. . . . . "The Nerd\u00B3 Podcats"@en . "The very first Podcats was live streamed on Twitch in November 2015, in which Matt is late. The second episode was streamed in March 2016 after a *cough* short break. This episode may include too many oranges for your liking. The third episode was streamed (slightly late) on April 2016, and involves the explicit use of the B-Word. You have been warned. The fourth episode was streamed in late April 2016, and went... wrong (Nerd\u00B3 lost his locally recorded audio for the last bit of the stream, but the episode can be found on other sources other than YouTube)."@en . "The very first Podcats was live streamed on Twitch in November 2015, in which Matt is late. The second episode was streamed in March 2016 after a *cough* short break. This episode may include too many oranges for your liking. The third episode was streamed (slightly late) on April 2016, and involves the explicit use of the B-Word. You have been warned. The fourth episode was streamed in late April 2016, and went... wrong (Nerd\u00B3 lost his locally recorded audio for the last bit of the stream, but the episode can be found on other sources other than YouTube)."@en .