. "background:#996"@en . . "The Bloodwake was a massive corsair ship originally owned by Ripfang. It was rowed by slaves, including Martin the Warrior's friend Timballisto and Log-a-Log Big Club's shrew tribe. While Ripfang was distracted during a battle with Boar the Fighter, Martin, Gonff the Mousethief, and Young Dinny captured the ship and took it as their own. Dinny later renamed it Wuddshipp. Wuddshipp was filled with abundant weapons later used by shrews and slaves to battle Kotir. Timballisto found Martin's old battle armor, which Martin also used during the battle. It was in the ship's armory, along with everything else that had been taken from creatures the corsairs had conquered. Martin and some of the otter members of the Corim later scuttled Wuddship in the River Moss in order to flood Kotir, to the great disappointment of Log-a-Log. With the help of the otters Wuddship was later refloated and given to Log-a-Log and his shrews. Seasons later, a place called Wuddshipp Creek existed near Redwall Abbey."@en . "Bloodwake"@en . . "Sunken by Martin to flood Kotir"@en . "The Bloodwake was a massive corsair ship originally owned by Ripfang. It was rowed by slaves, including Martin the Warrior's friend Timballisto and Log-a-Log Big Club's shrew tribe. While Ripfang was distracted during a battle with Boar the Fighter, Martin, Gonff the Mousethief, and Young Dinny captured the ship and took it as their own. Dinny later renamed it Wuddshipp. Seasons later, a place called Wuddshipp Creek existed near Redwall Abbey."@en . "Bloodwake"@en . "Had a massive skull of a big fish on the prow"@en . "Mossflower, Mentioned in Outcast of Redwall"@en . .