, and Tenzin and his family gather together. Lin voices her feelings of anguish from Amon taking Korra's bending. Bolin attempts to lighten the mood by mentioning Korra has unlocked her airbending, but fails. Watching the United Forces fleet enter the harbor, Tenzin tries to comfort Korra by telling her she saved Republic City. However, Korra says that it was not enough because Amon successfully escaped. Commander Bumi, son of Aang and brother of Tenzin, sails into port with reinforcements, much to Tenzin's dismay and Ikki's delight, noting he will now have to tolerate and play host to his brother, as the two appear to be complete opposites. Meanwhile, Noatak and Tarrlok are fleeing the city in a speedboat, where Noatak proclaims joyfully that as long as the two of them remain together, there is nothing they cannot do. Tarrlok seems to agree and refers to him by his true name. Noatak repeats it and warmly chuckles, saying that he had almost forgotten the sound of his own name. Tarrlok notices the Equalist gloves on the shelves of the boat. While making sure his brother is preoccupied with driving the boat, he puts on a glove, opens the fuel tank, and places his gloved hand over it, reiterating that \"it will be just like the good old days.\" His words cause Noatak to shed a tear as he looks ahead. As Tarrlok activates the glove, a small spark flashes behind Noatak, resulting in an explosion that kills both of them. Back at the Southern Water Tribe compound, everyone, including Korra's parents, wait as Katara examines Korra in a separate room. Katara emerges and laments that she has tried everything she could, but she cannot restore Korra's bending. Beifong pleads with Katara to keep trying, but Katara says there is nothing more she can do. Korra can still airbend, but her connection to the other elements has been severed. Korra emerges into a roomful of people who look at her with sorrow. Tenzin tries to comfort Korra telling by her it is going to be all right, but Korra incredulously insists it will not. With her connection to the other three elements severed, Korra feels she is nothing more than an airbender, hardly worthy of the title of Avatar. Feeling that the most important piece of her life has been destroyed, she grabs her coat, leaves the room and goes outside. Mako follows and tries to comfort Korra, but she tells him to go away. He agrees, but ensures her that he is there for her. Upon hearing this, Korra corrects him, telling Mako she means for him to go away, back to Republic City and get on with his life. Confused, Mako asks what she is implying. Korra clarifies by telling him that since she is not the Avatar anymore, he does not need to do her any favors and begins to walk away from him. Mako stops her and tells her he does not care whether she is the Avatar or not. He divulges that he was losing his mind when Tarrlok took her, and that he came to the realization that he does truly love her. However, Korra is unable to answer properly, having recently suffered a great loss. She mounts Naga and rides out of the compound. Tenzin approaches Mako and tells him they will need to be patient, as it will take time for Korra to accept what has happened. Korra rides to an ice-cliff overlooking the ocean, dismounts, and walks to the edge. There, she looks to the horizon and silently cries. As a tear rolls down her face and drops she looks down at it as it falls to the thin sliver of ground far below. She starts to sob and sits down, pulling her knees up and burying her head against them, believing that she will never again bend the other elements. Seeing the bottom half of air-monk clothes she assumes it is Tenzin and tells him she wants to be left alone, but the figure replies, \"But you called me here,\" unwilling to leave. Korra, surprised, looks up to see a grown Aang standing there gently smiling at her. He informs her that she has finally connected with her spiritual self. Stunned, she asks how she managed to perform such a feat, and Aang explains that it is when one hits their lowest point, that they are open to the greatest change. As this is said, the forms of Avatars Roku and Kyoshi appear behind him, followed by Kuruk, Yangchen, and hundreds of others, all of them looking toward Korra. She is no longer alone, and she has finally moved past her spiritual block. Aang assumes an energybending position, touching Korra's forehead and heart. His thumbs, eyes, and airbender tattoos glow white along with his silhouette. Behind him, the rest of the Avatars also enter the Avatar State with their eyes glowing. The glow around Aang's silhouette subsides, and he steps back, still in the Avatar State, disappearing along with the rest. Korra opens her eyes, revealing the white glow of the Avatar State. She rises upward in an airspout, facing the cliff and sends a wave of air behind her, followed by a wave of fire and a wave of rocks on the ground. The ocean waves below surge and break against the edge of the cliff, confirming her bending has returned in full. She floats down as the air spout dissipates and exits the Avatar State. Aang had successfully used energybending to reconnect her to the other three elements. Now an Avatar with full access to all of her Avatar abilities, both physical and spiritual, she turns around to see an amazed Mako. The two lovingly embrace, as Korra tells him she loves him as well, and they share a passionate kiss. At one of the Southern Water Tribe temples, Lin Beifong walks up to where Korra awaits her and kneels before her. Korra places her right thumb on Lin's forehead and her left on her heart while gripping her shoulder using the rest of the fingers on her left hand. Korra closes her eyes and opens them, now glowing with the power of the Avatar State, along with her fingertips. After the glow dissipates, Lin rises and earthbends the large rocks surrounding the temple, causing them to float in midair; her bending fully restored. Everyone watches this miracle with different reactions, some with amazement, some with pride, others with awe. Putting the rocks back down, Lin faces Korra and thanks her. Tenzin walks up to Korra and tells her, \"I am so proud of you, Avatar Korra.