"{Angry, resentful} You know what happens when people get robots to do all their work? They get fat and lazy, that's what."@en . "InstituteCourser: Yes sir, understood."@en . "{A stern rejection, but understanding / Stern} I'm sure you mean well, but you must see that it's an impossible task."@en . "153355"^^ . "{Shocked / Surprised} Max, no!"@en . "{Scolding.} Compose yourself, man. We've always known the risks, but we are still in control."@en . "Y1a"@en . "{Strong disagreement / Neutral} Even with the best of intentions, the amount of damage you might cause could set us back years."@en . "153356"^^ . "{Stern, Angry / Stern} If you see anything even remotely suspicious, report it immediately. This absolutely cannot happen again. Got it?"@en . "{Confident, moral certainty / Confident} This is much bigger than just you and I. I'm protecting decades of research and progress."@en . "Max: It's over, Lawrence, and you're a fool if you can't see that."@en . "{Angry. / Angry} What? This is the third time in two weeks. This is unacceptable. How could this happen?"@en . "But I can see you're having a joke at my expense. You're hardly the first."@en . "{Confident / Neutral} I agree that the transition will be chaotic, but eventually, a leader will emerge from that chaos."@en . "{Angrily berating a cleaning robot / Angry} You call this a clean floor? Are your visual receptors malfunctioning? Can you not see the grime and dust?"@en . "{Bitter, ashamed / Sad} I suppose I'll never be trusted again."@en . . "No, the risk is too great."@en . "Max: I say let's give it a try."@en . "{Resigned, final / Neutral} There's nothing more to say, then."@en . "{Unimpressed / Stern} You haven't done anything that we couldn't have done ourselves, given time."@en . "{Cornered, desperate... play it big, you're expecting to die / Afraid} No! I refuse! Now do your worst!"@en . "{A half-hearted attempt at being sympathetic. / Neutral} I suppose I should offer you my condolences on the loss of your son. Very well, then."@en . "LawrenceHiggs: Real people doing real thinking and real work. That's the future I want."@en . "{A stern rejection / Stern} Without experienced and competent leadership, the Institute could be thrown into chaos. Decades of research could be jeopardized."@en . "Player Default: Don't force me to take drastic measures, doctor."@en . "LawrenceHiggs.txt"@en . "{Confident, moral certainty / Confident} Remove us by force, and everyone will fear and despise you."@en . "61"^^ . "{Firm in your resolve / Confident} I assure you, Doctor Loken and I are prepared to make any sacrifice in order to uphold the ideals of the Institute."@en . "PlayerVoiceFemale01: It's over, Doctor Higgs."@en . "{Bitter, resentful} There's a lot of hubris around here lately, and I don't care for it."@en . "0"^^ . "A"@en . "1"^^ . "Player Default: You'd rather everyone fight over the job? Is that what's best for the Institute?"@en . . "{Confident, almost cocky... taunting / Confident} You and the others will go hungry long before we do."@en . "X1b"@en . "13"^^ . "{Confident, moral certainty / Confident} Nor will you."@en . "Max: I suggest we confine ourselves to quarters until our fate's decided. We can at least face the consequences with our dignity intact."@en . "Player Default: Maybe, maybe not. All I'm asking is that you keep an open mind."@en . "{Firm, direct / Stern} If you've come to change our minds, then you're wasting your time."@en . "And if I may add, the way you've handled this proves to me that you might just be up for the job of Administrator."@en . "LawrenceHiggs: If you see anything even remotely suspicious, report it immediately. This absolutely cannot happen again. Got it?"@en . "B1c"@en . "Player Default: I had a more direct solution in mind."@en . "A1c"@en . "{Sarcasm, a threat / Amused} So by all means, come and join us. Just don't say I didn't warn you."@en . "Player Default: Father believes in me. The least you can do is give me a chance."@en . "Player Default: You're beaten, Doctor Higgs. Your plan failed, Now open the door."@en . "Player Default: Don't you think you're being a little selfish here?"@en . "InstituteCourser: Sir, we've had another situation. A code red."@en . "Nice to meet someone who isn't obsessed with replacing people with machines."@en . "It's wasted potential, that's what it is."@en . "NPCMLawrenceHiggs: You know what happens when people get robots to do all their work? They get fat and lazy, that's what."@en . "Player Default: I know you're upset, but I'm not going to change my mind."@en . "Player Default: I know you're upset, but I'm not going to change my mind."@en . "{Cornered, desperate / Afraid} What do you plan to do now? Kill us and take the key? Go on, then! Prove how right we were!"