"Alive"@en . "Naomi Dahl is the widow of Christian Dahl, the billionaire philanthropist, which would seem to give her near infinite cause to have hired Zalman Drake to perform the illusion which would mask the real murder of her husband. As the lady herself points out three-quarters of the way through Poof! You're Dead, however, if that had been the case, \"the joke would be on [her]\", since the entirety of Christian's assets were frozen pending an S.E.C. investigation. What the consequences were, when it was proven that he had in fact faked his own death and murdered Zalman is not known, but it can reasonably be assumed that Naomi is no longer living in the opulent luxury she once enjoyed, at least not provided by Christian in any way."@en . "Naomi Dahl cool under fire"@en . . . . "Naomi Dahl is the widow of Christian Dahl, the billionaire philanthropist, which would seem to give her near infinite cause to have hired Zalman Drake to perform the illusion which would mask the real murder of her husband. As the lady herself points out three-quarters of the way through Poof! You're Dead, however, if that had been the case, \"the joke would be on [her]\", since the entirety of Christian's assets were frozen pending an S.E.C. investigation."@en . . . . "\"Poof! You're Dead\""@en . . "249"^^ . . . . . "Female"@en . "Naomi Dahl"@en .