. . . "De Sea-Wolf is een Britse luchtdoelraket voor de korte afstand. De Sea Wolf werd in de jaren zestig en zeventig ontwikkeld ter vervanging van de Sea Cat voor de bescherming van schepen van de Royal Navy tegen vliegtuigen en zeedoelraketten. De Sea Wolf kwam voor het eerst in gebruik in 1980 aan boord van het fregat HMS Broadsword. De Sea Wolf maakt thans deel uit van de bewapening van de fregatten van het Type 22 en Type 23. De eerste versie van de Sea Wolf had een bereik van ca. 6 km."@nl . "Skilled Swimmer"@en . . "Sea Wolf"@nl . "Superhuman Strength"@en . . . . . . "Enhanced Hearing"@en . . . "Orange"@en . . . "None"@en . "Sea Wolf was a lyncanthropic Nazi super-agent who was created to work as a member of Axis Amerika. He originally appeared unto former Japanese super-agent Tsunami to offer her membership in Axis Amerika, but when she turned it down, Sea Wolf swore that he would become her enemy. He has made good on that threat as he confronted time and again both her and her fellow Young All-Stars member Neptune Perkins. Sea Wolf belonged to a team known as Axis Amerika. They were a group of costumed agents who engaged in subversive activities in the US during World War Two on behalf of the Axis Powers. This group clashed with the Young All-Stars, a team of up and coming young heroes who were a branch of the wartime All-Star Squadron."@en . "Sea Wolf"@en . . "Anyone who underestimates Sea Wolf does so at their own risk. Behind the slow movements and vacant stare ticks the processor of an intelligent, cunning undersea warrior. Anything that crosses into his \"territory\" becomes a potential target, and many ships and warriors have been lost to this patient, sly soldier. His favorite targets are nuclear attack submarines."@en . "Sea Wolf was a lyncanthropic Nazi super-agent who was created to work as a member of Axis Amerika. He originally appeared unto former Japanese super-agent Tsunami to offer her membership in Axis Amerika, but when she turned it down, Sea Wolf swore that he would become her enemy. He has made good on that threat as he confronted time and again both her and her fellow Young All-Stars member Neptune Perkins."@en . "Unknown"@en . . . . "Seawolf"@en . . "Anyone who underestimates Sea Wolf does so at their own risk. Behind the slow movements and vacant stare ticks the processor of an intelligent, cunning undersea warrior. Anything that crosses into his \"territory\" becomes a potential target, and many ships and warriors have been lost to this patient, sly soldier. His favorite targets are nuclear attack submarines."@en . . "File:SeaWolf-AxisAmerika-Elph.gif Write the text of your article here!"@en . "Hylion Prime"@en . "Sea Wolf was a lyncanthropic Nazi super-agent who was created to work as a member of Axis Amerika. He originally appeared unto former Japanese super-agent Tsunami to offer her membership in Axis Amerika, but when she turned it down, Sea Wolf swore that he would become her enemy. He has made good on that threat as he confronted time and again both her and her fellow Young All-Stars member Neptune Perkins. Sea Wolf has been a prisoner of Enclave A since the ending days of World War II. He told the members of the Freedom Force this before they were thrown into an underground level with an unknown species. He may have broken out of other high risk prisons in the past. He has battled Aquaman on two occassions and was seen during the Infinite Crisis."@en . . . . . "Enhanced Reflexes"@en . . . . . "File:SeaWolf-AxisAmerika-Elph.gif Write the text of your article here!"@en . "Sea Wolf"@en . . "Young All-Stars #1"@en . "Lycantrophy"@en . . . "Hand to Hand Combatant"@en . . "De Sea-Wolf is een Britse luchtdoelraket voor de korte afstand. De Sea Wolf werd in de jaren zestig en zeventig ontwikkeld ter vervanging van de Sea Cat voor de bescherming van schepen van de Royal Navy tegen vliegtuigen en zeedoelraketten. De Sea Wolf kwam voor het eerst in gebruik in 1980 aan boord van het fregat HMS Broadsword. De Sea Wolf maakt thans deel uit van de bewapening van de fregatten van het Type 22 en Type 23. De eerste versie van de Sea Wolf had een bereik van ca. 6 km."@nl . "Sea Wolf is a Events Perk. __NoToC__"@en . "Male"@en . . . . . . . "Undersea Specialist"@en . . "Sea Wolf is a Events Perk. __NoToC__"@en . "Amphibian"@en . "Enhanced Smell"@en . . . . . "Enhanced Vision"@en . "none"@en .