\""@en . . "1997"^^ . "Jonathan Holmes as Dr. Hugh Bricksdale"@en . . . . "unmarked"@en . "\"Endgame\" is the eighteenth and final mission of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. The objective is to kill the rogue General Shepherd before he escapes to Afghanistan. The player takes control of John \"Soap\" MacTavish along with the assistance of his superior, Cpt. John Price."@en . . "The endgame occurs when you are no longer using middlegame methods such as large-scale rebuilds, but are instead focused on local wiggles and local rebuilds, local pulls with very short rubber bands and other methods designed to eke out small numbers of points on a basically completed structure. At this stage, running recipes can give a large amount of points."@en . "Don't let Shepherd get away."@en . . . . . "Endgame can refer to two subjects \n* Endgame (album) - Megadeth's 12th album \n* Endgame (song) - a song from that album"@en . "__NOEDITSECTION__ The Petersons, claiming to be Kyle's parents, arrive to take him home. But Kyle is skeptical. The Tragers have trouble accepting that Kyle will be leaving, and Declan doesn't trust any of it."@en . . "Endgame is a song by Waterflame released on the album Community Favorites. The file was created by DarkZtar and released during FFRmas 2015. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . . . "novelization"@en . . . . "\"Rebel Spirit\""@en . "Gary Jones as SMSgt. Walter Harriman"@en . "1"^^ . "Sonny, along with Brim Simbra, question Lord Phoenix about the disturbing state of Paradisia's core and the mysterious \"benefactor\" responsible for the Paradisia Flux\u2026 As the second half of the final Paradisia Cup match begins, powerful tremors shake the planet! Operation \"Dark Paradise\" seems to have been activated\u2026 Evacuation is necessary! In an exceptional event, all League-affiliated Galactik Football players are allowed to use their Flux to help with the evacuation! Will the Snow Kids and all their friends manage to escape in time?"@en . . . "6"^^ . "Taijutsu, Ninjutsu"@en . "4"^^ . . . . . "Four"@en . . "Star Trek: Voyager"@nl . "10"^^ . . . "150"^^ . . "726"^^ . . "ISBN 0-743-44216-4"@en . . "725"^^ . . . "Dean Hinchey as Dr. Kevin Hartkans"@en . "Endgame"@nl . . "Endgame is a member of the anime/manga boards at GameFAQs. He is the creator of HSOWA (Hot Skitty On Wailord Action) and is obsessed with May, from Pokemon, and had a rivalry once with Yoshifan823 and currently has a rivalry with jlh28532. Was banned and came back in too many forms to count. He loathes most RPGs, espically the Final Fantasy games. Bastard."@en . "2015-02-14"^^ . . . . . "2006-08-28"^^ . "Kill Shepherd."@en . . "VOY"@en . . . "Endgame is an eight map PWAD for Doom II. The project is Anthony \"Swedish Fish\" Soto's last contribution to the Doom community. There is no set theme to the maps; they range from gothic to tech in construction. There are two versions of Endgame: the first was withdrawn for using Mordeth resources."@en . . "Sphere634.jpg"@nl . . "Renaissance Man"@nl . . "Janeway, ya en la Tierra, mas vieja y con rango de almirante, intenta viajar al pasado para que la Voyager encuentre el camino mas r\u00E1pido a casa."@es . . . . "\u201CPohatu...\u201D The Toa stirred from his slumber at the utterance of the word. Many hours had passed since another voice had reached his audio receptors. He it no heed and continued drifting through the wide expanse of soft and mellow images that flickered before his eyes. For thousands of years he had slept, traversing imagined grassy, mountains and throwing pebbles into metaphysical streams. In this glorious moment he desired for nothing more than to be left in the ecstasy of this well-deserved slumber. \u201CPohatu.\u201D Again the word was muttered. This time more urgently. Only now did the Toa recognize it as his own name. Stirring, the Master of Stone knotted his brow and turned his attention back to the physical world, shrugging off the heavy weight that slumber bore upon him. Limply aware that he had been falling in and out of consciousness for several minutes now, Pohatu struggled to wake himself. His eyes squinted open, vaguely registering a golden shape shimmering before him. The figure moved on its own, rocking back and forth. It took him a long moment to realize he was being prodded. \u201CToa Pohatu.\u201D Groaning aloud, the Master of Stone tried to shake the blurriness from his vision, finally remembering that he possessed a neck and could in fact tilt his head upwards. Blinking intermittently, he managed to focus on the shifting golden shape and passively watched as it morphed into the recognizable outline of Jaller. Around him the cell blurred into view and Pohatu began to remember how he had gotten himself in this position: a prisoner of war. As soon as he had been dragged back to the confines of the cell his Golden Mask had been snatched and he had folded to the ground. Now he could feel its warm metal pressed against his face once more. Only now noticing the thin length of chain wrapped around his wrists and bolted shut across his lap, the Toa felt his features darken. With his mask reattached and his full strength finally returning it took only a sharp tug to snap the iron clasp and break free. The shackles were meant for a much weaker breed of warrior but still they had caged him. Humbly, the Master of Stone nodded a wordless thanks to his savior. Outside the open door there appeared to be some kind of commotion. Pohatu could hear the sound of Elemental Energy being discharged. Tension was practically electrifying the air as a Skull Warrior clattered to the ground outside the doorway, its Skull Mask shattered and sinister singe marks across its abdomen. \"You know, I've spent my whole life terrified of the day when the Protector of Fire grew too old to defend my village,\" mused the wounded villager reluctantly. \"I trained with spears and lances knowing I would one day have need of them to fend for my life. I always seemed to find myself being a little too practical for my own good. I never held much faith in the Protectors and I held even less hope for you Toa.