"Juzu Beads are used by some newer Buddhist sects such as Nichiren Buddhists. They are different from Mala Beads. Mala Beads are supposed to be 108 beads for a large Mala (four sections of 27 beads with a divider bead and a head bead with a tassel). Mala Beads are for Mantra counting (Hindu), not sutra recitation (Buddhist). Nichiren Buddhists, not Hindus, use Juzu Beads. Juzu beads are smaller and are distintively different by way of the tassels. Juzu beads have 5 tassels, two on one end and three on the other end. The beads with 5 tassels represent a Buddha. The three end are the head and both arms of the Buddha and the two end is the legs of the Buddha. The three end is to be placed over the middle finger of the right hand with the two end placed over the middle finger of the left hand, draping down the backs of the hands. One then separates the hands in kind of a 'cat's cradle' style and when clasping the strings on either sides of the middle fingers of both hands, then placing the hands together with the slack part hanging down in the middle. Several of the members who chant rub the slack part of the beads between their hands frequently as they chant. One might want to think about when someone says something like, \"Our beads are the authentic type used by SGI, or other Nichiren Buddhists and contain real Bali / Thai silver, and are available in nearly any type of stone, Bodhi wood, bamboo, or coral\", or \"They are the type used by Tibetan Monks and have the authentic Tibetan wood products in them\", think about it. Nichiren Buddhism is Japanese. Why would they contain anything from Tibet, Thailand, or India? A lot of the beads you see sold by the SGI bookstore are made of plastic. Check the link below. Nichiren Buddhists use Juzu Beads while chanting daimoku (Nam Myoho Renge Kyo) and gongyo (the \"Expedient Means\" chapter and the \"Thus Come One\" chapters from the 28 chapters of the Lotus Sutra). Gongyo is usually performed twice daily with daimoku liberally before and after gongyo and whenver possilbe during the day. Juzu beads are usually kept in a Bead Bag (cloth pouch). References: Experience as a member of Nichiren Buddhism."@en . . "Juzu Beads are used by some newer Buddhist sects such as Nichiren Buddhists. They are different from Mala Beads. Mala Beads are supposed to be 108 beads for a large Mala (four sections of 27 beads with a divider bead and a head bead with a tassel). Mala Beads are for Mantra counting (Hindu), not sutra recitation (Buddhist). Nichiren Buddhists, not Hindus, use Juzu Beads. Juzu beads are smaller and are distintively different by way of the tassels. Juzu beads have 5 tassels, two on one end and three on the other end. The beads with 5 tassels represent a Buddha. The three end are the head and both arms of the Buddha and the two end is the legs of the Buddha. The three end is to be placed over the middle finger of the right hand with the two end placed over the middle finger of the left hand, "@en . . "Juzu beads"@en .