. "N\u011Bkolik prvn\u00EDch let bylo jeho man\u017Eelstv\u00ED s Klingonkou \u0161\u0165astn\u00E9. Rodina \u017Eila na planet\u011B Kessik IV, (VOY: \"Author, Author\") odkud se pot\u00E9, co John \u017Eenu a dceru opustil, odst\u011Bhovala. B'Elanna si rozchod rodi\u010D\u016F, k n\u011Bmu\u017E do\u0161lo v jej\u00EDch p\u011Bti (VOY: \"Faces\",\" Eye of the Needle\"), \u0161esti (VOY:\"Extreme Risk\") nebo v jeden\u00E1cti letech (ofici\u00E1ln\u00ED \u017Eivotopis a VOY:\"Lineage\") vy\u010D\u00EDtala a pova\u017Eovala se za jednu z jeho p\u0159\u00ED\u010Din. Se svou dcerou se John Torres spojil a\u017E po dvaceti letech, kdy\u017E USS Voyager, ztracen\u00FD v Delta kvadrantu, nav\u00E1zal pravideln\u00E9 suprostorov\u00E9 spojen\u00ED se Zem\u00ED (VOY: \"Author, Author\"). John Torres m\u00E1 bratra Carla, nete\u0159 Elizabeth a synovce Michaela a Deana"@cs . . "fed"@en . . . . . . "Man"@nl . "Aveva un fratello, Carl, ed i nipoti Michael, Dean e Elizabeth. (VOY: \"Discendenza\") Poche settimane prima della data stellare 54740.8, Torres dovette attendere ad alcuni affari su Kessik IV, il pianeta sul quale la sua famiglia risiedeva, ove visit\u00F2 la sua vecchia casa. Poco prima del ritorno della figlia nel Quadrante Alfa nel 2377, John riusc\u00EC a parlarle via subspazio, per la prima volta in vent'anni, nella speranza di poter riavere un rapporto con la figlia. (VOY: \"L'autore, l'autore!\")"@it . . "John Torres in 2377"@nl . . . . . . . . . "Koran"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "John Torres was de vader van B'Elanna Torres en de voormalige echtgenoot van Miral. Hij trouwde met Miral, ondanks dat zijn moeder bezwaren uitte. Het echtpaar was enkele jaren gelukkig, maar hij vond het erg moeilijk om met twee Klingons samen te leven. Hij verliet zijn gezin toen B'Elanna ongeveer vijf jaar oud was. B'Elanna zou zich hier altijd schuldig over blijven voelen. (VOY: \"Eye of the Needle\", \"Lineage\") John heeft een broer Carl en is de oom van zijn kinderen, Michael, Dean en Elizabeth. (VOY: \"Lineage\") Ook is hij de opa van B'Elanna en Tom Paris's dochter, Miral Paris. (VOY: \"Endgame\") Een paar weken voor sterrendatum 54740.8 bezocht John de planeet Kessik IV. Hier woonde hij vroeger met zijn gezin. John praatte kort voor haar terugkeer naar Alfa kwadrant nog met B'Elanna via subruimte communicatie. Ze spraken elkaar voor het eerst sinds twintig jaar. Hij wilde het contact met zijn dochter weer herstellen. (VOY: \"Author, Author\")"@nl . . . "John Torres ist der Vater von B'Elanna Torres. Entgegen dem Wunsch seiner Mutter heiratet John Torres die Klingonin Miral und lebt mit ihr auf Kessik IV. Johns Mutter hat jedoch nichts gegen Miral, sie glaubt aber nicht, dass John Torres mit ihr auf lange Zeit klar kommen w\u00FCrde. Sie beh\u00E4lt damit auch Recht. Beide streiten sich im Laufe der Zeit immer mehr. Besonders heftig wird es, als ihre Tochter B'Elanna gr\u00F6\u00DFer wird, da er nun mit zwei temperamentvollen Klingoninnen leben muss. John Torres wurde von Juan Garcia gespielt und von Gunnar Helm synchronisiert."@de . "John Torres ist der Vater von B'Elanna Torres. Entgegen dem Wunsch seiner Mutter heiratet John Torres die Klingonin Miral und lebt mit ihr auf Kessik IV. Johns Mutter hat jedoch nichts gegen Miral, sie glaubt aber nicht, dass John Torres mit ihr auf lange Zeit klar kommen w\u00FCrde. Sie beh\u00E4lt damit auch Recht. Beide streiten sich im Laufe der Zeit immer mehr. Besonders heftig wird es, als ihre Tochter B'Elanna gr\u00F6\u00DFer wird, da er nun mit zwei temperamentvollen Klingoninnen leben muss. Als B'Elanna noch ein Kind ist, verl\u00E4sst John Torres Miral und seine Tochter. Das Verh\u00E4ltnis zwischen ihm und B'Elanna bleibt lange Zeit extrem schlecht. Als die USS Voyager mit B'Elanna verschwindet, bereut er es, keinen Kontakt mehr mit ihr gehabt zu haben. Als 2377 die \"Operation Watson\" durchgef\u00FChrt wird, nimmt er wieder Kontakt mit B'Elanna auf und kann sie \u00FCberzeugen, ihm eine zweite Chance zu geben. (VOY: , , ) John Torres wurde von Juan Garcia gespielt und von Gunnar Helm synchronisiert."@de . . . . "2378"^^ . . "John Torres"@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Divorced"@en . "220"^^ . . "John Torres"@en . . . "John Torres was de vader van B'Elanna Torres en de voormalige echtgenoot van Miral. Hij trouwde met Miral, ondanks dat zijn moeder bezwaren uitte. Het echtpaar was enkele jaren gelukkig, maar hij vond het erg moeilijk om met twee Klingons samen te leven. Hij verliet zijn gezin toen B'Elanna ongeveer vijf jaar oud was. B'Elanna zou zich hier altijd schuldig over blijven voelen. (VOY: \"Eye of the Needle\", \"Lineage\")"@nl . "John Torres was a paranoid private investigator when he was alive. He hasn't changed much in unlife. He can sometimes be heard whispering of strange and crazy conspiracy theories. Childe of Robert Rush. He was an Invictus for several decades, but left and joined the Carthians around the time that the former Prince started to lose power."