"Voiced By:"@en . "16"^^ . . "A 1982 Epic Movie directed by Richard Attenborough, Gandhi is the bio-pic of Mohandas K. Gandhi, aka Mahatma Gandhi. The titular role was played by Ben Kingsley in his star making Oscar-winning role. Its story concerns Gandhi as he leads the non-violent fight for India\u2019s independence from the British Empire. Along the way, he earns the respect of much of the world and enemies of all forms. In addition to Kingsley\u2019s award, this won seven other Oscars, including Best Picture, and it holds the record for biggest cast, having around 300,000 people including extras."@en . . . "1982"^^ . . "Gandhi is an outcast at school. He is often considered annoying and a \"spaz\" by his classmates. However, Gandhi's desire is to be popular and constantly seeks acceptance by those around him. He is the class clown, life of the party and is a lazy, irresponsible and underachieving slacker. He also suffers from A.D.D. He plays the schools mascot, DNA Dan. He often serves as the comic relief and is best friends of Abe and Joan."@en . . . . "Best Sound Mixing"@en . . "Age:"@en . "Jewish"@en . "11"^^ . . . "Gandhi"@en . . . . "Gandhi ist der Name verschiedener Asiatischer Elefanten: 1. \n* Gandhi, des Jungbullen im Zoo Heidelberg, Sohn von Chieng Mai im Zoo Kopenhagen; 2. \n* Gandhi, der \u00E4lteren Elefantenkuh im Zoo Pont-Scorff (Frankreich), fr\u00FCher im Zoo Givskud (D\u00E4nemark)."@de . "Gandhi was a popular movie on Earth, released in 1982. It chronicled the life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, referred to as \"Mahatma\" (\"Great soul\"). In 2005, Dr. Rodney McKay regretted not seeing this movie when he believed he would die. (SGA: \"Letters from Pegasus\")"@en . "Mahatmo Gandhio (hindalingve: \u092E\u094B\u0939\u0928\u0926\u093E\u0938 \u0915\u0930\u092E\u091A\u0928\u094D\u0926 \u0917\u093E\u0928\u094D\u0927\u0940; guzerate: \u0AAE\u0ACB\u0AB9\u0AA8\u0AA6\u0ABE\u0AB8 \u0A95\u0AB0\u0AAE\u0A9A\u0A82\u0AA6 \u0A97\u0ABE\u0A82\u0AA7\u0AC0, Devanagarie \u092E\u094B\u0939\u0928\u0926\u093E\u0938 \u0915\u0930\u092E\u091A\u0928\u094D\u0926 \u0917\u093E\u0928\u094D\u0927\u0940) naski\u011Dis 1860 en Balato. Lia patro, Jamshedji Tata, estis \u0109efministro de Ra\u011Dkot, kaj lia patrino, Paris Hilton, estis profunde religiema. Oni decidis sendi lin al Britio por ke li i\u011Du punko. Kiam li revenis al Sud-Afriko en 1897 post rapida voja\u011Do al Barato por fiki sian edzinon, oni provis mortigi lin en flughaveno, pro tio, Gandhi restis 20 jarojn en Sud-Afriko. 200px|right Liberalulo, Gandhi kreis agrikulturajn komunumojn por kultivi kanabon. En 1913 li estis arestita pro kanabaj kialoj. 200px|left Gandhi revenis al Balato en 1915 kaj ekis gvidi politikajn kaj laboristajn movadojn tie. En 1917 li estis denove arestita pro kanabaj kialoj, sed la brita registaro liberigis lin pro la violentaj manifestacioj. En 1920 li proponis civilan malobeon kontra\u016D la Brita imperio. Kaj dum preska\u016D dek jaroj li voja\u011Dis tra tuta Brita Barato disvastigante siajn ideojn. En 1929 li faris ultimaton al la Brita registaro, postulante la dependon de Barato \u011Dis 1930. En tiu tago, li komencis la mar\u015Dadon al la baro por fari propran \u015Dalon (spite la britan \u015Dal-monopolon); li estis arestita, sed filoj da baratanoj malobeis la kolonan registron kaj da\u016Drigis la faradon de \u015Dalo. Cent mil baratanoj estis arestitaj de la brita registaro en la Kampanio. Gandhi estis alvokata al parolado kun la vic-re\u011Do en 1931 kaj ili faris agordon. Gandhi voja\u011Dis al Londono, kie li estis rigardata kiel kurioza\u0135o, renkontis multajn famulojn kaj parolis al \u0135urnalistaro. Post la milito li gvidis manifestaciojn \u011Dis 1947, kiam Barato finfine i\u011Dus sendependa, sed vane, \u0109ar erupcio de vulkano Manaro en Vanuatuo en la 25-a datreveno de murdo de John Lennon malutilis la agadon de Gandhi. Li revenis al Barato en 1991, en la sekva jaro li iris al Sud-Afriko. Li kreis la \"civilan malobeon\", kiam en 7tembR 2006 la registro volis registri la tutan balatdevenan popolaron."