"2"^^ . "60"^^ . . . "Rejin"@en . "Ich liege im Moment im Bett. Jedoch nicht zu Hause, sondern im Krankenhaus. Die \u00C4rzte sagten mir, ich habe einen Herzinfarkt gehabt, dabei bin ich doch erst 14, also kann es doch wohl nicht an meinem Alter liegen, oder? Ich kann mich zwar noch an etwas erinnern, aber es ist sehr verschwommen. Ich habe in der Erinnerung kein Zeitgef\u00FChl. Ich wei\u00DF nicht, warum ich dort war, ob es real war, oder wann es war. Ich war in einem Wald, aber alles sah seltsam aus. Ich kann es nicht wirklich beschreiben. Irgendwas war einfach an der Umgebung falsch. Hmm... Farbe der B\u00E4ume war normal... Der Boden ganz weich und mit Moos bedeckt... Nein, es war alles normal. Doch irgendwie auch nicht. Wie gesagt, ich wei\u00DF nicht, wie ich da hin kam, oder aus welchem Grund. Ich bin einfach nur durch diesen Wald gegangen. Ich hab nur beim Vorbeigehen die B\u00E4ume angesehen. Sie waren normal. Normale Nadelb\u00E4ume, mit brauner Rinde. Mit der Zeit f\u00FChlte ich mich jedoch irgendwie verfolgt, mein Atem wurde schneller und ich war total aufgebracht, doch das hielt mich nicht davon ab, die B\u00E4ume weiterhin anzustarren. Keine Ahnung, wieso ich das tat. Die B\u00E4ume wurden auf einmal immer dunkler, also die Rinde meine ich. Das Licht war immer noch taghell. Ich sah nun den B\u00E4umen hinterher. Na ja, eher sah ich mich gehetzt um. Pl\u00F6tzlich bemerkte ich, dass aus einem der B\u00E4ume irgendetwas Wei\u00DFes raustriefte. Harz ist doch normalerweise orange oder braun oder? Ich sah mir den Baum genauer an. Es sah aus wie wei\u00DFer Schleim, tropfte einfach aus dem Baum raus. Mir wurde ganz kalt und ich hatte Angst. Ich traute mich nicht, mich umzudrehen, also starrte ich weiter auf diese seltsame, abnormale Fl\u00FCssigkeit. Aus dem Augenwinkel heraus bemerkte ich, dass die anderen B\u00E4ume auch anfingen zu triefen. Ich konnte nicht anders, ich drehte mich wie gezwungen um. Auf einmal war ein Baum direkt vor mir. In ihm war ein Gesicht. Es war nicht reingeritzt, eher eingewachsen. Es hatte Augen... Menschliche Augen... Sie waren weit aufgerissen, ganz wei\u00DF, hatten keine Pupillen und bluteten oder weinten auch dieses wei\u00DFe Zeug. Der Mund von diesem Ding war ein endlos tiefes Loch, nur eine Nase fehlte ihm. Er oder es sagte noch ein Wort, welches sehr verzerrt und langgezogen klang. \"Resin\" glaube ich. Es klang fast so, als ob ein Geist schreien w\u00FCrde. Doch ab da kann ich mich an nichts erinnern. Nur noch schwarze Leere... Ich wei\u00DF auch nicht, wie ich ins Krankenhaus gekommen bin. Meine Eltern sagten, ich war weg. Ich bin nicht von meiner Freundin nach Hause gekommen. Doch wo man mich gefunden hat, das wei\u00DF keiner, allen fehlt die Erinnerung. Kategorie:Kurz Kategorie:Artikel ohne Bilder Kategorie:Kreaturen"@de . . "1"^^ . "552"^^ . . . "Function"@en . "Resin"@en . "A viscous plant substance used in the production of certain types of goods."@en . . "None"@en . . "It is from the fossilised form of this resin (also known as amber) that the Cintamani Stone was formed, and its unique properties created the legend of the Stone, as well as the powerful Guardians that protected it. Zoran Lazarevi\u0107, the main antagonist of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, consumed sap the resin is made from in the final chapter of the game, which healed the burned portions of his body and granted him superhuman strength, making for an extremely difficult boss fight."@en . "No"@en . "Vertically and horizontally"@en . . "2"^^ . "Resin"@en . "Resin is a common spell reagent obtained from logging and some creatures."@en . "Kills Players and Fighters."@en . . . "It comes from a tree."@en . "Substance"@en . . . . "Female"@en . . . "Resin is a miscellaneous resource. Formerly known as Treechnid Resin."@en . "1"^^ . . "General term for polyresin, which is any petroleum based, two-part polyester resin (plastic). Resin/Polyresin is the substance most often used to make collectible statuary."@en . "Material"@en . "Resin"@en . "Genius loci"@en . . . . "Unknown"@en . . "Gathered when a Bracken Tree is harvested. Used for many things."