. . . . . "Busto 2.0"@en . "Name: Busto 2.0, Dark Busto Origin: Car Boys Age: Unknown Gender: Male Classification: Busto, Crash Dummy Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Reality Warping (Adjusted the Laws of Aerodynamics and switched time and space), Shapeshifting and Sizeshifting, Telekinesis, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation (Can slow, stop and reverse time), Time Travel, his true form cannot be comprehended by lesser beings, can spread across other universes and video games and into the real world, Immortality, Regeneration (Can regenerate by reverting himself to a previous point in his time), Resistance to Gravity Manipulation, Time Manipulation (Busto 1.0 was able to move in stopped time) and Reality Warping"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Name: Busto 2.0, Dark Busto Origin: Car Boys Age: Unknown Gender: Male Classification: Busto, Crash Dummy Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Reality Warping (Adjusted the Laws of Aerodynamics and switched time and space), Shapeshifting and Sizeshifting, Telekinesis, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation (Can slow, stop and reverse time), Time Travel, his true form cannot be comprehended by lesser beings, can spread across other universes and video games and into the real world, Immortality, Regeneration (Can regenerate by reverting himself to a previous point in his time), Resistance to Gravity Manipulation, Time Manipulation (Busto 1.0 was able to move in stopped time) and Reality Warping Attack Potency: Complex Multiverse level (Lesser objects in the world are incomprehensible 8-dimensional beings. Upon being rendered unstable, he is capable of casually encompassing and resetting the universe. Referred to as a \u201Cuniverse-swallowing space demon\u201D from \u201Cdimensions humanity can\u2019t even comprehend\u201D. Transcended the game and physically destroyed Griffin\u2019s phones and computer). Speed: Immeasurable, Omnipresent in the game world (When rendered unstable, his physical form stretches to encompass the universe, and he\u2019s been stated to exist \u201Cnowhere and everywhere\u201D) Durability: Complex Multiverse level (It took being sealed in a crusher - which is capable of forming an eight-dimensional singularity - with Iron Man while being simultaneously trapped in an infinite loop of being struck by a gigantic sledgehammer wielded by God to defeat him). Stamina: Limitless. Range: Complex Multiversal. Standard Equipment: Nothing notable. Intelligence: Unknown. Weaknesses: None."@en .