"Beta-4 K\u00E1rtyaC\u00E1pa"@en . . . "Beta-4 CardSharks were automated sabacc dealer droids. They walked unsteadily and could also help clean up areas. This appears to be the extent of their programming. The Neimoidian cantina-owner, Groshik, had such a droid in his cantina on Apatros. The droid was owned by the Outer Rim Oreworks Company."@en . . . "Beta-4 CardSharks were automated sabacc dealer droids. They walked unsteadily and could also help clean up areas. This appears to be the extent of their programming. The Neimoidian cantina-owner, Groshik, had such a droid in his cantina on Apatros. The droid was owned by the Outer Rim Oreworks Company."@en . "Beta-4 CardShark"@en . "Beta-4 CardShark"@en . .