. "Aobiko"@en . "is a special substance that creates a large explosion when exposed to water. It was accidentally discovered by the Kumanoi clan of the Howling Wolf Village when they were trying to create a medicine that would grant eternal youth. Use of blue fire powder can significantly level the playing field, by allowing non-shinobi to compete with trained shinobi or even a weaker force to defeat a superior force, as when the the Howling Wolf Village defeated Amegakure. Sale of blue fire powder brought great wealth to the Kumanoi clan and the rest of the Howling Wolf Village, enabling the village to cease being a hidden village."@en . "is a special substance that creates a large explosion when exposed to water. It was accidentally discovered by the Kumanoi clan of the Howling Wolf Village when they were trying to create a medicine that would grant eternal youth. Use of blue fire powder can significantly level the playing field, by allowing non-shinobi to compete with trained shinobi or even a weaker force to defeat a superior force, as when the the Howling Wolf Village defeated Amegakure. Sale of blue fire powder brought great wealth to the Kumanoi clan and the rest of the Howling Wolf Village, enabling the village to cease being a hidden village."@en . "Naruto Jinraiden: The Day the Wolf Howled"@en . . . . "Novel"@en . . "\u9752\u706B\u7C89"@en . "Blue Fire Powder"@en . "No"@en . "No"@en . "Blue Fire Powder"@en .