@en . "Y2a"@en . "{Conciliatory, admitting defeat / Neutral} What do you think, Max?"@en . "{Frustrated} I want more patrols, and more rounds."@en . "134190"^^ . "Player Default: No argument here."@en . "{Fearless / Question} Oh, so you mean to martyr us, then?"@en . "Player Default: You're beaten, Doctor Higgs. Your plan failed, Now open the door."@en . "Synths aren't human beings, but supposedly they're the future of humanity. I'll never understand it."@en . "A2b"@en . "Player Default: I know you're angry, but there's a better way to handle this."@en . "Player Default: Is that what you want? To be a martyr?"@en . "A few here and there, perhaps, but not on the scale that I'm talking about."@en . "{Stern rebuke / Stern} You haven't earned my respect and you never will."@en . "B1a"@en . "{Angry / Angry} Damn it! You're all useless."@en . "A1a"@en . "{Confident} Then, things will return to normal and the work will resume."@en . "Player Default: We seem to be at an impasse."@en . "{Angry, sarcastic, berating a cleaning robot / Angry} Perhaps after you've been disassembled, we can use your components to make something that's actually useful."@en . "{Disappointed} I suppose you don't care."@en . "Max: Even the most fastidious researcher must sometimes take a leap of faith."@en . "Synth: My apologies, sir. I was issued a defective cleansing unit."@en . "{Cornered, desperate... play it big, you're expecting to die / Afraid} I want only what's best for the Institute! It's all I've ever wanted!"@en . "InstituteCourser: We think there was a system glitch. We're looking into it."@en . "Because we could do so much more. But no, everyone is obsessed with these damn synths."@en . "How could you hope to lead us when you hardly know anything about what we do?"@en . "What's being planned here is much more than that. I'm talking about synths replacing human beings."@en . "Y1b"@en . "Maybe you can talk some sense into them."@en . "{Annoyed, mocking} Father's heir apparent. She made it past your impenetrable defenses."@en . "Synth: My apologies, sir. I was issued a defective cleansing unit."@en . "{Weary / Tired} If only it were that simple."@en . "{Firm rejection / Stern} Out of the question."@en . "{Confident, almost cocky... taunting / Confident} We have more than enough food to stay locked in here as long as is necessary."@en . "1574"^^ . "86400.0"^^ . "198"^^ . "Player Default: You're a stubborn fool, and you're not going to like how this ends."@en . "{Resentful / Angry} I'm not taking orders from you."@en . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "{Bitter, ashamed / Sad} There's no need to gloat. I'm man enough to admit that I lost."@en . "You've just arrived, so perhaps it isn't apparent to you yet, but in time you'll see what I mean."@en . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . . "{Annoyed, a little mocking} Father's heir apparent. He made it past your impenetrable defenses."@en . "InstituteCourser: Right away sir."@en . "{Skeptical the player is ready to be the director... there's an edge of scorn here / Neutral} I suppose you got what you wanted, director."@en . "{Angry / Angry} Let's see if anyone can afford to ignore me now!"@en . "{Bitter / Angry} What choice do we have?"@en . "Max: Now unless you intend to shoot me, please stand aside while I put an end to this."@en . "{Bitter, ashamed / Apologetic} I wasn't expecting you to let us live. That surprised me."@en . "X1a"@en . "{Resigned, done, walking away / Sarcastic} Then there's nothing more to talk about, is there?"@en . "Max: But if he got that far..."@en . "{Thinking it over / Thinking} A chance? Hm."@en . "{Perplexed, irritated / Irritated} Father can't be serious. How's an outsider supposed to know how things work here?"@en . "{Biting sarcasm, wounded pride / Angry} Father chose not to talk to the Directorate before annointing you his successor, so how about I follow his fine example?"@en . "Player Default: If that's how you feel, why not leave?"@en . "162"^^ . "{Confident, moral certainty / Confident} The answer is no. We will not back down."@en . "I've been saying for years that we're too reliant on these synths, but nobody wants to listen."@en . "Well, thank you for your patience and understanding in this difficult time."@en . "{Unimpressed, then a warning / Stern} Oh really? Our synth guards are programmed to attack anyone who enters here."@en . "{Frustrated} I'll figure out what happened, but in the meantime, tell the others to be on high alert."@en . "Robots helping out. You make it sound so tame, so harmless. If that's all it were, I'd agree."@en . "X1c"@en . "Max: I'll do it. I'll open the door."@en . "{Resentful, bitter} Spend enough time here and you'll be sick to death of the word \"synth\". I certainly am."