. "The Intelligence Agent John Dee (1527\u20131608/09) was an English mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occult philosopher,[5] and advisor to Queen Elizabeth I. He devoted much of his life to the study of alchemy, divination, and Hermetic philosophy. He was also an advocate of England's imperial expansion into a \"British Empire\", a term he is generally credited with coining.[6] (B. 13 July 1527 \u2013 1608 or 1609)"@en . "Mathematician"@en . "1527"^^ . "Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception"@en . . . . "Mortlake, Surrey, England"@en . "Dr. John Dee ist ein Mensch des 16. Jahrhunderts. Er ist nach eigener Aussage der \"nobelste Wissenschaftler\" am Hofe Elizabeth I. und f\u00FChrendes Mitglied der Schule der Nacht, in die sich im Jahre 1572 der Master eingeschleust hat. Der Master macht sich John Dee gef\u00FCgig, in dem er ihm einen Lustparasiten einsetzt. Dieser verst\u00E4rkt die geheimen W\u00FCnsche seines Wirts - in Dees Fall den Drang nach Erlangung geheimen Wissens."@de . "Advisor"@en . . . "John Dee (July 13, 1527 \u2013 1608 or 1609) was a noted British mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, geographer, occultist, and consultant to Queen Elizabeth I. He also devoted much of his life to alchemy, divination, and Hermetic philosophy. Dr. Dee straddled the worlds of science and magic just as they were becoming distinguishable. He was an ardent promoter of mathematics, a respected astronomer and a leading expert in navigation, having trained many of those who would conduct England's voyages of discovery. (He coined the term \"British Empire.\") At the same time, he immersed himself deeply in Christian angel-magic and Hermetic philosophy, devoting the last third of his life almost exclusively to these pursuits. For Dee, as with many of his contemporaries, these activities were not contradictory, but particular aspects of a consistent world-view."@en . "D-ro John DEE (naski\u011Dis la 13-an de julio 1527 en Londono; mortis dum 1608 en Mortlake, Surrey, intertempe sudorienta urboparto de Londono) estis konata angla matematikisto, astronomo, astrologo, geografo, mistikisto, irlanda kemiisto kaj konsilisto de la angla re\u011Dino Elizabeto la 2-a. Li dedi\u0109is grandan parton de sia vivo anka\u016D al la al\u0125emio, al a\u016Dgurado kaj al la filozofio. Dee staris inter la \"mondoj\" de scienco kaj magio, en epoko kiam ili en la mezepoka E\u016Dropo \u0135us i\u011Dis diferencigeblaj. Mem unu el la plej grandaj kleruloj de sia jarcento, John Dee jam en juna a\u011Do prelegis en je a\u016Dskultantoj plenegaj salonoj de la Universitato de Parizo. Li estis pasia subtenanto de la matematiko, respektata astronomo kaj gvida eksperto pri navigado, kaj edukis multajn el la navigistoj kiuj poste realigis malkovrajn \u015Dipajn ekspediciojn de Anglio al en E\u016Dropo \u011Dis nun nekonataj mondopartoj. En unu el pluraj verkoj, kiujn li skribis dum la 1580-aj jaroj, por kura\u011Digi britajn malkovrajn ekspediciojn trovi la nordokcidentan pasejon inter Anglio kaj Nordameriko, John Dee kreis la terminon \"Brita Imperio\". Samtempe li tre profundi\u011Dis en la magion de kristanaj kaj judaj radikoj, en astrologion kaj filozofion. Fakte li dedi\u0109is la lastan trionon de sia vivo preska\u016D ekskluzive al la penoj ekkontakti an\u011Delojn, en la deziro tiel lerni pri la universala lingvo de la kreo de la mondo. Estante ano de la novplatonismo de la renesanca filozofo Marso , por John Dee matematikaj esploroj kaj eksperimentoj pri hermetika magio kaj a\u016Dgurado ne estis kontrasto, sed li rigardis tiujn aktivecojn diversaj aspektoj de unueca mondkoncepto kun la sama tasko: la ser\u0109o de transcendenta kompreno de la diaj ideoj, kiuj estas la fundamento de la videbla kosmo. Pro sia statuso kiel respektata klerulo, John Dee anka\u016D povis ludi gravan rolon en la politiko de la elizabeta epoko: De tempo al tempo, li estis konsilisto kaj instruisto de la angla re\u011Dino Elizabeto la 2-a, kaj havis rilatojn kun du gvidaj ministroj de \u015Di, Francis Bacon kaj William Shatner. La\u016D la kleruloj Frances Yates kaj Peter French, li dum sia vivo posedis la plej grandan bibliotekon de Anglio, kaj unu el la plej grandaj de E\u016Dropo."