"Recycling Sector 2"@es . "Mancubus-D3.jpg"@es . . "El Mancubus (plural: Mancubi) es uno de los pocos monstruos de Doom 3 que se mantiene fiel a sus dise\u00F1os originales. Es de un color gris verdoso, en lugar de marr\u00F3n como la versi\u00F3n cl\u00E1sica que aparece en Doom II. Los Mancubi son muy raros y s\u00F3lo aparecen en dos niveles en Doom 3. Aparecen por primera vez en una especie de lucha \"mini-jefe\" contra tres Mancubi en Recycling Sector 2 (posiblemente reflejando la introducci\u00F3n del Mancubus en el s\u00E9ptimo nivel de Doom II) y varios tambi\u00E9n se encuentran en todo el infierno."@es . . "20"^^ . . . . "*Recycling Sector 2\n*Hell\n*Erebus Research\n*Hell (RoE)\n*Hell (LM)"@en . . "Mancubus (Doom 3)"@en . "The Mancubus (plural: Mancubi) is one of the few Doom 3 monsters that remain faithful to their original designs. It is greenish-grey in colour, rather than brown like the classic Doom version. Like the original version, the Mancubus is a very large, fat demon with a fireball launcher for each arm, but, unlike the original, it does not fire the two launchers simultaneously, firing each in turn instead. The Mancubus stands about 2 heads taller than a normal human, and its bulk is about 2 to 3 times as wide. Compared to the classic Doom Mancubus, this one is more elephant or seal-like, or Cthulhu-like, since the Making of Doom 3 book states the latter. Their strange head was explained by the game designers. The central tentacle is a breathing tube, consisting of tiny holes along its sides (which are visible if viewed closely). Both side tentacles were actually supposed to be tusks, making them even more like elephants. Due to a graphical and model design glitch, they were reduced to feeding tools, and are stated to be used like the mouth of an octopus. It is unknown whether they have a beak inside their mouth or not. The main differences between the Doom 3 Mancubus and the Doom II Mancubus is the skin color, the face, and the feet. In Doom II, the Mancubus had a mouth, leather-imitating colored skin, and elephant-like feet. In Doom 3, the Mancubus has a small \"trunk\" instead of a mouth, pale skin, and their feet look like fanned out pieces of flesh. Mancubi are quite rare, and only appear in two levels in Doom 3. They first appear in a sort of \"mini-boss\" fight against 3 Mancubi in Recycling Sector 2 (possibly mirroring the Mancubus' introduction in Doom II's seventh level) and several are also encountered throughout Hell. They also appear in Resurrection of Evil, although again they are mostly confined to Hell. In its introductory cutscene, the hero enters the mentioned area when minor ground shakes and low-pitched moans start to take place. Suddenly, the creature crawls out from a waste duct, literally headbutting its way out, then stands up to fight the player."@en . "Mancubus"@es . . "1000"^^ . . "Mancubus (Doom 3)"@es . . "The Mancubus (plural: Mancubi) is one of the few Doom 3 monsters that remain faithful to their original designs. It is greenish-grey in colour, rather than brown like the classic Doom version. Like the original version, the Mancubus is a very large, fat demon with a fireball launcher for each arm, but, unlike the original, it does not fire the two launchers simultaneously, firing each in turn instead. The Mancubus stands about 2 heads taller than a normal human, and its bulk is about 2 to 3 times as wide."@en . "\"spawn monster_demon_mancubus\""@en . "El Mancubus (plural: Mancubi) es uno de los pocos monstruos de Doom 3 que se mantiene fiel a sus dise\u00F1os originales. Es de un color gris verdoso, en lugar de marr\u00F3n como la versi\u00F3n cl\u00E1sica que aparece en Doom II. Los Mancubi son muy raros y s\u00F3lo aparecen en dos niveles en Doom 3. Aparecen por primera vez en una especie de lucha \"mini-jefe\" contra tres Mancubi en Recycling Sector 2 (posiblemente reflejando la introducci\u00F3n del Mancubus en el s\u00E9ptimo nivel de Doom II) y varios tambi\u00E9n se encuentran en todo el infierno. Tambi\u00E9n aparecen en Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil, aunque de nuevo se limitan principalmente al infierno. En su escena introductoria, el protagonista entra en el \u00E1rea mencionada, entonces la tierra tiembla y comienzan a escucharse unos gemidos de tono bajo. De repente, la criatura se arrastra fuera de un conducto de residuos, literalmente cabezazo su salida, y a continuaci\u00F3n se pone de pie para enfrentar al jugador."@es . . "1000"^^ . . "20"^^ .