@en . "Dismantle"@en . "0.1"^^ . . "Resin"@de . "\u30EC\u30B8\u30F3"@en . . "Resin is a crafting component that can be dismantled into sap. It is also a byproduct when dismantling rope and leshen resin. === Crafting Requirements === It is needed to craft the following items: \n* Hardened timber \n* Ursine crossbow"@en . "0"^^ . . . "1"^^ . "Loot"@en . "0"^^ . "This small portion of resin has many uses, mostly in the kitchen. But avoid eating it the way it is now, assuming you like having teeth."@en . . . . . "Resin lived near a dentist's office and lived off the cavities of the patients of the dentist, after deciding there weren't enough people coming she decided to lure in more. Doing this she managed to lure in Chibiusa who only managed to escape from the dentist with Diana's help and transformed into Sailor Chibi Moon. Resin then attacked and made her cavity hurt, which made Sailor Chibi Moon cried which activated her Supersonic Waves. While distracted Sailor Moon and Sailor Venus arrived and assisted Sailor Chibi Moon with the battle before she destroyed Resin with Pink Sugar Heart Attack."@en . . "General term for polyresin, which is any petroleum based, two-part polyester resin (plastic). Resin/Polyresin is the substance most often used to make collectible statuary."@en . . "Resin is a substance appearing in several games of the Submachine series. Its purpose or origin is unknown, beyond it taking over Submachines. Connections have been made to it appearing in locations that have experienced a lot of karmic activity, but nothing relating it to karma has been proven. It features prominently in Submachine 9: The Temple and Submachine 10: The Exit, where a number of locations are partially or completely covered in red resin, as well as in Submachine Universe, in the resin room and the resin temple (KOL), where it is a of a dark amber or yellow color."@en . . "Resin is a miscellaneous resource. Formerly known as Treechnid Resin."@en . . "Yes"@en . "Sticks to powdery elements and objects."@en . "The item's info window."@en . "No"@en . . "Crafting component"@en . . "44"^^ . "Near a dentist's office"@en . . . . "Resin is a crafting component that can be dismantled into sap. It is also a byproduct when dismantling rope and leshen resin. === Crafting Requirements === It is needed to craft the following items: \n* Hardened timber \n* Ursine crossbow"@en . . "Miscellaneous"@en . "Miscellaneous resource"@en . . "--"@en . "Liquid"@en . . "none"@en . "Tier 1 - Image:Item Waste Resin.png Waste Resin (T1, T7, T13) Tier 2 - Image:Item Old Oak Resin.png Old Oak Resin (T1, T7, T13) Tier 3 - Image:Item Bulk Pine Resin.png Bulk Pine Resin (T1, T7, T13) Tier 4 - Image:Item Milk Sap Resin.png Milk Sap Resin (T1, T7, T13) Tier 5 - Image:Item Camel Toe Resin.png Camel Toe Resin (T1, T7, T13) --Shadowmagic 18:15, 28 August 2009 (UTC)"@en . "Ich liege im Moment im Bett. Jedoch nicht zu Hause, sondern im Krankenhaus. Die \u00C4rzte sagten mir, ich habe einen Herzinfarkt gehabt, dabei bin ich doch erst 14, also kann es doch wohl nicht an meinem Alter liegen, oder? Ich kann mich zwar noch an etwas erinnern, aber es ist sehr verschwommen. Ich habe in der Erinnerung kein Zeitgef\u00FChl. Ich wei\u00DF nicht, warum ich dort war, ob es real war, oder wann es war."@de . "Resin is a fictional liquid element for Powder Game."@en . "Sap"@en . "\"50%\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\""@en . "E1F111"@en . "Tier 1 - Image:Item Waste Resin.png Waste Resin (T1, T7, T13) Tier 2 - Image:Item Old Oak Resin.png Old Oak Resin (T1, T7, T13) Tier 3 - Image:Item Bulk Pine Resin.png Bulk Pine Resin (T1, T7, T13) Tier 4 - Image:Item Milk Sap Resin.png Milk Sap Resin (T1, T7, T13) Tier 5 - Image:Item Camel Toe Resin.png Camel Toe Resin (T1, T7, T13) Tier 6 - Image:Item Gloopy Resin.png Gloopy Resin (T2, T8, T14) Tier 7 - Image:Item Violet Flower Resin.png Violet Flower Resin (T2, T8, T14) Tier 8 - Image:Item Cloud Tear Resin.png Cloud Tear Resin (T2, T8, T14) Tier 9 - Image:Item Stone Ice Resin.png Stone Ice Resin (T2, T8, T14) Tier 10 - Image:Item Tethered Resin.png Tethered Resin (T2, T8, T14) Tier 11 - Image:Item Sun and Moon Resin.png Sun and Moon Resin (T3, T9, T15) Tier 12 - Image:Item Galatai Blood Resin.png Galatai Blood Resin (T3, T9, T15) Tier 