. . "No"@en . . . . "0"^^ . . "The Sims 3: World Adventures"@en . . . "The Sarcophagus.jpg\nEDIT"@en . . . . . . . . "A sarcophagus (plural sarcophagi) was a type of coffin used by the ancient Egyptians. The stylised technology of the Osiran lodestone had the appearance of an ancient Egyptian coffin. There were also others that stored the Osiran service robot, who appeared as mummies. (TV: Pyramids of Mars) The Monk's TARDIS appeared as a sarcophagus in a monastery in Northumbria in 1066. (TV: The Time Meddler) File:StubTab.png"@en . . "The Sarcophagus is the name of the steel and concrete structure built around the destroyed reactor unit 4 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. It serves as one of the final levels in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, and makes a brief appearance in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky."@en . . . . . . . . "Do you dare to open the Sarcophagus and risk the curse of the Mummy Dragon?"@en . . . "Sims can sleep and WooHoo inside a sarcophagus. Sims who have Brave, Heavy Sleeper, Daredevil, Insane, or Adventurous trait can sleep inside one in a tomb if their energy is low enough. Mummies who sleep inside a sarcophagus will not wake unless instructed by the player. If Sims have 5 canopic jars, they can summon a playable mummy and move him / her into the household. The canopic jars don't need to be unique, but all of the jars must be collectible relics, not common ones. The summoned mummy is always an elder."@en . . . "1000"^^ . . . . "Sarcophagus (\u77F3\u68FA Sekikan in Japanese, literally meaning 'stone coffin') is a town that only appears in the anime, and contains the last Demon Tool ever made by Eibon, the Key. An eerie ghost town that is sealed off, it is said that anyone who goes into the town never comes back."@en . . . . . "Desert Treasure"@en . . "A Sarcophagus is a device the Goa'uld use to rapidly heal injuries and extend their lifespans. The device can also bring the recently deceased back to life. Despite the fact that the Goa'uld are scavengers and thieves of technology, there are a few of them who have come up with quite impressive adoptions of technology they have stolen and/or studied. Based on the Ancient healing device, but heavily modified so a human can use it, the Sarcophagus is one of the more impressive Goa'uld inventions."@en . "The Vampire Lords of Random Kingdom III use high-tech Sarcophagi which serve as personal stasis devices. The primordial vampires had them constructed as part of their method of surviving the war. Besides providing a safe shelter in which aging is permanently stopped in an induces stasis, when resting in these machines, the vampires' natural healing factor is ramped up to eleven, allowing them to regenerate their entire bodies much faster and also to heal much more severe wounds. In order to fulfill their purpose however, the machine needs to be supplied with life energy. Being ancient technology, life energy cannot be taken from any lifeform and it cannot be extracted or stored and then transmitted in its energetic form to the sarcophagi. Instead, living organic matter from which the energy can easily be extracted must be supplied directly to the machine - most readily in the form of blood. To this end, various wires and tubes extend from the rusted exterior of the sarcophagi. Often, a vampire lord's or lady's sarcophagus is fitted with its own personal defense systems own antiquity, such as laser barriers or sentry guns."@en . "Healing"@en . "Gold"@en . "The appraisal reward for finding a Sarcophagus is 2710 pelagos."@en . . . . "100000"^^ . . "it contains 1 Obsidian ore:15,45%1 Amethyst:15,45%1-20 Orange seeds:15,45%1-19 Avocado seeds:20,9%1-13 Pineapple seeds:17,27%1-24 Plum seeds:15,45%"@en . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOWYSIWYG__"@en . "*Wish Granter\n*Monolith Control Center"@en . "Graveyard"@en . . . "259.0"^^ . . . . "The sarcophagus absorbs 60 normal damage shots and changes its appearance upon absorbing 20 and 40 normal damage shots before breaking at 60 normal damage shots. When destroyed, the Pharaoh Zombie moves faster."@en . . . . . . . "variable"@en . . . "A sarcophagus's purpose is to contain a dead body, like a coffin. The pharaohs, of course, being undead refuse to stay in them. Any items placed inside a sarcophagus will be deleted on the next Floor Reset."@en . "120"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "The Sarcophagus is the name of the steel and concrete structure built around the destroyed reactor unit 4 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. It serves as one of the final levels in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, and makes a brief appearance in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky."@en . . . . . . . "Special"@en . . . . . . . . . "*22px Monolith"@en . "This track unlocks in Jaldraocht pyramid visited in Desert Treasure."