. "Soon after its founding, it became known to be a great source of \"gettin' fukin bl000wn.\" and Thus, Awesometown's main purpose was born and fulfilled. Soon though, a large number of transvestites invaded and completely blew the inhabits minds. doing a hot ass girl became hard as many Trannys were passing themselves off as real girls, let alone real people. After a historic town meeting, The Aweomtins decided to send them all to the great Groundskeeper in the sky. This was documented in great detail as a hidden Holocaust, many millions of Travesties were murdered and sent to work in \u201Chappy camps\u201D that had no happiness at all. Oh the irony. after the Tranny's were taken care of, Awesome town entered a state of witch hunting. Nearly no one was safe unless they worked with the Flying Spaghetti Monster."@en . . "Soon after its founding, it became known to be a great source of \"gettin' fukin bl000wn.\" and Thus, Awesometown's main purpose was born and fulfilled. Soon though, a large number of transvestites invaded and completely blew the inhabits minds. doing a hot ass girl became hard as many Trannys were passing themselves off as real girls, let alone real people. After a historic town meeting, The Aweomtins decided to send them all to the great Groundskeeper in the sky. This was documented in great detail as a hidden Holocaust, many millions of Travesties were murdered and sent to work in \u201Chappy camps\u201D that had no happiness at all. Oh the irony. after the Tranny's were taken care of, Awesome town entered a state of witch hunting. Nearly no one was safe unless they worked with the Flying Spaghe"@en . "Awesometown"@en .