13 - Image:Item Webbed Resin.png Webbed Resin (T3, T9, T15) Tier 14 - Image:Item Dark Ork Resin.png Dark Ork Resin (T3, T9, T15) Tier 15 - Image:Item Alchemar Resin.png Alchemar Resin (T3, T9, T15) Tier 16 - Image:Item Dwarven Threaded Resin.png Dwarven Threaded Resin (T4, T10, T16) Tier 17 - Image:Item Pure Spun Pine Resin.png Pure Spun Pine Resin (T4, T10, T16) Tier 18 - Image:Item Heaven Harbor Resin.png Heaven Harbor Resin (T4, T10, T16) Tier 19 - Image:Item Afar Resin.png Afar Resin (T4, T10, T16) Tier 20 - Image:Item Torn Spirit Resin.png Torn Spirit Resin (T4, T10, T16) Tier 21 - Image:Item Venemous Resin.png Venemous Resin (T5, T11, T17) Tier 22 - Image:Item Echo Resin.png Echo Resin (T5, T11, T17) Tier 23 - Image:Item Ancient Throne Resin.png Ancient Throne Resin (T5, T11, T17) Tier 24 - Image:Item Evil Eye Resin.png Evil Eye Resin (T5, T11, T17) Tier 25 - Image:Item Artemis Resin.png Artemis Resin (T5, T11, T17) Tier 26 - Image:Item Royal Blood Resin.png Royal Blood Resin (T6, T12, T18) Tier 27 - Image:Item Remembrance Resin.png Remembrance Resin (T6, T12, T18) Tier 28 - Image:Item Undead Cyclops Resin.png Undead Cyclops Resin (T6, T12, T18) Tier 29 - Image:Item Starfall Resin.png Starfall Resin (T6, T12, T18) Tier 30 - Image:Item Everhold Resin.png Everhold Resin (T6, T12, T18) --Shadowmagic 18:15, 28 August 2009 (UTC)"@en . . . "Gathered when a Bracken Tree is harvested. Used for many things."@en . . "Chibiusa's Picture Diary - Beware Cavities!"@en . . . . "4"^^ . . "Resin is a substance appearing in several games of the Submachine series. Its purpose or origin is unknown, beyond it taking over Submachines. Connections have been made to it appearing in locations that have experienced a lot of karmic activity, but nothing relating it to karma has been proven. It features prominently in Submachine 9: The Temple and Submachine 10: The Exit, where a number of locations are partially or completely covered in red resin, as well as in Submachine Universe, in the resin room and the resin temple (KOL), where it is a of a dark amber or yellow color."@en . . . "Resin is a common spell reagent obtained from logging and some creatures."@en . . "Resin is a fictional liquid element for Powder Game."@en . "A viscous plant substance used in the production of certain types of goods."@en . "Vendors"@en . . . . "It is from the fossilised form of this resin (also known as amber) that the Cintamani Stone was formed, and its unique properties created the legend of the Stone, as well as the powerful Guardians that protected it. Zoran Lazarevi\u0107, the main antagonist of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, consumed sap the resin is made from in the final chapter of the game, which healed the burned portions of his body and granted him superhuman strength, making for an extremely difficult boss fight. Although there is no proof nor evidence of this, resin may have a distinct scent to it, as Nate often identifies resin by holding it up to his nose. How people came into possession of the resin outside of Shambhala is unknown. Early in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, it is revealed that Nathan Drake preserved a small vial with several pieces of fossilized resin in his collection. In the first interaction with the item he references how many men lost their lives trying to gain some of it in order to acquire power. It is also revealed that the solidified resin pieces glow when stirred. Years later, Cassie Drake finds the vial while rummaging trough her father's secret treasure locker, being puzzled by the presence of the resin in it."@en . "Resin lived near a dentist's office and lived off the cavities of the patients of the dentist, after deciding there weren't enough people coming she decided to lure in more. Doing this she managed to lure in Chibiusa who only managed to escape from the dentist with Diana's help and transformed into Sailor Chibi Moon. Resin then attacked and made her cavity hurt, which made Sailor Chibi Moon cried which activated her Supersonic Waves. While distracted Sailor Moon and Sailor Venus arrived and assisted Sailor Chibi Moon with the battle before she destroyed Resin with Pink Sugar Heart Attack."@en .