. "FFR Profile"@en . "Tarrik was an Ocampa boy that Kes once knew on the Ocampa homeworld. In 2372, Kes suggested Tarrik's name to The Doctor when he was considering choosing a name. (VOY: \"Dreadnought\") This character was only mentioned in dialogue. de: Tarrik"@en . . . . "Tarrik"@de . . "Tarrik ist ein Ocampa im 24. Jahrhundert, den Kes kennt. 2372 schl\u00E4gt Kes dem Doktor diesen Namen f\u00FCr ihn vor. (VOY: ) In der deutschen Synchronisation wurde sein Name in Paris abge\u00E4ndert."@de . . "Tarrik was an Ocampa boy that Kes once knew on the Ocampa homeworld. In 2372, Kes suggested Tarrik's name to The Doctor when he was considering choosing a name. (VOY: \"Dreadnought\") This character was only mentioned in dialogue. de: Tarrik"@en . . . "May 2007"@en . "Tarrik was a male Cardassian who lived in the 24th century. In the 2360s, he held the rank of Glinn in the Cardassian Guard. In 2361, Tarrik was based at the Elemspur detention facility. While bringing Kira Nerys to Corbin Entek, Kira broke free and managed to break Tarrik's nose before being subdued again. Tarrik took exception at Entek not releasing Kira back into his custody. (DS9 novel: Fearful Symmetry)"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Tarrik"@en . . "Tarrik ist ein Ocampa im 24. Jahrhundert, den Kes kennt. 2372 schl\u00E4gt Kes dem Doktor diesen Namen f\u00FCr ihn vor. (VOY: ) In der deutschen Synchronisation wurde sein Name in Paris abge\u00E4ndert."@de . . . . . "Tarrik was a male Cardassian who lived in the 24th century. In the 2360s, he held the rank of Glinn in the Cardassian Guard. In 2361, Tarrik was based at the Elemspur detention facility. While bringing Kira Nerys to Corbin Entek, Kira broke free and managed to break Tarrik's nose before being subdued again. Tarrik took exception at Entek not releasing Kira back into his custody. (DS9 novel: Fearful Symmetry)"@en . . . "Tasmania, Australia"@en . .