\" Metal clashed against metal on the battlefield outside. Jaller paused as the structure shook from a stray elemental burst. When he looked back at Pohatu there was a confident twinkle in his eye. \"But my people are a peculiar sort. They aren't fighters like you or I. They're not ambitious or dishonest, self-interested or manipulative. Instead they fancy themselves builders and dreamers. They live wholesome lives tending to livestock and living off the land, desiring nothing more than a decent harvest and a few more days without rain. Even though they can be backwards and stubborn to the point of doing themselves disservice, they are a noble breed. They have principles and virtues, ethics and beliefs. But above all, they have unity.\" For a long moment, the two prisoners locked eyes. Slowly, the villagers' words began to sink in. Pohatu nodded solemnly to himself. He had made his decision. \"I do believe the legends of my people tell of six mighty Toa,\" continued Jaller. \"Not your people,\" grunted the Master of Stone. \"Our people.\""@en . . . . "Chelah Horsdal as Lt. Womack"@en . "2"^^ . . "Timeframe1"@en . . . "\"Skeletons in the Closet\""@en . "Project Rainbow and the Poughkeepsie Experiment"@en . "#fff"@en . . . "137.0"^^ . . . . . . . . "Lucas Wolf as Jennings"@en . . . . "Endgame is a small room in the game files of Fallout: New Vegas. Players are teleported there when they complete the game."@en . "420"^^ . "Rick Berman, Kenneth Biller en Brannon Braga"@nl . "2377"^^ . "13"^^ . . "Laatste Aflevering"@nl . . . . . . . "Endgame"@en . . . "88"^^ . "1"^^ . . "2378"^^ . . . "\"Gemini\""@en . "2015-12-13"^^ . . . . "Endgame"@en . . . . "FNV"@en . "1"^^ . "Benita Ha as Brooks"@en . "VOY"@nl . . "Log Title: Endgame Characters: Capt Zero, Lt Bludd Location: Springfield, IL, (SG) Date: 8 August 2013 Summary: Capt Zero takes Lt Bludd to Springfield to be reunited with his family at last. As logged by Lt Bludd"@en . "no"@en . "--11-01"^^ . . "December 1996"@en . "Endgame, to publikacja zawieraj\u0105ca czwart\u0105 cz\u0119\u015B\u0107 kampanii DarkStryder do gry fabularnej Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game (WEG) wydawanej przez West End Games (nr 40112). Podr\u0119cznik wydano w 1996 roku i jego autorami s\u0105 Timothy O'Brien, George Strayton i Eric S. Trautmann."@pl . . . "Air"@en . . . . "Short"@en . "2001-05-23"^^ . . . . . "John C. Flinn, III A.S.C."@en . "ENDGAME is an upcoming comic by Mythos and the finale of the Summer 2008 \"Phenomena on Break / M(a)cDonald's War\" comics event. Originally mentioned on June 25th 2008 and officially announced on August 30th 2008 with a teaser poster, ENDGAME has since seen successive delays, but is still predicted to be released."@en . . . . . . "ENDGAME"@en . "Scott Owen as Sgt. Mackenzie"@en . "Convicted murderer Wally Stevens asks Goren, who used his influence to have Stevens serve his time in a prison closer to his family, to visit him. He reveals that death row inmate Mark Ford Brady, a serial killer whose execution is imminent, wishes to see him. Brady reveals evidence that he left behind indicating numerous more victims that were previously unknown. Goren and Eames must track the evidence down, which is made more difficult due to the illness of Goren's mother. Things are further made complicated upon learning his mother had a brief affair with Brady, and another personal discovery leaves Goren in shock."@en . . . . . "Convicted murderer Wally Stevens asks Goren, who used his influence to have Stevens serve his time in a prison closer to his family, to visit him. He reveals that death row inmate Mark Ford Brady, a serial killer whose execution is imminent, wishes to see him. Brady reveals evidence that he left behind indicating numerous more victims that were previously unknown. Goren and Eames must track the evidence down, which is made more difficult due to the illness of Goren's mother. Things are further made complicated upon learning his mother had a brief affair with Brady, and another personal discovery leaves Goren in shock."@en . "2403"^^ . . "Endgame is a powerful kick developed by Kita while undergoing cybernetic alteration it is a high powered kick performed after a mid air jump and having the foot coated in high density steel. The speed of the approach is about equivalent to fifty hz per second and the impact force is enough to penetrate madara as the ten tails jinchuriki. Because of the speed and force needed to perform this technique it can only be used twice a day. With a great amount of electricity supplied to Kita's cybernetics he can increase the speed to travel faster than chakra and breech any defense."@en . "549734"^^ . "Endgame"@fr . . "With the other races and the Earthforce vessels that joined the insurrection behind Captain Sheridan, President Clark makes his last stand at Mars and Earth. When his fleet is disabled over Mars, he decides that if he cannot rule Earth, no one can."@en . "12"^^ . "Endgame is a small room in the game files of Fallout: New Vegas. Players are teleported there when they complete the game."