. "Anger is an emotion, a feeling of extreme displeasure. Antiquated Earth religions consider feeling angry a sin against deity and unhealthy for one's eternal soul. (ST novel: The Unhappy Ones) Anger and intense frustration or dislike are the cure to the plant spores infesting Omicron Ceti III. (TOS episode: \"This Side of Paradise\") Prolonged exposure to unstable Tholian space results in damage to humanoid brain tissue. This leads to angry fits of rage, paranoid insanity and death. (TOS episode: \"The Tholian Web\")"@en . "\"Destiny\""@en . "Those who experience anger will often make clench their fists for extended periods of time, and have been known to simultaneously cry. Persons who suffer from extreme anger are often referred to as having a temper or a piece of shit."@en . . . . "Anger.png"@en . "Rojo, con camisa blanca, corbata, pantal\u00F3n marr\u00F3n y zapatos oscuros"@es . "Whilhelms Scream"@en . "Anger"@en . "The following is excerpted from Strengthening Marriage: A Resource Guide for Couples, Overcoming Anger, 15-17. President Gordon B. Hinckley taught that \u201Ctemper is a vicious and corrosive thing that destroys affection and casts out love.\u201C (Ensign, May 1991, 74.) Elder Lynn G. Robbins of the Seventy described anger as the \u201Cthought-sin that leads to hostile feelings or behavior. It is the detonator of road rage on the freeway, flare-ups in the sports arena, and domestic violence in homes.\u201D (Ensign, May 1998, 80\u201381.) President Gordon B. Hinckley warned of the tragic consequences of anger, asking, \u201CWho can calculate the wounds inflicted, their depth and pain, by harsh and mean words spoken in anger?\u201D (Ensign, Nov. 1991, 50) Each day, countless individuals are assaulted verbally, physically, and sexually by angry persons. One can become angry almost without thinking. Anger is often difficult to control because it occurs so quickly. In other situations, anger builds slowly as a person perceives ongoing threats, injustice, or mistreatment. These perceptions are often exaggerated or imagined. In either case, becoming angry is a choice. The Apostle Paul said, \u201CThe peace of God . . . passeth all understanding\u201D (Philippians 4:7). Those who have struggled with anger know how liberating it is to feel peace and freedom from this emotion. As one person described it, \u201CI used to walk around feeling like I wanted to hurt everyone I saw. Anger dominated my life. As I applied gospel principles and as I learned to think differently and to view others in a better way, my anger went away. Now I can enjoy being around others. I have my life back again.\u201D"@en . . "gFKzEZhytGA"@en . . . "Gray"@en . . . "Hacer que Riley se enfade cuando debe"@es . "Employee of Vicky's Brain"@en . . . . . "Gru\u00F1\u00F3n"@es . "Anger is one of the three Gray Sisters, who shares an eye and a tooth with her sisters, Wasp and Tempest. They also go by other variations of the name such as \"Gray Witches\" or the Graeae and are considered to be the sisters of the Gorgons. She and her sisters drive the Chariot of Damnation, or the Gray Sisters' Taxi as it is called in New York."@en . . "Female"@en . . . "\"anger\""@en . . "Anger (Ira en Espa\u00F1a, Furia en Latinoam\u00E9rica) es un personaje de la pel\u00EDcula Inside Out"@es . . "Emoci\u00F3n de ira de Riley"@es . . "50"^^ . "Lewis Black describes Anger as follows: \"He's angry. He knows the group is well-meaning and they try hard, but they don't get how things should work as well as he does. So he has to stay on top of everything, and the only way he knows how to get their attention, keep it, and make sure they get things done right is by getting angry. He is comfortable with his anger. It makes him happy. But when pushed too far, the top of his head bursts into flames.\""@en . "Whilhelms Scream"@en . "--12-23"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "This is the first original Vocaloid song by Tripshots. The WIP version without PV was uploaded on December 12, 2007 on Nicovideo. The full version was released some five months later."@en . "sm3183550"@en . "Knathtead"@en . . . . . "40"^^ . . . "Anger"@en . . . "0"^^ . "Anger"@en . . . "Anger (Ira en Espa\u00F1a, Furia en Latinoam\u00E9rica) es un personaje de la pel\u00EDcula Inside Out"@es . "Anger was an invertible wedge-shaped ramming robot built by Team Die Gracefully Robotics in 2009 . This machine - equipped with a front scoop and two big exposed wheels - was the first robot built by this team who made their debut in 2010."@en . "Anger"@es . "Riley's Mind"@en . "Anger was one of five Force Priestesses who had sustained their consciousness in the Force after death and dwelt on the Wellspring of Life."@en . . