. "Body rune.png"@pl . . . "16"^^ . "Kuva:Vartalo rune.gif Body Rune eli kehoriimu on melko hy\u00F6dyt\u00F6n rune, jota tarvitaan vain alemman tason kirouksiin. Riimua voi tehd\u00E4 itse Runecrafting-taidolla kehoalttarilla, joka sijaitsee mets\u00E4ss\u00E4 luostarista etel\u00E4\u00E4n, Barbaarikyl\u00E4n ja k\u00E4\u00E4pi\u00F6iden kaivoksen v\u00E4liss\u00E4. N\u00E4iden riimujen hinta on ERITT\u00C4IN pieni. 1. \n* OHJAUS"@fi . "Body runes may be made at level 20 Runecrafting using the Body altar west of Gunnarsgrunn and south of the Monastery, giving the highest base experience rate in free-to-play runecrafting. They are the highest levelled runes that free players can craft. (Each rune essence crafted at the body altar gives 7.5 experience) The altar is also conveniently located for players walking between Falador and Varrock."@en . . "16"^^ . "Body rune"@nl . . . "16"^^ . "Body runes can be created using Runecrafting skill at level 20 at the Body altar south of Edgeville Monastery, providing 7.5 Runecrafting experience each. They are the highest level rune Free to Play players can craft, however crafting them is not profitable, because of their limited use. 2 body runes can be consistently found outside of the eastern wall of the Grand Exchange in Varrock, respawning approximately every 20 seconds."@en . . . . "nie"@pl . "frame|Een speler die een Curse spell gebruikt Een Body rune (letterlijk lichaams rune) is een Rune dat gebruikt wordt voor vervloekingen, om Attack, Defence of Strength te verlagen. (met Confuse, Weaken en Curse) Het Body altar is te vinden ten zuiden van het Monastery. Zoals bij alle runes kun je de Body talisman fuseren met een Tiara tot een Body tiara."@nl . "5"^^ . "No"@en . "No"@en . "3"^^ . "1"^^ . "Body runes may be made at level 20 Runecrafting using the Body altar west of Gunnarsgrunn and south of the Monastery, giving the highest base experience rate in free-to-play runecrafting. They are the highest levelled runes that free players can craft. (Each rune essence crafted at the body altar gives 7.5 experience) The altar is also conveniently located for players walking between Falador and Varrock."@en . . . "tak"@pl . "gemw"@en . "Body rune"@pl . . . . . "Betty's Magic EmporiumBetty"@en . . . . . "1"^^ . "Body rune"@en . "2"^^ . "they have swag :D"@en . "runes"@en . . . "Used for curse spells."@en . . "they have swag :D"@en . "Yes"@en . . . . "Body rune"@pl . "36"^^ . "Body runes may be made at level 20 Runecrafting using the Body altar west of Gunnarsgrunn and south of the Monastery, giving the highest base experience rate in free-to-play runecrafting. They are the highest levelled runes that free players can craft. (Each rune essence crafted at the body altar gives 7.5 experience) The nearest bank to the body altar is the Soul Wars bank chest. The altar is also conveniently located for players walking between Falador and Varrock."@en . "frame|Een speler die een Curse spell gebruikt Een Body rune (letterlijk lichaams rune) is een Rune dat gebruikt wordt voor vervloekingen, om Attack, Defence of Strength te verlagen. (met Confuse, Weaken en Curse) Het Body altar is te vinden ten zuiden van het Monastery. Zoals bij alle runes kun je de Body talisman fuseren met een Tiara tot een Body tiara."@nl . . "No"@en . "Yes"@en . "Drop"@en . . "A basic level catalytic rune."@en . "Body rune"@en . "20"^^ . "559"^^ . . . "2001-01-04"^^ . . "Body Rune Is a stackable item. It can be obtained by spawning it, or killing monsters. With this rune you can use spells that uses Body runes. Players can also make Body Runes by Runecrafting skill. Players need level 20 on Runecrafting to make these runes. To start runecrafting body runes, players need an BodyTalisman (::item 1446). By clicking \"locate\" a player will get teleported to the Body Altar. Players need Rune Essences to craft Body runes."@en . "Used for Curse spells."@pl . "Body rune (runa cia\u0142a) runa nie-elementarna, u\u017Cywana w zakl\u0119ciach os\u0142abiaj\u0105cych zdolno\u015Bci przeciwnika. Mo\u017Ce by\u0107 tworzona w o\u0142tarzu cia\u0142a przez gracza na poziomie 20 Runecraftingu , co dostarcza 7,5 punkt\u00F3w do\u015Bwiadczenia. Jest to ostatnia z run, kt\u00F3re mog\u0105 by\u0107 tworzone przez graczy Free-to-play. Mo\u017Ce zosta\u0107 zakupiona w wielu sklepach runicznych, otrzymana z zabitych przeciwnik\u00F3w lub te\u017C zabrana z punkt\u00F3w spawnowania. O\u0142tarz cia\u0142a znajduje si\u0119 na zach\u00F3d od Wioski Barbarzy\u0144c\u00F3w, na po\u0142udnie od Klasztoru. Najsilniejszym zakl\u0119ciem w normalnej Ksi\u0119dze zakl\u0119\u0107 u\u017Cywaj\u0105cym run cia\u0142a jest Curse, dost\u0119pne graczom posiadaj\u0105cym 19 poziom magii. Z tego powodu wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 graczy z wy\u017Cszymi poziomami magii nie u\u017Cywa tych run. Wyj\u0105tkiem jest tworzenie run na Ourania Runecrafting Altar, gdzie Eniola, podr\u00F3\u017Cuj\u0105cy bankier, umo\u017Cliwia graczom dost\u0119p do konta bankowego wzamian za 20 dowolnych run. Niepopularne runy cia\u0142a cz\u0119sto stosuje si\u0119 jako op\u0142at\u0119 dla niego."