@en . "Endgame"@en . . "Barclay Hope as Colonel Lionel Pendergast"@en . . "af_chase, ending"@en . "__NOEDITSECTION__ The Petersons, claiming to be Kyle's parents, arrive to take him home. But Kyle is skeptical. The Tragers have trouble accepting that Kyle will be leaving, and Declan doesn't trust any of it."@en . . "Endgame"@pl . . "Ephiny is out in the woods with a patrol of Amazons, including a young warrior named Amarice. She finds some of their sisters dead and Amarice urges her to rush after the Romans who did it, but Ephiny marshals her troops cautiously and only moves to the attack when everyone is in position. The Roman troops are led by Brutus, Caesar's chief lieutenant. Amarice goes after Brutus who knocks her down easily. As Brutus raises his sword to finish her Ephiny intervenes. She and Brutus fight evenly until Ephiny stumbles and Brutus kills her. But more Amazons reinforce the first group, and Brutus orders his men to fall back."@en . "Da Capo al Fine"@en . "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2"@en . . . . . "Endgame"@es . "The EndGame() NWScript command shuts down the currently loaded module and returns all players to the Neverwinter Nights main menu."@en . "Bombshell"@en . "Please edit this page. You may refer to Travian's Guides in the foruns for this topic."@en . . . "Dante Basco , Logan Wells , Darcy Rose Byrnes , Daniel Dae Kim , Lance Henriksen , D. B. Sweeney , Carlos Alazraqui , Jeff Bennett , Eva Marie Saint"@en . . . . . . . . "Paperback"@en . "2"^^ . . "Endgame is an annual Pay Per View event held by TWOStars since 2005."@en . . "Babylon 5"@en . . . . . "2004-09-17"^^ . . "Endgame is the final episode where Optimus Prime uses the Matrix of Leadership to destroy Darth Grievous, prevent the Dark Future event, end the Transformers Wars and restore the Golden age of both the Transformers and the Star Wars Universes."@en . "12.60M"@en . . . "Endgame"@en . . . . . . . . "The deck is no more, the discard is looming over the playing field, and people have been ranked by points (or whatever you were using to keep score). A winner is (possibly) crowned and any losers are promptly humiliated. Well, now what? Spread the cards out on the table, and whisk away any remaining blanks. Depending on how you roll, the players can vote for which cards they want to excise, pick up a certain number of cards they want to keep, or some other bizarre system with the same effect. Toss the losers in the Suck Box and shuffle the rest into the stockpile."@en . . . "CI"@en . . "Endgame can refer to two subjects \n* Endgame (album) - Megadeth's 12th album \n* Endgame (song) - a song from that album"@en . . "VOY"@nl . "No"@en . "Endgame est la nov\u00E9lisation de l'\u00E9pisode \"Endgame\" de Star Trek: Voyager"@fr . "Endgame is a powerful kick developed by Kita while undergoing cybernetic alteration it is a high powered kick performed after a mid air jump and having the foot coated in high density steel. The speed of the approach is about equivalent to fifty hz per second and the impact force is enough to penetrate madara as the ten tails jinchuriki. Because of the speed and force needed to perform this technique it can only be used twice a day. With a great amount of electricity supplied to Kita's cybernetics he can increase the speed to travel faster than chakra and breech any defense."@en . "Rob Lee as Colonel Ben Pierce"@en . "Ephiny is out in the woods with a patrol of Amazons, including a young warrior named Amarice. She finds some of their sisters dead and Amarice urges her to rush after the Romans who did it, but Ephiny marshals her troops cautiously and only moves to the attack when everyone is in position. The Roman troops are led by Brutus, Caesar's chief lieutenant. Amarice goes after Brutus who knocks her down easily. As Brutus raises his sword to finish her Ephiny intervenes. She and Brutus fight evenly until Ephiny stumbles and Brutus kills her. But more Amazons reinforce the first group, and Brutus orders his men to fall back. The scene shifts to Xena and Gabrielle, who is trying out a new fishing net. Xena compliments her ability with it and Gabrielle says she likes it because she knows she won't hurt the fish, which is more in line with her new philosophy of pacifism. She throws it over Xena as a joke, and Xena is about to throw her into the lake in return when Amarice dives between them. She tells Gabrielle to run while she holds Xena off, but is surprised when Xena gives her mock surrender. Gabrielle explains that Xena is her friend, then asks who she is and what she wants. Amarice tells her that her tribe needs her since she is their Queen, and Gabrielle realizes that means that Ephiny must be dead. When they get to the Amazon village they see the place has been sacked by raiders and many Amazons have been injured. Chilapa, Ephiny's lieutenant tells the newcomers that they were attacked by Romans both in the forest and at the village, and many of their sisters were captured and taken away. Xena asks who led the Romans and Chilapa says she doesn't know who's men hit the village but she describes the leader of the Romans who killed Ephiny, and Xena recognizes Brutus from her description. Xena tells the Amazons what to do for the moment, then realizes that it should be Gabrielle who gives them their orders, but Gabrielle seconds her and says she'd like to see Ephiny's body. As they go to the Queen's hut Xena finds a sword hilt with Pompey's crest, which explains everything for Xena. Gabrielle says her goodbye to Ephiny while Xena tells her that there were two different Roman forces in the neighborhood, and that it was Pompey's men who took the Amazons. He needed slaves to sell to raise the money to continue his war with Caesar. Xena swears to