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . "Lewis Black describes Anger as follows: \"He's angry. He knows the group is well-meaning and they try hard, but they don't get how things should work as well as he does. So he has to stay on top of everything, and the only way he knows how to get their attention, keep it, and make sure they get things done right is by getting angry. He is comfortable with his anger. It makes him happy. But when pushed too far, the top of his head bursts into flames.\""@en . "2"^^ . . . "40"^^ . "Those who experience anger will often make clench their fists for extended periods of time, and have been known to simultaneously cry. Persons who suffer from extreme anger are often referred to as having a temper or a piece of shit."@en . . . . "Unknown"@en . "10"^^ . "Release Of The Game"@en . "Team Die Gracefully Robotics"@en . "djnDnzJ_Uz8"@en . . . . "Anger was the monstrous son of the sorceress, Mist. He resided with her in Mist Keep along with his twin brother Wrath. He appeared like an enormous Jaghut, nearly two fathoms high. But his enormous jutting tusks were coarser and his brow ridge was thicker than a Jaghut's. He also possessed \"massed ropy manes of hair\" that hung to his shoulders. The Crimson Guard mage, Gwynn, sensed that he had been \"twisted\" in the womb."@en . . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . . . . "235000"^^ . . . . "Tripshots"@en . "\"Anger\""@en . . . "Operator of Vicky's Anger"@en . "Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast"@en . . . "12"^^ . . "\"Anger\" is a short story by Inverarity. The story was written for the LiveJournel PPHP Fic Exchange, \"Between the Shadow and the Soul.\" The story is rated NC-17 for sexual situations; one must be logged into LiveJournal and belong to the pphpficexchange community in order to read the story."@en . . . . . "11"^^ . "''Inside Out"@en . "Anger is a Rare figure part of the Inside Out collection."@en . "Anger"@en . "Anger is a measure of how angry your god is with you. It is a Bad Idea to ask your god for favors when it is angry with you. If you sufficiently annoy any god, it may smite you. Your god can be mollified by sacrificing sufficiently powerful monsters at a coaligned altar."@en . . . "Anger is when you get real mad at something and you don't know what to do, so you start buying stocks off of ebay (it's possible). Then, you buy some kind of bug spray and then spray it in the eyes of your neighbor just because you can."@en . "2009-06-19"^^ . "~"@en . . . "10.0"^^ . . . . "#0b1e2c; color:#28a5a9"@en . . "Anger is a spell of the Hypnotist. Causes a target to become angery, increasing its attack speed by 75% while doing 10 damage per second to it. Stacks with Pump Up."@en . . "None"@en . "sm15841956"@en . . . . "Dave + Gemma Lawrie"@en . . . . "Anger is a measure of how angry your god is with you. It is a Bad Idea to ask your god for favors when it is angry with you. If you sufficiently annoy any god, it may smite you. Your god can be mollified by sacrificing sufficiently powerful monsters at a coaligned altar."@en . . "\"Anger\""@en . . . . . . "100"^^ . "6000"^^ . . "Furia"@es . "Anger is one the 8 basic emotions. While intesity varies its indicated by following: 1. \n* Eyebrowns down and together (A4) 1. \n* Eyes glare 1. \n* Narrowing of the lips. Depending on the amount of anger there can be more or less signs in different intensity,"@en . "May.3.2008"@en . . . . . "1.99"^^ . . . "35"^^ . "Anger is a spell of the Hypnotist. Causes a target to become angery, increasing its attack speed by 75% while doing 10 damage per second to it. Stacks with Pump Up."@en . "tripshots/anger-12rmx-for-dj-tripshots"@en . . . . "\"Sacrifice\""@en . . . . . . "The following is excerpted from Strengthening Marriage: A Resource Guide for Couples, Overcoming Anger, 15-17. President Gordon B. Hinckley taught that \u201Ctemper is a vicious and corrosive thing that destroys affection and casts out love.\u201C (Ensign, May 1991, 74.) Elder Lynn G. Robbins of the Seventy described anger as the \u201Cthought-sin that leads to hostile feelings or behavior. It is the detonator of road rage on the freeway, flare-ups in the sports arena, and domestic violence in homes.\u201D (Ensign, May 1998, 80\u201381.)"@en . . . . . "40"^^ . . . . "Ira_InsideOut.png"@es . . "\"Anger\" is a short story by Inverarity. The story was written for the LiveJournel PPHP Fic Exchange, \"Between the Shadow and the Soul.\" The story is rated NC-17 for sexual situations; one must be logged into LiveJournal and belong to the pphpficexchange community in order to read the story."