@en . "{Angry / Angry} We have several people qualified to become the next director. Father's lost his mind."@en . "Player Default: I'm under no illusion that this will easy."@en . "In any case, I suppose I should say welcome."@en . "{Barbed compliment / Amused} Your determination is admirable, if misguided."@en . "Player Default: I don't see any harm in robots helping out."@en . "{Resigned, weary, admitting defeat, but hopeful for a brighter future / Tired} Very well, then. Open the door and let's return to the fold."@en . "{Defiant, a warning / Angry} Future generations will remember this decision, Max. I'll make sure of it."@en . "{Resigned / Stern} I'm sorry, but our minds are made up. Both Doctor Loken and I have resolved to stand our ground."@en . "{A difficult truth... it is what it is / Neutral} You can't hope to relate to us or understand the work we do here."@en . "{Bitter / Angry} Oh, look who it is."@en . "{Bitter / Angry} Well I hope you're happy with yourself."@en . "{Bitter / Angry} Here to gloat? Don't bother. We have no regrets."@en . "{Confident, moral certainty / Confident} If you leave us here, everyone else will starve because you were too stubborn to refuse Father's appointment."@en . "Player Default: You're upset, I get it. You've made your point. Now open the door."@en . "13418.0"^^ . "Player Default: I'm not a patient person, Doctor Higgs."@en . "{A difficult truth... it is what it is / Neutral} Unfortunately, you don't have Father's scientific background."@en . "Y2b"@en . "{Angrily berating a cleaning robot. / Angry} Don't make excuses. You're clearly defective, and I intend to report this."@en . "{Angry / Angry} No, you're wrong. You see, I've tried talking. For years I've suggested that we do things differently here, but nobody listens."@en . "Max: Who's that in the control room?"@en . "Max: Synths, abort command override and resume normal functions."@en . "{Certain / Neutral} The truth is simply this - you have no idea what it means to be the director of the Institute."@en . "LawrenceHiggs: In any case, I suppose I should say welcome."@en . "Player Default: People have no trouble getting fat and lazy on their own."@en . "144"^^ . "Player Default: Father believes in me. The least you can do is give me a chance."@en . "Synth: Yes, sir."@en . "{Resentful, bitter} The rest see me as little more than a glorified repair man, but I'm as much a scientist as any of them."@en . "B1b"@en . "{Confident, moral certainty / Confident} Far from it. What we do, we do to protect the Institute."@en . "Player Default: No argument here."@en . "A1b"@en . "Player Default: I thought you were a reasonable man. Maybe I was wrong."@en . "25"^^ . "Even the most fastidious researcher must sometimes take a leap of faith."@en . "Player Default: Can we talk about this?"@en . "{Unimpressed / Stern} I suppose you think you deserve credit for bringing the reactor online. Nonsense."@en . "Player Default: If I just stay out of everyone's way, it should be easy."@en . "{Confident with a sinister edge / SinisterSmile} I think you'll find that hunger can be very persuasive."@en . "Player Default: Maybe you can talk some sense into them."@en . "14"^^ . "15"^^ . "Player Default: I know you're angry, but there's a better way to handle this."@en . "Max: I suggest we confine ourselves to quarters until our fate's decided. We can at least face the consequences with our dignity intact."@en . "{Bitter / Angry} Time will prove that we were right, you'll see!"@en . "Player Default: We seem to be at an impasse."@en . "6"^^ . "Lawrence: What do you think, Max?"@en . "Max: Quickly, take cover!"@en . "Real people doing real thinking and real work. That's the future I want."@en . "5"^^ . "{Firm, direct / Confident} If you truly want to honor Father's legacy, then you should leave here and never return."@en . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "A2a"@en . "Y2c"@en . "{A little ominous / Confident} Of course, sooner or later the others will be forced to take my side."@en . "{Confident, moral certainty / Confident} I'm afraid you lose either way."@en . "Player Default: Can't you at least give me a chance?"@en . "-"@en . "{Impressed / Impressed} Made it past the guards, hm? Impressive."@en . "{Panic, a shouted warning / Angry} Look out!"@en . "Perhaps a fresh perspective will do some good around here."@en . . "{Confident, caught someone sneaking around / Confident} Aha! I thought I heard something."@en . . "{Confident. Emphasize \"very\". / Confident} Unlike you, Doctor Loken and I are very patient."@en . "{Angry} What do you want?"@en . "Max: But if he got that far..."@en . "{Stubborn, a little resentful} What others call complaining, I call critical thinking and challenging assumptions."@en . .