. "Not All Dogs Go To Heaven"@en . ":Peter: [to William Shatner] Yes, I have a question for Captain Kirk...in that episode where you drown your wife; Why are you so fat?\n----\n:[Lois, Peter and Meg are at the Star Trek Convention]\n:Meg Griffin: Dad, this is stupid! I'm so bored!\n:Peter Griffin: How can you be bored? This convention has everything! You can even try on LeVar Burton's visor. \n:[Peter picks up the visor and wears it. People in his vision suddenly appear to look like Ku Klux Klan members holding torches and a shotgun]\n:Peter Griffin: [screams, then removes the visor] Why would he wear these?!...Who would invent these for him?!\n----\n:[Stewie's bedroom, the entire cast of \"Star Trek: The Next Generation\" are standing on his transporter pad, with Stewie standing beside the transporter controls, exhausted]\n:Stewie Griffin: [To the cast] This...was...exhausting. This whole experience, was absolutely...exhausting. You people have ruined Star Trek: The Next Generation for me, you are absolutely, the most insufferable group of jackasses I have ever had the misfortune of spending an extended period of time with, I hope you all fucking die.\n:Patrick Stewart: I still have five prize tickets from the Carnival.\n:Stewie Griffin: There was nothing for five tickets. We've been over this!\n:Patrick Stewart: Well, but, LeVar and I were going to pool ours for the fuzzy troll pencil topper.\n:Stewie Griffin: Oh yeah? You gonna share that?\n:LeVar Burton: Yeah, we were gonna share it.\n:Stewie Griffin: Really? How's that gonna work?\n:Patrick Stewart: Three days at my house, three days at LeVar's, and alternating Sundays.\n:Stewie Griffin: For a pencil-topper?!\n:Michael Dorn: I have to pee again.\n:Stewie Griffin: That's it. Goodbye. \n:[Stewie pulls a lever on the control panel, and the cast are dematerialized. The drink that LeVar was holding however, was not, and it falls to the floor, spilling everywhere]\n:Stewie Griffin: Fuck!!\n----\n:Brian: I thought only he without sin could cast the first Prius.\n:Peter Griffin: Ha!\n----\n:Brian: Ok, fine, the let me ask you this. If there were a God, would He have put you here on Earth with a flat chest and a fat ass. \n:Meg Griffin: I'm made in His image.\n:Brian: Really? Would He give you a smoking hot Mom like Lois and have you grow-up looking like Peter?\n:Meg Griffin: Well...\n:Brian: And what kind of God would put you in a house where no one respects and cares about you, not even enough to give you a damn mumps shot?!\n----\n:Cleveland: Hey, where the hell is my van?\n:[Stewie and the cast of \"Star Trek: The Next Generation\" stop at the McDonald's drive thru]\n:Marina Sirtis: Stewie, I'm not really much of a fast food eater.\n:Stewie Griffin: Yeah, can you read my mind? Can you tell what I'm thinking right now? I'm thinking \"shut up and get a salad.\"\n:Brent Spiner: I want some McNuggets!\n:Stewie Griffin: We'll get to you, Brent.\n:Wil Wheaton: I want a hamburger. No, a cheeseburger. I want a hot dog, I want a milkshake...\n:[Patrick Stewart punches Wil Wheaton in the back of the head]\n:Patrick Stewart: You'll get nothing and like it!\n:Stewie Griffin: Uh, hello?\n:Employee: Yes, welcome to McDonald's. Can I help you?\n:Stewie Griffin: Oh, hailing frequencies open, huh?\n:[Stewie laughs]\n:Stewie Griffin: Uh, yeah, uh, we're gonna get, uh, two McChicken sandwiches and a diet coke and...uh, uh, what do you want, Michael?\n:Michael Dorn: A McDLT.\n:Stewie Griffin: No, I already told you, they don't make those anymore.