. "The Hitler youth was a club where nerds across the country made fun of Mustacheiod people (Also known as mustacians, mustacios, or green peas) mustaches. This club became internationally popular in the 1960's shortly after Neil Armstring and Buzz Lightyear landed on the moon. The club was founded because said nerds were jealous of all the mustachiod people (also known a mustacians, mustacios, or green peas) who were celebrating the moon landing. __TOC__"@en . . "Hitler Youth Organization"@en . . . "The Hitler youth was a club where nerds across the country made fun of Mustacheiod people (Also known as mustacians, mustacios, or green peas) mustaches. This club became internationally popular in the 1960's shortly after Neil Armstring and Buzz Lightyear landed on the moon. The club was founded because said nerds were jealous of all the mustachiod people (also known a mustacians, mustacios, or green peas) who were celebrating the moon landing. __TOC__"@en .