Ephiny that she won't let the Romans destroy her sisters, and tells Gabrielle that since they don't know where Pompey's camp is that she wants to go after Brutus. He will be able to lead her to Pompey. Xena takes Chilapa, Meslina, and Amarice with her. They find Brutus with a squad of men. They fight, and Xena ropes Brutus' ankles and drags him after her all the way back to the Amazon village. Once there Gabrielle tells him that he killed their former Queen Ephiny, and now she leads the Amazons. He expresses his respect for Ephiny as a warrior, but said that her death was in battle and he has no guilt upon his actions. Xena tells him that she wants him to tell her where Pompey's camp is. He smiles, knowing that she needs him alive, so he says he will tell her after he gets some water. Xena tells an Amazon to get it, but during the delay Amarice sneaks up a tree and aims an arrow at the Roman. She fires, but Xena knocks it away and sends Amarice falling from the tree with her chakram. The rebel is dragged before a furious Gabrielle, who asks Amarice what she thought she was doing. Amarice replies that she was trying to get justice for Ephiny. Gabrielle tells her that Brutus' punishment is her decision, and orders Amarice to be put in jail for a few days. Xena has had enough fooling around, so she puts the pinch on Brutus and tells him to give her the information she wants. He holds out for awhile, then is persuaded that betraying the location of Pompey is to the advantage of his leader Caesar. He gives her what she wants, and then turns away while he is still under the pinch. Gabrielle tells her to undo it, but Chilapa protests- she wants him to die for killing Ephiny. Gabrielle reiterates that his punishment is her decision, and orders him to be put in jail. Back in prison Amarice tells Brutus what Amazons do to the men they execute, but Brutus is unfazed by her words. He says that he has seen so much death in his life, and the fact that she has told him this story means she's either a fool or she's never seen it. Xena comes into the jail and tells Amarice that Gabrielle has given her a second chance. They go to the road where Carminus is certain take with the Amazons and she has Chilapa and Meslina prepare for their ambush while she talks to Amarice about Gabrielle. She tells the young woman that she doesn't always agree with the choices that Gabrielle makes but she respects them, and Amarice could learn some things from her if she would only listen. But that's not all that's on Amarice's mind. She feels guilty over Ephiny's death. Xena tells her that she shouldn't blame herself, but rather do her best to live up to her legacy. The scene shifts to Pompey's camp, where he gloats about all the money the Amazons will bring him. He tells his lieutenant Carminus to march them to the slave traders and then to hurry back- he has a war with Caesar to fight. Marching through the forest they sense that they are walking into an ambush, so Carminus orders a few of his men to split off and go for a flanking position. They discover Amarice as Xena confronts Carminus on the road. Xena says she wants the Amazons back, and he shows her that he has another one- Amarice. He tells her to bring the rest of her force out of hiding, and she calls out Chilapa and Meslina. Xena then tells him to surrender. He laughs, but finds out that he has done exactly what she wanted him to do. The Amazon prisoners drop to the road where they find weapons Xena hid for them. They defeat the Romans and take them prisoner in return, but Xena orders Amarice to let Carminus escape so that he can tell Pompey what has happened. He does, and Pompey finds his back against the wall. He gives orders to prepare for an all out assault on the Amazon village. Back at the village Gabrielle parleys with Brutus. She offers to make a peace treaty as Queen of the Amazons with Caesar. Brutus accepts, pleased by the new alliance, but says it must be contingent upon the agreement of Caesar and Xena. He leaves, and Xena comes out from behind a door. Gabrielle asks her what she thinks, and Xena says that Brutus could be the chink in Caesar's armor. The Amazons fortify their village in anticipation of Pompey's attack. Xena orders them to build crosses for Pompey's men, intending to use them to slow down Pompey's attack. Gabrielle objects to the device but Xena holds firm- she will do whatever she has to to protect Ephiny's sisters. Brutus suggests that instead of fighting Pompey she should trade him to Pompey for the safety of the Amazons. Xena says it wouldn't work- Pompey would just kill him and keep coming for them. Chilapa runs up and tells them there is something they need to see. They see another Roman army approaching from a different direction. It is Brutus' army under the officer Xeliphus. Xena can see that the two Roman armies will destroy the Amazons as they move against each other. Xena decides to set Brutus free so that he can take over command of his troops. He does, and orders his men to ignore the Amazons and go after Pompey. Xena gets ready for her attack. She tells Amarice to protect Gabrielle while she goes after Pompey. The Amazons charge, and Xena rides out ahead of them. Gabrielle holds the line with the rest of her troops to give Xena some time, then orders them to charge. As they do, a Roman pilum is sent towards Gabrielle but Amarice knocks Gabrielle out of the way. Xena gallops straight towards Pompey. His men try to hold her off but fail, and then the two fight. Xena gets him on his knees but he shouts for her to stop before she strikes. He says he needs him to keep Caesar from becoming too strong. She turns away, and Pompey treacherously raises a dagger at her back but she beheads him before he can stab her. She takes Pompey's head to Brutus so he