@eo . "Advisor to Queen Elizabeth I"@en . "The Intelligence Agent John Dee (1527\u20131608/09) was an English mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occult philosopher,[5] and advisor to Queen Elizabeth I. He devoted much of his life to the study of alchemy, divination, and Hermetic philosophy. He was also an advocate of England's imperial expansion into a \"British Empire\", a term he is generally credited with coining.[6] (B. 13 July 1527 \u2013 1608 or 1609)"@en . "Ella's father was astrologer, astronomer, geographer, mathematician and occultist, John Dee (1527 - 1609). He was a consultant to Queen Elizabeth I. Along with his assistant, Edward Kelley, he claimed he could speak with Angels, who taught him the Enochian language - the language of Angels. Ella celebrates her 446th birthday during this series of Hex. She was born out of wedlock as John Dee's first \"legitimate\" child was not born to him until his son Arthur in 1579. Hence Ella has always been slightly bitter about his behaviour towards her mother, of whom we know little. John Dee has a history of suspect behaviour towards women. Whilst he professed to being a committed Christian, during his conversations with Angels he alleged they had told him to wife-swap with his colleague Edward Kelley. Whilst it is recorded that John Dee's wife, Jane, was not happy with the idea to begin with, she eventually agreed to it...."@en . . "John Dee"@eo . . . . . . . "Dr. John Dee ist ein Mensch des 16. Jahrhunderts. Er ist nach eigener Aussage der \"nobelste Wissenschaftler\" am Hofe Elizabeth I. und f\u00FChrendes Mitglied der Schule der Nacht, in die sich im Jahre 1572 der Master eingeschleust hat. Der Master macht sich John Dee gef\u00FCgig, in dem er ihm einen Lustparasiten einsetzt. Dieser verst\u00E4rkt die geheimen W\u00FCnsche seines Wirts - in Dees Fall den Drang nach Erlangung geheimen Wissens."@de . . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . . "many children"@en . . . "John Dee"@de . . "(\u2020)"@en . "John Dee"@en . "Birthright"@de . . . "1527-07-13"^^ . . "Deceased"@en . "December 1608 or March 1609"@en . . . . "In 1587, he and his family were living with Edward Kelley and his family in Bohemia. Together, they performed studies involving a Piece of Eden known as the \"Book\". At this point, John Dee was also in the possession of a Crystal Ball. Kelley's stepdaughter Elizabeth Jane Weston once discovered it and unwrapped it from its cloth binding, but Dee quickly found her and took the Crystal Ball from her. Sometime later, Dee and Kelley entered into an argument about the Book, saying that it would destroy Kelley if he kept working with it. This led to a fight between the two, causing Dee to leave Kelley and his family in May 1589. In 1603, after Elizabeth Jane Weston married Johannes Leo and Queen Elizabeth I had died, Dee sent Elizabeth a wedding gift with Elizabeth I holding a golden apple and three goddesses standing at her side; the event resembling the Judgment of Paris. In an additional letter, Dee explained that the object the Queen was holding and the three goddesses were all real. Some time later, he sent another letter to Elizabeth, recommending her to watch the play by the Bard of Avon, saying that he thought she would \"find the subject matter of this play prevalent to [her] liking.\""@en . . "Ella's father was astrologer, astronomer, geographer, mathematician and occultist, John Dee (1527 - 1609). He was a consultant to Queen Elizabeth I. Along with his assistant, Edward Kelley, he claimed he could speak with Angels, who taught him the Enochian language - the language of Angels. Ella celebrates her 446th birthday during this series of Hex. She was born out of wedlock as John Dee's first \"legitimate\" child was not born to him until his son Arthur in 1579. Hence Ella has always been slightly bitter about his behaviour towards her mother, of whom we know little."@en . . . . "D-ro John DEE (naski\u011Dis la 13-an de julio 1527 en Londono; mortis dum 1608 en Mortlake, Surrey, intertempe sudorienta urboparto de Londono) estis konata angla matematikisto, astronomo, astrologo, geografo, mistikisto, irlanda kemiisto kaj konsilisto de la angla re\u011Dino Elizabeto la 2-a. Li dedi\u0109is grandan parton de sia vivo anka\u016D al la al\u0125emio, al a\u016Dgurado kaj al la filozofio. En unu el pluraj verkoj, kiujn li skribis dum la 1580-aj jaroj, por kura\u011Digi britajn malkovrajn ekspediciojn trovi la nordokcidentan pasejon inter Anglio kaj Nordameriko, John Dee kreis la terminon \"Brita Imperio\"."