"The Stolen Generations is a \"blemished chapter in Australian history\" comprised of various, ahem, \"incidents\" involving the Aboriginals, including: stealing all of their children. This was when hundreds of thousands of Australian native Aboriginal children were stolen from their families and given to white families to assimilate the new culture. This is part of the the classic British move called the \"Invade, steal-natural-resources, and do-horrible-things-to-the-natives.\" Now how would we feel if foreigners took our children from us forcibly and educated our children in a foreign culture, then told us our culture is inferior and is not fit for our children?"@en . "Stolen Generations"@en . . . . "The Stolen Generations is a \"blemished chapter in Australian history\" comprised of various, ahem, \"incidents\" involving the Aboriginals, including: stealing all of their children. This was when hundreds of thousands of Australian native Aboriginal children were stolen from their families and given to white families to assimilate the new culture. This is part of the the classic British move called the \"Invade, steal-natural-resources, and do-horrible-things-to-the-natives.\" Now how would we feel if foreigners took our children from us forcibly and educated our children in a foreign culture, then told us our culture is inferior and is not fit for our children?"@en . . . . .