\n:Michael Dorn: You know, sometimes it's a regional thing. You could ask.\n:Stewie Griffin: No McDonald's anywhere makes a McDLT anymore.\n:Jonathan Frakes: I'd love a shamrock shake if they got any of those.\n:Stewie Griffin: It's September, Jonathan.\n:[LeVar Burton has a visor on]\n:LeVar Burton: Stewie, can I take this goddamn headband off?\n:Stewie Griffin: No, LeVar. You're blind. That's the only way you can see.\n:Michael Dorn: I'm just saying, they have all the ingredients for a McDL...\n:[Some behind the van honks their horn]\n:Stewie Griffin: Just hang on! Alright? There's a lot of us! There's a lot of-- it's a big order!\n:Patrick Stewart: What time do they stop serving breakfast?\n:Stewie Griffin: It's 3:00.\n:Patrick Stewart: Some of them serve breakfast all day.\n:Stewie Griffin: None of them serve breakfast all day!\n:Michael Dorn: Do they have beer?\n----\n:Dr. Hartman: Well, Meg has the mumps alright. How is it she was never immunized?\n:Peter: Well, it was 1992 and I couldn't be bothered with anything that didn't involved Dan Cortese. Besides, what's a big deal? I never got a mumps shot. \n:Dr. Hartman: Really? Well, I caution you, that getting the mumps as an adult could result a serious complications. In some cases the symptoms could spread to the testicular glands.\n:Peter: Big deal, so I wear socks.\n:Dr. Hartman: Mr. Griffin, your testicles are not on your feet.\n:Peter: Oh, where are they? \n:Dr. Hartman: Under your penis.\n:Peter: Are you kidding? I always thought those were two little sandbags to keep floodwaters from floating into my bum. No, no. I'm just poking at your funny bone. I am quite alarmed.\n----\n:Peter: That's right folks. It's gonna be a Meg episode. Stick around for the fun. Here's the clicker. No one'd blame ya.\n----\n:[When Stewie transports the cast of \u201CStar Trek: The Next Generation\u201D into his room]\n:Stewie: Greeting everyone, my name is Stewie Griffin. I've transported you all here against your will. I'm a huge fan. And you are going to answer all my questions.\n:Denise Crosby: But, you\u2019re a baby.\n:Stewie: Yes, that\u2019s right, Denise Crosby. [shoots her with a Klingon phaser] That was a warning. Please do not speak unless you are spoken to. Now, question #1: what's it like on the set? \n:Marina Sirtis: The show's been off the air for fifteen years. \n:Michael Dorn: Although I will say it was an awful lot of fun, you know, when Patrick wasn't hogging the limelight. \n:Patrick Stewart: Oh, fuck you, Michael! Fifteen years later, you've still got that attitude!\n:Stewie: Oh, my God! I'm already having a fantastic time. Let's spend a day together! \n:Wil Wheaton: Hey, that sounds like fun!\n:Patrick Stewart: [slaps Wil in the back of the head] Shut up, Wil.\n:Wil Wheaton: Stop it, Patrick!\n:Stewie: You know, I think you should all be nicer to Hwil Hwheaton.\n:Patrick Stewart: The way I treat my colleague... wait, what?\n:Stewie: I said, you should be nicer to Hwil Hwheaton. Hwil Hwheaton seems like a nice guy.\n:Patrick Stewart: Say \"Wheat\".\n:Stewie: Wheat.\n:Patrick Stewart: Now say \"Wil Wheaton\".\n:Stewie: Hwil Hwheaton.\n:Patrick Stewart: Wil Wheaton.\n:Stewie: Hwil Hwheaton.\n:Patrick Stewart: Wil Wheaton.\n:Stewie: Hwil Hwheaton.\n:Patrick Stewart: Wil Wheaton.\n:Stewie: Hey, did you hook up with Hwhoopi Goldberg on the show?\n:Patrick Stewart: All the time.\n----"@en . . "420"^^ . . "Not All Dogs Go To Heaven/Quotes"@en . "FOX-y Lady"@en . .