@en . . . "Wedge"@en . . . . "2010"^^ . "Inside Out: Thought Bubbles"@es . . "sm1844183"@en . . . . "Anger was the monstrous son of the sorceress, Mist. He resided with her in Mist Keep along with his twin brother Wrath. He appeared like an enormous Jaghut, nearly two fathoms high. But his enormous jutting tusks were coarser and his brow ridge was thicker than a Jaghut's. He also possessed \"massed ropy manes of hair\" that hung to his shoulders. The Crimson Guard mage, Gwynn, sensed that he had been \"twisted\" in the womb. Anger wore a suit of armor customized to his frame and carried a weapon longer than a person was tall. He was capable of tossing boulders as missiles and lifting a launch full of men clear out of the water. He and his brother enjoyed terrorizing the visitors to their home and could seemingly appear and disappear at will within the magical fog generated by their mother."@en . "official"@en . . "jNFCsJ16crc"@en . . "Hatsune Miku"@en . . "None"@en . . "Graeae"@en . . "tv-shows/clone-wars/sacrifice"@en . . "short angry mix"@en . "Tiny Timmy!"@en . "Unknown"@en . . . "Disney INFINITY 3.0"@es . "Anger"@es . . "Unknown"@en . "Anger is one of the three Gray Sisters, who shares an eye and a tooth with her sisters, Wasp and Tempest. They also go by other variations of the name such as \"Gray Witches\" or the Graeae and are considered to be the sisters of the Gorgons. She and her sisters drive the Chariot of Damnation, or the Gray Sisters' Taxi as it is called in New York."@en . . . . . . . . . "This is the first original Vocaloid song by Tripshots. The WIP version without PV was uploaded on December 12, 2007 on Nicovideo. The full version was released some five months later."@en . . . . . . . "6757"^^ . "150"^^ . "#40E0D0; color: black"@en . "The Sea of Monsters"@en . "100.0"^^ . "Anger is when you get real mad at something and you don't know what to do, so you start buying stocks off of ebay (it's possible). Then, you buy some kind of bug spray and then spray it in the eyes of your neighbor just because you can."@en . "100"^^ . . "Anger was an invertible wedge-shaped ramming robot built by Team Die Gracefully Robotics in 2009 . This machine - equipped with a front scoop and two big exposed wheels - was the first robot built by this team who made their debut in 2010."@en . . . "Inside Out"@en . . . . . . "40"^^ . . . "#0b1e2c; color:#28a5a9;"@en . . . "Villain"@en . . . . "tv-shows/clone-wars/destiny"@en . . "Inside Out"@es . "Extend-RMX"@en . . . "Riley's First Date?"@es . "1"^^ . "An extended remix featured in the album Synthesis."@en . "Anger"@nl . . "Anger is a Rare figure part of the Inside Out collection."@en . . "Anger is an emotion, a feeling of extreme displeasure. Antiquated Earth religions consider feeling angry a sin against deity and unhealthy for one's eternal soul. (ST novel: The Unhappy Ones) Anger and intense frustration or dislike are the cure to the plant spores infesting Omicron Ceti III. (TOS episode: \"This Side of Paradise\") Kelvans realized how prone their new, human forms were to anger. James T. Kirk made this point clear after provoking Rojan into annoyed hostility (with underlying jealousy for his advances to Kelinda). By the time they hypothetically reach Andromeda, their Empire would meet their \"savage\" descendants. (TOS episode: \"By Any Other Name\") Prolonged exposure to unstable Tholian space results in damage to humanoid brain tissue. This leads to angry fits of rage, paranoid insanity and death. (TOS episode: \"The Tholian Web\") Besides fear, anger is a powerful, primal emotion. Entities have been known to feed off it and agitate more in order to become stronger. (TOS episodes: \"Wolf in the Fold\", \"Day of the Dove\") Acts of wrath, vengeance or retribution have also been attributed to this often violent emotion, when one feels betrayed and unjustly treated. (TOS movie: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; TNG episode: \"Reunion\"; TNG movie: Star Trek: First Contact) Data, while on an away team mission to Ohniaka III, killed a Borg drone that attacked and thus angered him. (TNG episode: \"Descent\") In strong telepaths, unmanaged, witheld anger can be contagious as disease to passersby. (TNG episode: \"Sarek\") Anger is one of the negative emotions stimulated by the low-energy waves of certain harmonic diamonds. (TNG comic: \"Captain's Pleasure\")"@en . "80"^^ . . "Anger is one the 8 basic emotions. While intesity varies its indicated by following: 1. \n* Eyebrowns down and together (A4) 1. \n* Eyes glare 1. \n* Narrowing of the lips. Depending on the amount of anger there can be more or less signs in different intensity,"@en . . "Featured in the album Digital Trax presents VOCALO\u2605POPS BEST feat. Hatsune Miku."@en . "~"@en . . "Anger was one of five Force Priestesses who had sustained their consciousness in the Force after death and dwelt on the Wellspring of Life."@en . . .