can present it to Caesar, but she warns him not to let Caesar know that they were allies in this. He tells her Caesar is his friend, but she shakes his confidence that she reminds him that Pompey, Crassus, and she herself were once Caesar's friends as well. He goes to Rome and does what she says, troubled by Caesar's reaction to the defeat of his enemy. Brutus also presents him with Gabrielle's peace treaty, which Caesar promptly burns, saying that if he doesn't control them they are a threat. Gabrielle names Chilapa as the new Queen since she will be leaving with Xena, and tells her the secret of ruling is to think of Ephiny and do what she would do in every situation. Amarice then tells the two that she intends to travel with them for awhile. Gabrielle isn't thrilled by the idea, but Xena thinks that they'll be able to get through to the young woman in time. Xena and Gabrielle say their final farewell to Ephiny as the Amazons burn her on a funeral pyre."@en . "2012-06-23"^^ . "21"^^ . . "12"^^ . "\"Sacrifices\""@en . . . . "October"@en . . . . . "S"@en . . . "May"@en . . "Kenneth Biller en Robert Doherty"@nl . . . . . . "\u30A8\u30F3\u30C9\u30B2\u30FC\u30E0"@en . . . "With the other races and the Earthforce vessels that joined the insurrection behind Captain Sheridan, President Clark makes his last stand at Mars and Earth. When his fleet is disabled over Mars, he decides that if he cannot rule Earth, no one can."@en . "Endgame"@de . . . "2012-06-23"^^ . . "function EndGame (string sEndMovie) End the currently running game, play sEndMovie then return all players to the game's main menu. \n* Return type: void \n* Include file: nwscriptdefn"@en . "6021"^^ . "110"^^ . "Please edit this page. You may refer to Travian's Guides in the foruns for this topic."@en . "Ross_Endgame.jpg"@en . "Last in Series"@en . "20"^^ . . . . "Endog\u0113mu"@en . "2001-05-23"^^ . . . "2007"^^ . "epair"@en . "ENDGAME"@en . . . . . . "Endgame is the final episode where Optimus Prime uses the Matrix of Leadership to destroy Darth Grievous, prevent the Dark Future event, end the Transformers Wars and restore the Golden age of both the Transformers and the Star Wars Universes."@en . . . "#555"@en . "2377"^^ . . . . "Endgame"@en . "7"^^ . . "3"^^ . . "The deck is no more, the discard is looming over the playing field, and people have been ranked by points (or whatever you were using to keep score). A winner is (possibly) crowned and any losers are promptly humiliated. Well, now what? Why, a minimalist French play of course! *rimshot* That is, the Endgame. This part of the game is often skipped, especially during parties, because it's a bit of a pain to set up and isn't surface exciting like the main game. But it is important! Let's be frank: a good deal of the cards you guys created aren't quite Hall of Famers. Along with the more obvious QA problems, the game you just played may have revealed balance problems with other cards. The Endgame is where you get to fix those problems. Spread the cards out on the table, and whisk away any remaining blanks. Depending on how you roll, the players can vote for which cards they want to excise, pick up a certain number of cards they want to keep, or some other bizarre system with the same effect. Toss the losers in the Suck Box and shuffle the rest into the stockpile. Usually. Since this is 1000 Blank White Cards, you can certainly mess around with even this phase. \"If this card is in your hand at the end of the game, you may keep one more card than usual.\" \"Instead of removing cards, they must be switched with cards currently in the suckbox.\" \"Only the top three players decide what stays or goes.\" The obvious opposite of the Engame is the Pregame."@en . "12"^^ . . "Pinball_Wizard_scares_Scoob_and_Shag.png"@en . "y"@en . . "The endgame occurs when you are no longer using middlegame methods such as large-scale rebuilds, but are instead focused on local wiggles and local rebuilds, local pulls with very short rubber bands and other methods designed to eke out small numbers of points on a basically completed structure. Endgames often focus intensely on the lowest scoring sections of a protein, aiming to pop them into place in ways that do not greatly disturb an otherwise strong configuration. Thus, in the endgame, using relative score coloration is nearly essential, since the differences in local scores among different sections of the protein will tend to be tiny. You will also want to use the undo graph to monitor the score, because endgame changes are often minute, and because it is common to gain only fractions of a point at a time in the endgame. At this stage, running recipes can give a large amount of points."@en . "The War of the Prophets"@en . "Endgame title card.png"@en . "POI_0308_CarterFB.png"@en . . "2"^^ . "Last Episode"@en . . . "Chiptune Club"@en . "episode"@en . . . "Endgame"@en . . "220"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "72"^^ . . "Endgame is a Doctor Who comic strip. It has been printed through various publications."@en . "810"^^ . . . "Kenneth Biller & Robert Doherty"@en . . . . . . . . "Endgame is a chess term used to describe the final moves of a game of chess. It is preceded by the opening and the middlegame, and ends in checkmate or stalemate. The line between the endgame and the middlegame is often unclear, but usually occurs when there are few pieces on the board, or when important pieces are exchanged. During the endgame, players have different strategic concerns than in the previous stages of the game. Pawns become more important as players try to achieve promotion and kings can become powerful tools, eliminating pieces one by one. Most endgames can even be categorized according to the pieces on the board:"@en . . . . . "When Brutus kills Ephiny in the heat of battle, Gabrielle takes over as the rightful Queen of the Amazons. Meanwhile, Xena pursues Brutus, hoping he'll lead her to Pompey."