"Praetorian Order"@en . "The following is a comprehensive list of characters that are members of the Praetorian Order. Darth Praetus Darth Tra'cor (Exalted Chance) - (Sith Apprentice of Darth Praetus) Calliban - (General of the Praetorian Forces) Tsujin Huan - (Admiral of the Praetorium) Vanadoth Elnth - Servant Ror'Olak - (Direct Servant and Android of Darth Praetus) Neziah Eapitaph - (Apprentice of Calliban) Daekeig-ur - (Torture Master of Darth Praetus) Luthian Thrabaoth - (Naval Officer and 2nd in Command under Huan) Faeneror - Speaker Kiren Nay'lar - Sith Master Morae - Sith Marauder Raithe Sherad - Sith Marauder Noso Ric - Sith Warrior Alek Matayo - Sith Acolyte"@en . "The following is a comprehensive list of characters that are members of the Praetorian Order. Darth Praetus Darth Tra'cor (Exalted Chance) - (Sith Apprentice of Darth Praetus) Calliban - (General of the Praetorian Forces) Tsujin Huan - (Admiral of the Praetorium) Vanadoth Elnth - Servant Ror'Olak - (Direct Servant and Android of Darth Praetus) Neziah Eapitaph - (Apprentice of Calliban) Daekeig-ur - (Torture Master of Darth Praetus) Luthian Thrabaoth - (Naval Officer and 2nd in Command under Huan) Faeneror - Speaker Kiren Nay'lar - Sith Master Morae - Sith Marauder Raithe Sherad - Sith Marauder Noso Ric - Sith Warrior Alek Matayo - Sith Acolyte"@en . .