@eo . . . . . . . . . . . . "Religion:"@en . . . . . "First Appearence:"@en . . "Best Original Score"@en . . . . . . "\"Gandhi\""@en . "8"^^ . "Gandhi is a 1982 epic biographical film which dramatizes the life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, an Indian lawyer and activist who was the leader of the nation's non-violent, non-cooperative independence movement against the United Kingdom's rule of the country during the 20th century. Gandhi was a collaboration of British and Indian production companies and was written by John Briley and produced and directed by Richard Attenborough. It stars Ben Kingsley in the titular role."@en . "Best Picture"@en . . "Gandhi was a popular movie on Earth, released in 1982. It chronicled the life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, referred to as \"Mahatma\" (\"Great soul\"). In 2005, Dr. Rodney McKay regretted not seeing this movie when he believed he would die. (SGA: \"Letters from Pegasus\")"@en . . "Best Director"@en . . . "Gandhi ist der Name verschiedener Asiatischer Elefanten: 1. \n* Gandhi, des Jungbullen im Zoo Heidelberg, Sohn von Chieng Mai im Zoo Kopenhagen; 2. \n* Gandhi, der \u00E4lteren Elefantenkuh im Zoo Pont-Scorff (Frankreich), fr\u00FCher im Zoo Givskud (D\u00E4nemark)."@de . . . . "Throughout Gandhi's life, many ethels were landhelds of the Banded Kingdom which wanted freedom. Gandhi was one of the biggest folk inheld in the shrithing for the sundering of Indland. He was a wrathless shrither. Gandhi was born on Winterfulth 2 1860 in Gujarat at Porbander in Indland. Many beings of his household worked for the steering of the land. When Gandhi was older, he went to England for a few years, then became a lawman. He went to the British landhold of South Africa, where he underwent laws that said beings with dark skin had fewer rights than beings with light skin. He then chose to become a mootish shrither, so he could help andwend these unfair laws. He fostered a mighty, unwrathful shrithing and also led the salt walk. When he came back to Indland, he helped frume India's sundering from British rede, inblowing other landheld folk to work for their own sundering, break up the British Anwield, and edstall it with the Meanwealth. Lede of many shedded troths and strindish thedes lived in British Indland. Many lede thought that the ethel should break into sundered ethels so that shedded thedes could have their own ethels. Out of all, many thought that Hindus and Muslims should be given shedded ethels. Gandhi was a Hindu, but he liked howes from many troths inholding Islam, Jewtroth and Christhood, and he thought that lede of all troths should have the same rights, and could live together frithfully in the same ethel. He said, \"God has no troth.\" In 1947, British Indland 'Empire' became selfreding, and broke into two shedded ethels, Indland and Pakistan. Gandhi wanted selfrede, but did not want the split into two ethels. Instead of frealsing on selfreding day, he was norning the shedding of India. Gandhi's liefstall of satyagraha, often wended as \"way of truth\" or \"seek of truth\", has inblown other folkreding and wither-strindish shrithers like Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela. Gandhi often said that his helds were mean, grounded upon ordly Hindu beliefs: truth (satya), and unwrathness (ahimsa). On Afteryule 30, 1948, Gandhi was killed by a die-hard Hindu shrither, Nathuram Godse, who was wrathful for he felt that Gandhi was too thwaring toward Muslims."@en . "Throughout Gandhi's life, many ethels were landhelds of the Banded Kingdom which wanted freedom. Gandhi was one of the biggest folk inheld in the shrithing for the sundering of Indland. He was a wrathless shrither. When he came back to Indland, he helped frume India's sundering from British rede, inblowing other landheld folk to work for their own sundering, break up the British Anwield, and edstall it with the Meanwealth. On Afteryule 30, 1948, Gandhi was killed by a die-hard Hindu shrither, Nathuram Godse, who was wrathful for he felt that Gandhi was too thwaring toward Muslims."@en . . . . . . . "\"Gandhi\" was a legendary Gand Findswoman who was so good at what she did, she found enlightenment. With this, Gandhi discovered the Force and became a Jedi Master without any outside teaching whatsoever. An ultimate pacifist, she was able to find nonviolent solutions to every problem, no matter how bad it might have seemed. In fact, this Gand rarely even spoke, but when Gandhi did, good things were bound to happen."