@en . "John Torres was the father of B'Elanna Torres and former husband of Miral. He married Miral despite his mother's reservations (not with Miral, who she liked, but if her son could handle a relationship with a Klingon), and for a few years was happily married. However, the strain of living with two Klingons began to get the better of him, and when B'Elanna was young (either 5 or 11 years old, depending on the source), he left her and her mother, a fact B'Elanna blamed herself for. (VOY: \"Eye of the Needle\", \"Lineage\", \"Faces\")"@en . . "John Torres was the father of B'Elanna Torres and former husband of Miral. He married Miral despite his mother's reservations (not with Miral, who she liked, but if her son could handle a relationship with a Klingon), and for a few years was happily married. However, the strain of living with two Klingons began to get the better of him, and when B'Elanna was young (either 5 or 11 years old, depending on the source), he left her and her mother, a fact B'Elanna blamed herself for. (VOY: \"Eye of the Needle\", \"Lineage\", \"Faces\") He has a brother, Carl, and nephews Michael and Dean, and a niece Elizabeth. (VOY: \"Lineage\") A few weeks prior to stardate 54740.8, Torres had some business on Kessik IV, the planet his family used to reside on, where he visited their old home. Shortly before her return to the Alpha Quadrant in 2378, John got to talk to B'Elanna via subspace, for the first time in twenty years, in the hopes of reestablishing a relationship with his daughter. Although she was initially reluctant to speak with him, her husband Tom Paris convinced her to do so. (VOY: \"Author, Author\") John Torres was played by actor Juan Garc\u00EDa in the episodes \"Lineage\" and \"Author, Author\". According to a deleted line from \"Barge of the Dead\" , John was a Starfleet officer when he met Miral. The two eloped and had B'Elanna. He and Miral could not agree on how to raise B'Elanna, and he would get angry when she would sneak their daughter off to study the paq'batlh behind his back. Miral eventually left John because it was more important to her to be Klingon that to maintain their marriage. According to the novel Pathways by Jeri Taylor, John Torres resided in Mexico."@en . "JohnTorres.jpg"@nl . "Miral Paris, Michael, Dean, en Elizabeth"@nl . . "Active"@en . . "John Torres"@nl . "N\u011Bkolik prvn\u00EDch let bylo jeho man\u017Eelstv\u00ED s Klingonkou \u0161\u0165astn\u00E9. Rodina \u017Eila na planet\u011B Kessik IV, (VOY: \"Author, Author\") odkud se pot\u00E9, co John \u017Eenu a dceru opustil, odst\u011Bhovala. B'Elanna si rozchod rodi\u010D\u016F, k n\u011Bmu\u017E do\u0161lo v jej\u00EDch p\u011Bti (VOY: \"Faces\",\" Eye of the Needle\"), \u0161esti (VOY:\"Extreme Risk\") nebo v jeden\u00E1cti letech (ofici\u00E1ln\u00ED \u017Eivotopis a VOY:\"Lineage\") vy\u010D\u00EDtala a pova\u017Eovala se za jednu z jeho p\u0159\u00ED\u010Din. Se svou dcerou se John Torres spojil a\u017E po dvaceti letech, kdy\u017E USS Voyager, ztracen\u00FD v Delta kvadrantu, nav\u00E1zal pravideln\u00E9 suprostorov\u00E9 spojen\u00ED se Zem\u00ED (VOY: \"Author, Author\")."@cs . . . . . . . . . . "Male"@en . "John Torres"@en . . "John Torres"@en . . "John Torres was a paranoid private investigator when he was alive. He hasn't changed much in unlife. He can sometimes be heard whispering of strange and crazy conspiracy theories. Childe of Robert Rush. He was an Invictus for several decades, but left and joined the Carthians around the time that the former Prince started to lose power."@en . "John Torres"@en . "John Torres"@en . "John Torres"@cs . . "Aveva un fratello, Carl, ed i nipoti Michael, Dean e Elizabeth. (VOY: \"Discendenza\") Poche settimane prima della data stellare 54740.8, Torres dovette attendere ad alcuni affari su Kessik IV, il pianeta sul quale la sua famiglia risiedeva, ove visit\u00F2 la sua vecchia casa. Poco prima del ritorno della figlia nel Quadrante Alfa nel 2377, John riusc\u00EC a parlarle via subspazio, per la prima volta in vent'anni, nella speranza di poter riavere un rapporto con la figlia. (VOY: \"L'autore, l'autore!\")"@it . "John Torres"@de . "John Torres in 2378"@en . "no"@en . . . . . "John Torres"@it . . .