@en . "Limited"@en . "7.3"^^ . . . "Sarcophagus"@en . "Gli stranieri avevano il permesso di visitare il satellite-cimitero, ma a nessuno di loro era permesso essere sepolto l\u00EC. Utilizzata da tutte e tre le specie di Sacorria, Sarcophagus ospitava una variegata collezione di tombe, siti di tombe, e mausolei sparsi sulla sua superficie, cos\u00EC come catacombe e caverne di sepoltura sotterranee. Le navette orbitali fornivano il trasporto da e per Sacorria, e la Banca Dati Centrale forniva indicazioni sul gran numero di siti presenti. I Sacorriani erano abbastanza superstiziosi su Sarcophagus. Alzare gli occhi verso il cielo notturno e vedere la luna piena suscitava pensieri di morte e calamit\u00E0. Per tradizione, e come da decreto della Triade di Sacorria, puntare il telescopio verso la luna era illegale perch\u00E9 visto come irrispettoso nei confronti dei defunti."@it . . . "Nil"@en . "1980"^^ . . . . "35"^^ . . . . . . "3000.0"^^ . "2005-04-18"^^ . "Coffins"@es . . "a"@en . "no"@es . . "Sarcophagus (\u77F3\u68FA Sekikan in Japanese, literally meaning 'stone coffin') is a town that only appears in the anime, and contains the last Demon Tool ever made by Eibon, the Key. An eerie ghost town that is sealed off, it is said that anyone who goes into the town never comes back."@en . "Sarcophagus was a moon that orbited the planet of Sacorria, and served as a massive graveyard for the planet's deceased inhabitants. The Sacorrians began using the moon as a burial ground shortly after the development of space flight; before that, it was simply known as \"the moon\". It was settled since at least the founding day of the Republic, as a native of the moon named Cope Shykrill served as a Jedi five hundred years before the First Great Schism. Offworlders were permitted to visit Sarcophagus, but none were interred there. Used by all three of Sacorria's species, Sarcophagus housed a diverse collection of tombs, grave sites, and mausoleums on its surface, as well as catacombs and burial caves underground. Orbital shuttles provided transportation to and from Sacorria, and the Central Databank provided locations for the vast number of plots. Sacorrians remained superstitious about Sarcophagus. Looking up into the night sky and seeing the full moon stirred up thoughts of death and calamity. By tradition, and the decree of the Triad, pointing a telescope at Sarcophagus was illegal because it was seen as disrespectful of the dead."@en . . . . "None"@en . "Sarcophagus"@en . "BBC"@en . . . . "2256"^^ . "Cost: 100,000 Image:Coin20px.pngSells for: 15,000 Image:Coin20px.pngExperience: 1,000 Image:Exp20px.pngAvailable at: Level 17"@en . . "Danzetsu"@en . "no"@en . . "10"^^ . "BBC Television"@en . . . . "*Goa'uld\n*Tau'ri"@en . . "Sarcophagus using tractor beams"@en . . "Sarcophagus"@en . . . . . . . . "6"^^ . . . . . . . "3.0"^^ . "A sarcophagus's purpose is to contain a dead body, like a coffin. The pharaohs, of course, being undead refuse to stay in them. Any items placed inside a sarcophagus will be deleted on the next Floor Reset."@es . . . . "Sarcophagus is a large rounded sword with spikes on either side. It is wrapped in bandages that can extend and attemt to wrap up and trap opponents. This sword can also seal them as well."@en . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOWYSIWYG__"@en . "Sarcophagus is a large rounded sword with spikes on either side. It is wrapped in bandages that can extend and attemt to wrap up and trap opponents. This sword can also seal them as well."@en . . "Destroyed"@en . "4"^^ . "These can be found in Ankrahmun in the Great Pyramid, in the tombs and in Drefia."@en . . . . "Anime, Manga"@en . . . . . "6"^^ . . . . . . . . "You can't tell how hard the lock is to pick."@en . . "The sarcophagus absorbs 60 normal damage shots and changes its appearance upon absorbing 20 and 40 normal damage shots before breaking at 60 normal damage shots. When destroyed, the Pharaoh Zombie moves faster."@en . . "Avon \nCally \nVila \nTarrant \nDayna \nZen \nOrac"@en . "Cimitero"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Sarcophagus.ogg"@en . . . "Cost: 100,000 Image:Coin20px.pngSells for: 15,000 Image:Coin20px.pngExperience: 1,000 Image:Exp20px.pngAvailable at: Level 17"@en . . "From the VHS release:"@en . "Use this item to open it and see its contents."