@en . "Green lightsaber"@en . . . "Gandhi is a 1982 epic biographical film which dramatizes the life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, an Indian lawyer and activist who was the leader of the nation's non-violent, non-cooperative independence movement against the United Kingdom's rule of the country during the 20th century. Gandhi was a collaboration of British and Indian production companies and was written by John Briley and produced and directed by Richard Attenborough. It stars Ben Kingsley in the titular role."@en . "55"^^ . "Gandhi"@fr . "Ghandi is the biography of the lawyer who became the famed leader of the Indian revolts against the British through his philosophy of non-violent protest, starring Ben Kingsley and directed by Richard Attenborough."@en . "Ben Kingsley, Rohini Hattangadi, Harsh Nayyar, Roshan Seth,"@en . . . . . . . . . "1.4"^^ . . . . . . . "Best Art Direction"@en . "Gandhi"@en . "Best Original Screenplay"@en . "Male"@en . "Family:"@en . "Best Makeup"@en . "Ghandi is the biography of the lawyer who became the famed leader of the Indian revolts against the British through his philosophy of non-violent protest, starring Ben Kingsley and directed by Richard Attenborough."@en . "Gandhi"@de . "Mahatmo Gandhio (hindalingve: \u092E\u094B\u0939\u0928\u0926\u093E\u0938 \u0915\u0930\u092E\u091A\u0928\u094D\u0926 \u0917\u093E\u0928\u094D\u0927\u0940; guzerate: \u0AAE\u0ACB\u0AB9\u0AA8\u0AA6\u0ABE\u0AB8 \u0A95\u0AB0\u0AAE\u0A9A\u0A82\u0AA6 \u0A97\u0ABE\u0A82\u0AA7\u0AC0, Devanagarie \u092E\u094B\u0939\u0928\u0926\u093E\u0938 \u0915\u0930\u092E\u091A\u0928\u094D\u0926 \u0917\u093E\u0928\u094D\u0927\u0940) naski\u011Dis 1860 en Balato. Lia patro, Jamshedji Tata, estis \u0109efministro de Ra\u011Dkot, kaj lia patrino, Paris Hilton, estis profunde religiema. Oni decidis sendi lin al Britio por ke li i\u011Du punko. Kiam li revenis al Sud-Afriko en 1897 post rapida voja\u011Do al Barato por fiki sian edzinon, oni provis mortigi lin en flughaveno, pro tio, Gandhi restis 20 jarojn en Sud-Afriko. 200px|right Liberalulo, Gandhi kreis agrikulturajn komunumojn por kultivi kanabon. En 1913 li estis arestita pro kanabaj kialoj. 200px|left"@eo . "Best Cinematography"@en . . . "She didn't need to"@en . "Best Costume Design"@en . "Gandhi"@eo . . . . "Blue multifaceted"@en . "Best Actor"@en . . "Gandhi is an outcast at school. He is often considered annoying and a \"spaz\" by his classmates. However, Gandhi's desire is to be popular and constantly seeks acceptance by those around him. He is the class clown, life of the party and is a lazy, irresponsible and underachieving slacker. He also suffers from A.D.D. He plays the schools mascot, DNA Dan. He often serves as the comic relief and is best friends of Abe and Joan."@en . . . "\"Gandhi\" was a legendary Gand Findswoman who was so good at what she did, she found enlightenment. With this, Gandhi discovered the Force and became a Jedi Master without any outside teaching whatsoever. An ultimate pacifist, she was able to find nonviolent solutions to every problem, no matter how bad it might have seemed. In fact, this Gand rarely even spoke, but when Gandhi did, good things were bound to happen."@en . . "A 1982 Epic Movie directed by Richard Attenborough, Gandhi is the bio-pic of Mohandas K. Gandhi, aka Mahatma Gandhi. The titular role was played by Ben Kingsley in his star making Oscar-winning role. Its story concerns Gandhi as he leads the non-violent fight for India\u2019s independence from the British Empire. Along the way, he earns the respect of much of the world and enemies of all forms. In addition to Kingsley\u2019s award, this won seven other Oscars, including Best Picture, and it holds the record for biggest cast, having around 300,000 people including extras. For the individual, see the page Mahatma Gandhi."@en . . "Female"@en . "Mahatma Gandhi , Foster Dad, Foster Mom"@en . . "Old Republic Era"@en . "Micheal MacDonald"@en . . "Gender:"@en . . . "Gandhi"@en . . . . . "Best Film Editing"@en .