@en . . . "86"^^ . . "novelization"@en . "The Endgame was a ship used by both Davich Cheval and his son Jorun, first as a privateering vessel and then as a pirate ship."@en . . "ENDGAME is an upcoming comic by Mythos and the finale of the Summer 2008 \"Phenomena on Break / M(a)cDonald's War\" comics event. Originally mentioned on June 25th 2008 and officially announced on August 30th 2008 with a teaser poster, ENDGAME has since seen successive delays, but is still predicted to be released."@en . . "solar"@en . "Endgame is an annual Pay Per View event held by TWOStars since 2005."@en . . . . "Endgame; No Image Available.png"@en . "2014-09-07"^^ . "epprod"@en . . "function EndGame (string sEndMovie) End the currently running game, play sEndMovie then return all players to the game's main menu. \n* Return type: void \n* Include file: nwscriptdefn"@en . "Rick Berman, Kenneth Biller & Brannon Braga"@en . "Allan Kroeker"@en . "Endgame is the first story of Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? issue 10 by DC Comics."@en . "1999-05-03"^^ . "& J. Michael Straczynski"@en . "2405"^^ . "250"^^ . . . "\"Endgame\" is the eighteenth and final mission of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. The objective is to kill the rogue General Shepherd before he escapes to Afghanistan. The player takes control of John \"Soap\" MacTavish along with the assistance of his superior, Cpt. John Price."@en . . "Endgame est la nov\u00E9lisation de l'\u00E9pisode \"Endgame\" de Star Trek: Voyager"@fr . . . "No"@en . . "The EndGame() NWScript command shuts down the currently loaded module and returns all players to the Neverwinter Nights main menu."@en . "The POI team\u2019s war with HR nears a boiling point when Finch receives 38 numbers at once from the Machine. He discovers they are connected to an unknown player who is inciting an all-out war between the crime organization and the Russian mob. Meanwhile, Carter\u2019s past is seen through flashbacks with her son\u2019s father."@en . . "Sonny, along with Brim Simbra, question Lord Phoenix about the disturbing state of Paradisia's core and the mysterious \"benefactor\" responsible for the Paradisia Flux\u2026 As the second half of the final Paradisia Cup match begins, powerful tremors shake the planet! Operation \"Dark Paradise\" seems to have been activated\u2026 Evacuation is necessary! In an exceptional event, all League-affiliated Galactik Football players are allowed to use their Flux to help with the evacuation! Will the Snow Kids and all their friends manage to escape in time?"@en . "Endgame is the first story of Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? issue 10 by DC Comics."@en . . "Ed Anders as Warehouse Guy"@en . . "Peter Bryant as Hoskins"@en . . . "The POI team\u2019s war with HR nears a boiling point when Finch receives 38 numbers at once from the Machine. He discovers they are connected to an unknown player who is inciting an all-out war between the crime organization and the Russian mob. Meanwhile, Carter\u2019s past is seen through flashbacks with her son\u2019s father."@en . . . . . . . . "Anime, Manga"@en . . . . "Endgame is a Doctor Who comic strip. It has been printed through various publications."@en . . . . . "Law & Order: Criminal Intent"@en . . "Guild starting in June"@en . "The name of a movie to play before players are returned to the main menu."@en . . . . . . "EndGame"@en . . "Endgame; Endgame___from_X-Men_Legacy_Vol_1_252_0001.png"@en . . . . "Endgame"@en . "Endgame is a song by Waterflame released on the album Community Favorites. The file was created by DarkZtar and released during FFRmas 2015. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . "Endgame"@en . . "47; 2394; 2404; ablatief pantser; Akira klasse; Alfa kwadrant; alternatieve tijdlijn; assimilatie; biobed; Bol 634; Bonchune, USS; Borg; Borg bol; Borg collectief; Borg dar; Borg koningin; Borg kubus; Borg transwarpnetwerk; Challenger, USS; Chell; chronexaline; chrono deflector; Defiant klasse; eetzaal; Excelsior klasse; Galaxy klasse; Golwat; kal-toh; Klingon; Klingon rijk; Melkweg; Miranda klasse; Nebula klasse; Negh'var klasse; Neelix; neurale interface; neurolytisch virus; Nova klasse; Okaro; Pathfinder Project; faser type-2; Presidio; Prometheus, USS; Prometheus-klasse; Rhode Island, USS; rood alarm Chili; Saber-klasse; San Francisco; SC-4; Starfleet academie; Starfleet commando; Starfleet medisch; Steamrunner-klasse; synaptische ontvanger; tachyon; Tijdelijke Eerste richtlijn; tijdelijke scheur; transfase torpedo; transwarp; transwarp uitgang; transwarp spil; tricorder; unicomplex; Unimatrix 01; Vloot Museum; Voyager, USS; Wildman, Naomi; ziekenboeg."@nl . . . "Bolin, Asami, and Iroh travel on Naga toward the Equalist airbase. Upon arrival, Iroh tells Bolin to use his earthbending to destroy the airstrips to prevent the biplanes from taking off or landing. They head down to the base, leaving Naga and Pabu behind. However, as they make their way toward the base, they are electrocuted by wireless fence posts that render them unconscious."@en . "3"^^ . "The Endgame was a ship used by both Davich Cheval and his son Jorun, first as a privateering vessel and then as a pirate ship."@en . . . . "112"^^ . "Endgame"@en . . . "2013-11-12"^^ . "Endgame, to publikacja zawieraj\u0105ca czwart\u0105 cz\u0119\u015B\u0107 kampanii DarkStryder do gry fabularnej Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game (WEG) wydawanej przez West End Games (nr 40112). Podr\u0119cznik wydano w 1996 roku i jego autorami s\u0105 Timothy O'Brien, George Strayton i Eric S. Trautmann."