"Reborn Prosperity was the space station which was planned to succeed High Charity. While considerably smaller, it could still uphold a similar role; it began construction in 2560."@en . . "'"@en . "2580-05-01"^^ . "Heavy pulse laser turrets"@en . "4.3"^^ . "45.05"^^ . "Space station/mobile capital"@en . "Reborn Prosperity"@en . "Yes"@en . . "Covenant; later New Covenant"@en . . . "Covenant hub"@en . "Yes"@en . "4.22"^^ . . "Reborn Prosperity was the space station which was planned to succeed High Charity. While considerably smaller, it could still uphold a similar role; it began construction in 2560."@en . . . . "Thousands of infantry and presumably vehicles"@en . . "2580-05-03"^^ . . . . .