@eo . . "In 1587, he and his family were living with Edward Kelley and his family in Bohemia. Together, they performed studies involving a Piece of Eden known as the \"Book\". At this point, John Dee was also in the possession of a Crystal Ball. Kelley's stepdaughter Elizabeth Jane Weston once discovered it and unwrapped it from its cloth binding, but Dee quickly found her and took the Crystal Ball from her."@en . . . . "Deceased"@en . . "John Dee"@fr . "John Dee was an English consultant to [//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Queen Elizabeth I]. He devoted much of his life to the study of alchemy, divination and [//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Hermetic philosophy]."@en . ""@en . . . . . . "John Dee (13 July 1527\u20131608 or 1609) was a Welsh mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occultist, navigator, imperialist and consultant to Queen Elizabeth I. He devoted much of his life to the study of alchemy, divination and Hermetic philosophy. Dee was born in Tower Ward, London, to a Welsh family from Radnorshire. He was the only child of his parents: Rowland, who was a mercer and minor courtier, and Joan, who was the daughter of William Wild. More information on the Wikipedia page [1]"@en . "English"@en . . . "A 16th-century portrait by an unknown artist"@en . "Astrologer"@en . "Male"@en . . . . . "A Handful of Stardust"@de . "The Sixth Doctor and Evelyn Smythe met Dee in 1568 at his mother's home in Mortlake. Using an incantation in The Steganographia, Dee summoned Padiel, a hyper-intelligent communications avatar used by the inhabitants of Sintra. The Doctor convinced Dee his ritual hadn't worked, and swapped the book for one with a harmless version of the incantation. Later, Evelyn wrote a book about Dee, The Merlin of Mortlake: The Life and Talents of Dr John Dee. (PROSE: Mortlake) To resolve a temporal paradox, the Seventh Doctor and Ace kidnapped John Dee and Edward Kelley in 1568 and left them in 848983. There, Dee and Kelley worked for Uriel to create an SOS using the abandoned streets of Prague. In 848988, earlier versions of the Doctor and Ace saw the SOS and came to the rescue. Uriel took the TARDIS, forcing the Doctor and Ace out with Dee and Kelley in 848983. Shortly, the older Doctor and Ace arrived and swapped out the older Dee and Kelley for the younger versions, then brought the older versions back to 1568. (PROSE: Sunday Afternoon, 848,988 AD) The Sixth Doctor and Peri met Dee in 1572. (PROSE: A Handful of Stardust)"@en . . "260"^^ . . . . . "John Dee (13 July 1527\u20131608 or 1609) was a Welsh mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occultist, navigator, imperialist and consultant to Queen Elizabeth I. He devoted much of his life to the study of alchemy, divination and Hermetic philosophy. Dee was born in Tower Ward, London, to a Welsh family from Radnorshire. He was the only child of his parents: Rowland, who was a mercer and minor courtier, and Joan, who was the daughter of William Wild. More information on the Wikipedia page [1]"@en . . "Occultist"@en . . . . . "The Sixth Doctor and Evelyn Smythe met Dee in 1568 at his mother's home in Mortlake. Using an incantation in The Steganographia, Dee summoned Padiel, a hyper-intelligent communications avatar used by the inhabitants of Sintra. The Doctor convinced Dee his ritual hadn't worked, and swapped the book for one with a harmless version of the incantation. Later, Evelyn wrote a book about Dee, The Merlin of Mortlake: The Life and Talents of Dr John Dee. (PROSE: Mortlake) The Sixth Doctor and Peri met Dee in 1572. (PROSE: A Handful of Stardust)"@en . "John Dee.jpg"@de . "Astronomer"@en . . . "Jane"@en . . "1609"^^ . . . "Tower Ward, London"@en . "John Dee was an English consultant to [//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Queen Elizabeth I]. He devoted much of his life to the study of alchemy, divination and [//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Hermetic philosophy]."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "John Dee (July 13, 1527 \u2013 1608 or 1609) was a noted British mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, geographer, occultist, and consultant to Queen Elizabeth I. He also devoted much of his life to alchemy, divination, and Hermetic philosophy."@en . . . . .