@pl . "Rob Hayter as Sergeant"@en . . "Endgame is the twelfth studio album by the American heavy metal band Megadeth. It was released via Roadrunner Records (the second of three Megadeth records) on September 15, 2009 and was produced by Dave Mustaine and Andy Sneap. Endgame was the first album featuring guitarist Chris Broderick, following Glen Drover's departure in 2008, and was the band's last studio album with bass guitarist James LoMenzo; original bassist Dave Ellefson would rejoin the band only several months after the album's release. There are eleven tracks on the album, with lyrics inspired by subjects ranging from The Lord of the Rings and the Financial crisis of 2007\u20132010, to insanity, torture and crime. Two singles were released from the album: \"The Right to Go Insane\" and \"Head Crusher\", the latter of which had been nominated for \"Best Metal Performance\" at the 52nd annual Grammy Awards. Endgame entered the Billboard 200 at number 9 (marking the band's tenth overall top 10 debut) and reached number 1 on the U.S. Top Hard Rock Albums chart, and as of April 2011 has sold around 150,000 copies in the U.S. The album received generally positive reviews from music critics, and was thought of continuing the success from the band's previous album, United Abominations."@en . . "\u201CPohatu...\u201D The Toa stirred from his slumber at the utterance of the word. Many hours had passed since another voice had reached his audio receptors. He it no heed and continued drifting through the wide expanse of soft and mellow images that flickered before his eyes. For thousands of years he had slept, traversing imagined grassy, mountains and throwing pebbles into metaphysical streams. In this glorious moment he desired for nothing more than to be left in the ecstasy of this well-deserved slumber. \u201CPohatu.\u201D \u201CToa Pohatu.\u201D Humbly, the Master of Stone nodded a wordless thanks to his savior."@en . "\"Endgame\" is the twelfth episode of The Legend of Korra, and also the last episode of the show's first season."@en . "6"^^ . . . "CI"@en . "Guild starting in June"@en . . "Dance 2"@en . . "8"^^ . . . . "271"^^ . . . . "Endgame is an eight map PWAD for Doom II. The project is Anthony \"Swedish Fish\" Soto's last contribution to the Doom community. There is no set theme to the maps; they range from gothic to tech in construction. There are two versions of Endgame: the first was withdrawn for using Mordeth resources."@en . . . . . . "Ryan Booth as Zarin's Jaffa"@en . "EndGame"@en . . . "\"Endgame\" is the tenth episode of the eighth season of Stargate SG-1."@en . . . . "7"^^ . . "Day 7 , 2016 - 18:10:24"@en . "blue"@en . . "Janeway, ya en la Tierra, mas vieja y con rango de almirante, intenta viajar al pasado para que la Voyager encuentre el camino mas r\u00E1pido a casa."@es . . "Endgame is a chess term used to describe the final moves of a game of chess. It is preceded by the opening and the middlegame, and ends in checkmate or stalemate. The line between the endgame and the middlegame is often unclear, but usually occurs when there are few pieces on the board, or when important pieces are exchanged. During the endgame, players have different strategic concerns than in the previous stages of the game. Pawns become more important as players try to achieve promotion and kings can become powerful tools, eliminating pieces one by one. Most endgames can even be categorized according to the pieces on the board: \n* King and pawn- King and pawn endgames involve only a king and any number of pawns on one or both sides. These sort of endings revolve around getting pawns to the end of the board, thereby promoting them to a stronger piece. Passed pawns become extremely important. A passed pawn is one which has no opposing pawns on the same file or in adjacent files which can capture it; therefore, it is safe and has the best chance of being promoted. \n* Bishop and pawn- Involving pawns and bishops (and of course kings), these endings come in two types: where the opposing bishops move on the same-color squares, and where they move on different-color squares. The second often results in a draw due to the lack of conflict between bishops and ,usually, pawns. \n* Knight and pawn- These endgames require clever and decisive maneuvering on the part of the knights. Knights are good at taking out stationary isolated pawns, but terrible at chasing passed pawns. \n* Bishop vs. Knight- Theoretically, bishops are better strategically during endgames and middlegames than knights. However, if a player can take advantage of the forking abilities of knights, as well as their other advantages, these sort of games can become very interesting. \n* Rook and pawn- During the endgame, rooks are at their most crucial need. A player who can use their rooks to their advantage by protecting pawns until they get promoted has a significantly higher chance of winning. There are, of course, other types with varying combinations of pieces, and sub-divisions of these mentioned types."@en . . . . "54973.4"^^ . . . . "47; 2394; 2404; ablatief pantser; Akira klasse; Alfa kwadrant; alternatieve tijdlijn; assimilatie; biobed; Bol 634; Bonchune, USS; Borg; Borg bol; Borg collectief; Borg dar; Borg koningin; Borg kubus; Borg transwarpnetwerk; Challenger, USS; Chell; chronexaline; chrono deflector; Defiant klasse; eetzaal; Excelsior klasse; Galaxy klasse; Golwat; kal-toh; Klingon; Klingon rijk; Melkweg; Miranda klasse; Nebula klasse; Negh'var klasse; Neelix; neurale interface; neurolytisch virus; Nova klasse; Okaro; Pathfinder Project; faser type-2; Presidio; Prometheus, USS; Prometheus-klasse; Rhode Island, USS; rood alarm Chili; Saber-klasse; San Francisco; SC-4; Starfleet academie; Starfleet commando; Starfleet medisch; Steamrunner-klasse; synaptische ontvanger; tachyon; Tijdelijke Eerste richtlijn; tijdel"@nl .