. . "Deceased"@en . . . . "Stumm"@de . . "Oddjob"@en . . . "Organization of Imperial Nations: Joined Alliance on: June 10, 2007 Left Alliance on: November 25, 2007 Sparta: Joined Alliance on: November 25, 2007 Left Alliance on: November, 2008 International Protection Agency: Joined Alliance: November, 2008 Left Alliance: April, 2009 Sparta: Joined Alliance: April, 2009 Left Alliance: August 5, 2009 Ronin: Joined Alliance on: August 5, 2009 Left Alliance on: March 10, 2011 The Order of Misfit Nations: Joined Alliance: March 10, 2011 Left Alliance: N/A Previous Positions Held: OIN: Vice Chancellor, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Grand Ambassador, Major General"@en . . "Oddjob.PNG"@en . "Oddjob (Harold Sakata) - Profile.jpg|Harold SakataGoldfinger (film)(1964)|link=Oddjob (Harold Sakata)"@en . . . . . . "Oddjob is the secondary antagonist of the James Bond novel and film, Goldfinger. He is the personal bodyguard of Auric Goldfinger and a fiercely mute opponent for James Bond; as well as being primarily known for his steel-rimmed hat, which he uses as a deadly throwing projectile. He was portrayed by the Japanese-American actor, Harold Sakata."@en . "Harold Sakata"@fr . "300"^^ . . . "Oddjob is the secondary antagonist of the James Bond novel and film, Goldfinger. He is the personal bodyguard of Auric Goldfinger and a fiercely mute opponent for James Bond; as well as being primarily known for his steel-rimmed hat, which he uses as a deadly throwing projectile. He was portrayed by the Japanese-American actor, Harold Sakata."@en . "1964"^^ . . . . "Affiliation"@en . . "Servant and henchman of Auric Goldfinger"@en . . . . . . . "Handlanger"@de . "Oddjob.jpg"@de . . . . "None"@en . . . . . . "tot"@de . . . . "Second couteau"@fr . . . . "Oddjob (Harold Sakata) - Profile.jpg|Harold SakataGoldfinger (film)(1964)|link=Oddjob (Harold Sakata)"@en . . . . . "Oddjob"@de . . . "Oddjob is a villain who was included as a special bonus character by the Rare team in GoldenEye 007. Oddjob is not included in any of the mission stages, but is available in multiplayer as a selectable character. He can also be seen in the cast list that plays during both the opening and ending credits."@en . "Organization of Imperial Nations: Joined Alliance on: June 10, 2007 Left Alliance on: November 25, 2007 Sparta: Joined Alliance on: November 25, 2007 Left Alliance on: November, 2008 International Protection Agency: Joined Alliance: November, 2008 Left Alliance: April, 2009 Sparta: Joined Alliance: April, 2009 Left Alliance: August 5, 2009 Ronin: Joined Alliance on: August 5, 2009 Left Alliance on: March 10, 2011 The Order of Misfit Nations: Joined Alliance: March 10, 2011 Left Alliance: N/A Previous Positions Held: OIN: Vice Chancellor, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Grand Ambassador, Major General Sparta: Senator IPA: Chief Advisor and Senate Ronin: Shogun, Daimyo of Defense Misfit Nations: Guardian Heir Nation Name: Republic of Djibouti Nation Ruler: oddjob"@en . . . . "Male"@en . . . . . "Enormous strength, pain resistance, hat with steel rims inside"@en . "Weapon of Choice"@en . "Oddjob is a villain who was included as a special bonus character by the Rare team in GoldenEye 007. Oddjob is not included in any of the mission stages, but is available in multiplayer as a selectable character. He can also be seen in the cast list that plays during both the opening and ending credits."@en . . . "Cor\u00E9en"@fr . . . "Status"@en . . "Oddjob est aussi \u00E9trange que son nom. Depuis pr\u00E8s de dix-neuf ans, c'est \u00E0 la fois le domestique et le chauffeur personnel de Goldfinger. Ce quasi-muet aux origines cor\u00E9ennes peint ses victimes avec une peinture \u00E0 base d'or. Il adore impressionner ses ennemis en faisant une d\u00E9monstration de sa force. Expert en karat\u00E9, Oddjob poss\u00E8de une force surhumaine. Le domestique se bat avec une arme secr\u00E8te : un chapeau melon dont les bords sont renforc\u00E9s de lames d'acier tranchantes. Oddjob est impitoyable et le plus fid\u00E8le alli\u00E9 d'Auric Goldfinger."@fr . "Enforcer"@en . . . . . . "Auric Goldfinger"@en . . . . "Gender"@en . . . . "Not much is known about Oddjob's early days. Some have suggested that he is actually a Premenstrunis Protohominid Gorillisis, from the uninhabitated Northern Congo. Whilst others have suggested he was merely a crocodile in a Hideo Kojima costume. This is only speculation however."@en . "Oddjob"@fr . "Oddjob"@en . "Game: Goldeneye\n\n\nMovie: Bowler hat"@en . . "Goldfinger"@en . . "Oddjob est aussi \u00E9trange que son nom. Depuis pr\u00E8s de dix-neuf ans, c'est \u00E0 la fois le domestique et le chauffeur personnel de Goldfinger. Ce quasi-muet aux origines cor\u00E9ennes peint ses victimes avec une peinture \u00E0 base d'or. Il adore impressionner ses ennemis en faisant une d\u00E9monstration de sa force. Expert en karat\u00E9, Oddjob poss\u00E8de une force surhumaine. Le domestique se bat avec une arme secr\u00E8te : un chapeau melon dont les bords sont renforc\u00E9s de lames d'acier tranchantes. Oddjob est impitoyable et le plus fid\u00E8le alli\u00E9 d'Auric Goldfinger."@fr . "Oddjob"@fr . "Killing James Bond"@en . "Oddjob"@de . . . . . . . . "Not much is known about Oddjob's early days. Some have suggested that he is actually a Premenstrunis Protohominid Gorillisis, from the uninhabitated Northern Congo. Whilst others have suggested he was merely a crocodile in a Hideo Kojima costume. This is only speculation however. What is known for a fact, is that in April of 1958, an fisherman picked up what he described as \"a snarling, ferocious, naked beast\", and quickly sold it to Peter Jackson to use as Gollum in an major motion picture. However, on the way from Laos it was intercepted by M-16 fighter jets, and presented as a gift to the head of SPECTRE, Blofeld. The beast (which came to be known as Oddjob) was sold and contracted out on various occasions."@en . . "Oddjob"@en . . . . .