@en . "15000"^^ . "Sarcophagus"@it . "A sarcophagus (plural sarcophagi) was a type of coffin used by the ancient Egyptians. The stylised technology of the Osiran lodestone had the appearance of an ancient Egyptian coffin. There were also others that stored the Osiran service robot, who appeared as mummies. (TV: Pyramids of Mars) The Monk's TARDIS appeared as a sarcophagus in a monastery in Northumbria in 1066. (TV: The Time Meddler) A sarcophagus with an electronic lock was stored on board the space-faring version of the Orient Express as a means of capturing a mummy known as the Foretold. However, it was never put to use beyond accidentally being opened by feedback from the Twelfth Doctor's sonic screwdriver, as he later found away to help the Foretold pass on when alien technology kept his body from dissolving until it registered that a long-ended war was over. (TV: Mummy on the Orient Express) Anwar Nazir, the leader of the Cult of the Black Pyramid, journeyed to the resting place of Horus to awaken the ancient being. However, he discovered that Horus had died after a failure in his sarcophagus's life support system. (PROSE: Scarab of Death) File:StubTab.png"@en . . . . . . . "Sarcophagus in Leikotha's Crypt"@en . . . "Sarcophagus was a moon that orbited the planet of Sacorria, and served as a massive graveyard for the planet's deceased inhabitants. The Sacorrians began using the moon as a burial ground shortly after the development of space flight; before that, it was simply known as \"the moon\". It was settled since at least the founding day of the Republic, as a native of the moon named Cope Shykrill served as a Jedi five hundred years before the First Great Schism."@en . . "Ian Taylor"@en . . "*C-Consciousness"@en . . . . . . . . . . "These can be found in Ankrahmun in the Great Pyramid and in the tombs."@es . "Gli stranieri avevano il permesso di visitare il satellite-cimitero, ma a nessuno di loro era permesso essere sepolto l\u00EC. Utilizzata da tutte e tre le specie di Sacorria, Sarcophagus ospitava una variegata collezione di tombe, siti di tombe, e mausolei sparsi sulla sua superficie, cos\u00EC come catacombe e caverne di sepoltura sotterranee. Le navette orbitali fornivano il trasporto da e per Sacorria, e la Banca Dati Centrale forniva indicazioni sul gran numero di siti presenti."@it . "Sims can sleep and WooHoo inside a sarcophagus. Sims who have Brave, Heavy Sleeper, Daredevil, Insane, or Adventurous trait can sleep inside one in a tomb if their energy is low enough. Mummies who sleep inside a sarcophagus will not wake unless instructed by the player. If Sims have 5 canopic jars, they can summon a playable mummy and move him / her into the household. The canopic jars don't need to be unique, but all of the jars must be collectible relics, not common ones. The summoned mummy is always an elder."@en . "From the VHS release:"@en . . "Yes"@en . . . . . "*Decaying containment around exploded RBMK 1000 reactor.\n*Industrial ruin."@en . . "Coffins"@en . . "Sarcophagus"@es . . "A Sarcophagus is a device the Goa'uld use to rapidly heal injuries and extend their lifespans. The device can also bring the recently deceased back to life. Despite the fact that the Goa'uld are scavengers and thieves of technology, there are a few of them who have come up with quite impressive adoptions of technology they have stolen and/or studied. Based on the Ancient healing device, but heavily modified so a human can use it, the Sarcophagus is one of the more impressive Goa'uld inventions."@en . "No"@en . . . "3"^^ . "Sarcophagus"@en . . . "Earth"@en . "Sarcophagus Icon.png"@en . "???"@en . "The Vampire Lords of Random Kingdom III use high-tech Sarcophagi which serve as personal stasis devices. The primordial vampires had them constructed as part of their method of surviving the war. Besides providing a safe shelter in which aging is permanently stopped in an induces stasis, when resting in these machines, the vampires' natural healing factor is ramped up to eleven, allowing them to regenerate their entire bodies much faster and also to heal much more severe wounds. In order to fulfill their purpose however, the machine needs to be supplied with life energy. Being ancient technology, life energy cannot be taken from any lifeform and it cannot be extracted or stored and then transmitted in its energetic form to the sarcophagi. Instead, living organic matter from which the energ"@en . . "This high level asset, codenamed the \"Sarcophagus,\" is an object first seen in its titular episode The Sarcophagus. Though another can be seen at the Bj\u00F8rdnal Cryogenics Research Facility in The Twins, where it was stated by the Director to have been created. It served as the mission objective to Project Freelancer part-way through Season 9."@en . . "The appraisal reward for finding a Sarcophagus is 2710 pelagos."@en . . "290"^^ . "1980-03-03"^^ . "17"^^ . . . "it contains 1 Obsidian ore:15,45%1 Amethyst:15,45%1-20 Orange seeds:15,45%1-19 Avocado seeds:20,9%1-13 Pineapple seeds:17,27%1-24 Plum seeds:15,45%"@en . . . . . . . . "Sarcophagus Live.jpg"@en . . "M-11"@en . "Offensive"@en . . "Sarcophagus"@it . . . . "2"^^ . . "Episode 43"@en . "This high level asset, codenamed the \"Sarcophagus,\" is an object first seen in its titular episode The Sarcophagus. Though another can be seen at the Bj\u00F8rdnal Cryogenics Research Facility in The Twins, where it was stated by the Director to have been created. It served as the mission objective to Project Freelancer part-way through Season 9."@en . . "Sarcophagus"@es . . . "M-11"@it . .