@pl . . "nie"@pl . "Body runes can be created using Runecrafting skill at level 20 at the Body altar south of Edgeville Monastery, providing 7.5 Runecrafting experience each. They are the highest level rune Free to Play players can craft, however crafting them is not profitable, because of their limited use. 2 body runes can be consistently found outside of the eastern wall of the Grand Exchange in Varrock, respawning approximately every 20 seconds."@en . . . . "Body runes may be made at level 20 Runecrafting using the Body altar west of Gunnarsgrunn and south of the Monastery, giving the highest base experience rate in free-to-play runecrafting. They are the highest levelled runes that free players can craft. (Each rune essence crafted at the body altar gives 7.5 experience) The nearest bank to the body altar is the Soul Wars bank chest. The altar is also conveniently located for players walking between Falador and Varrock. Body runes respawn in sets of two west of the castle in Varrock and west of the Fist of Guthix minigame. They also respawn in sets of one on the middle floor of Zeke's shop in Al Kharid. They are also sold at two locations in Free-to-play worlds: Aubury's Rune Shop in Varrock and Betty's Magic Emporium in Port Sarim. After the release of the Grand Exchange, the price of body runes dropped to 10 coins each, because many free-to-play players runecrafted them for the experience and then sold them for whatever they could get. Since the release of Rune goldberg machine, body runes have skyrocketed, surpassing the store price for the first time ever. Body runes are uncommonly used. Curse spells tend to be infrequently used by most players, except by some players training Magic. (The Curse spell has the highest Magic requirement of any free-to-play spell using body runes, which is available at magic level 19.) High-level spells in the regular Spellbook do not use body runes, with the exception of Enfeeble. Thus, these runes are usually abandoned by players with higher Magic levels. Body runes, however, are used in two high-level spells in the members-only Lunar spellbook. Upon completing the Dream Mentor quest, players receive access to seven more Lunar spells. Two of these use body runes: Stat spy (at magic level 74) and Dream (at magic level 79). An efficient way to train magic using body runes for the player to wear full metal body armour while casting curse spells on a NPC. This will cause the spell to fail often, allowing the player to cast it more frequently and thus gain magic experience faster, since the full experience is still gained even if the spell fails. Some players used body runes to pay the banker in the Ourania Runecrafting Altar cave, which is in a members-only area. This banker charges a fee of 20 runes each time players access their bank accounts there, so body runes are often used because they are so cheap and relatively useless elsewhere."@en . "Body Rune"@en . . . . "559"^^ . . "Kuva:Vartalo rune.gif Body Rune eli kehoriimu on melko hy\u00F6dyt\u00F6n rune, jota tarvitaan vain alemman tason kirouksiin. Riimua voi tehd\u00E4 itse Runecrafting-taidolla kehoalttarilla, joka sijaitsee mets\u00E4ss\u00E4 luostarista etel\u00E4\u00E4n, Barbaarikyl\u00E4n ja k\u00E4\u00E4pi\u00F6iden kaivoksen v\u00E4liss\u00E4. N\u00E4iden riimujen hinta on ERITT\u00C4IN pieni. 1. \n* OHJAUS"@fi . "0"^^ . "Body rune (runa cia\u0142a) runa nie-elementarna, u\u017Cywana w zakl\u0119ciach os\u0142abiaj\u0105cych zdolno\u015Bci przeciwnika. Mo\u017Ce by\u0107 tworzona w o\u0142tarzu cia\u0142a przez gracza na poziomie 20 Runecraftingu , co dostarcza 7,5 punkt\u00F3w do\u015Bwiadczenia. Jest to ostatnia z run, kt\u00F3re mog\u0105 by\u0107 tworzone przez graczy Free-to-play. Mo\u017Ce zosta\u0107 zakupiona w wielu sklepach runicznych, otrzymana z zabitych przeciwnik\u00F3w lub te\u017C zabrana z punkt\u00F3w spawnowania. O\u0142tarz cia\u0142a znajduje si\u0119 na zach\u00F3d od Wioski Barbarzy\u0144c\u00F3w, na po\u0142udnie od Klasztoru."@pl . . "body, bodies"@en . . . . "Body rune"@en . "Body rune"@fi . "5"^^ . "Yes"@en . . "always"@en . "Uncommon"@en . . . "Yes"@en . . "RC Running & ZMI Altar"@en . . "1"^^ . "Body Rune Is a stackable item. It can be obtained by spawning it, or killing monsters. With this rune you can use spells that uses Body runes. Players can also make Body Runes by Runecrafting skill. Players need level 20 on Runecrafting to make these runes. To start runecrafting body runes, players need an BodyTalisman (::item 1446). By clicking \"locate\" a player will get teleported to the Body Altar. Players need Rune Essences to craft Body runes."@en . "Body Rune"@en . . . "Unknown"@en . "GEMW"@en . "tak"@pl . . "3"^^ . "Imp"@en . "0"^^ . . "Runescape beta is now online!"@en .