. "underslung fine aimMelee: shotgun"@en . . "38"^^ . "40"^^ . "42"^^ . "single"@en . . "10"^^ . "Grave Digger is a reputation title in Fallout 2."@en . "The Grave Digger is an irregular mutant resulting from a millipede exposed to massive doses of the mutagenic t-Virus."@en . "Available?"@en . . . . "Shotgun"@en . . . "10"^^ . . "Knowing the facts revealed in God of War III, the act of Zeus helping Kratos was probably because of him being oblivious that anyone would actually succeed in opening Pandora's Box . If anything, Zeus might have thought its power would be used by Kratos without actually releasing the evils sealed within. Furthermore, during that time, Zeus probably never fully realised the threat Kratos would pose, thus helping him in a moment which would otherwise have resulted in Kratos' certain death. It is also possible that Zeus and the other gods feared Ares' increasing belligerence, and thus they positioned Kratos to succeed in destroying Ares, but Zeus remained in disguise to avoid being discovered - and thus avoided a potential war between the gods."@en . . "Knowing the facts revealed in God of War III, the act of Zeus helping Kratos was probably because of him being oblivious that anyone would actually succeed in opening Pandora's Box . If anything, Zeus might have thought its power would be used by Kratos without actually releasing the evils sealed within. Furthermore, during that time, Zeus probably never fully realised the threat Kratos would pose, thus helping him in a moment which would otherwise have resulted in Kratos' certain death."@en . "Gravedigger_tn_800x600.jpg"@en . "Replica"@en . "3"^^ . "Dig up a grave"@en . . . . . "The surroundings are set to night upon playing as Grave Digger. Ghosts can be seen and Gravestones appear as obstacles."@en . . "90"^^ . "Millipede"@en . "FO2"@en . . "The Grave Digger is an irregular mutant resulting from a millipede exposed to massive doses of the mutagenic t-Virus."@en . . . "Seeing as they only appear in the Metroid Prime Hunters commercial, their canonicity is ambiguous, though seeing as no sources contradict their existence and the fact that their \"position\" would be necessary, they may be part of Metroid continuity. No name is given in official media. Ntropic has a copy of an IGN article on their page for Dig that refers to this character as \"grave digger\"."@en . . . . . "Grave Digger"@fr . . "TRUCK2.POD"@en . "Categoria:Pagine da riscrivere Il Grave Digger (scava-tombe) \u00E8 una B.O.W. apparsa in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. E' un enorme verme dotato di artigli affilati nato dalla mutazione di un millepiedi con il famigerato Virus-T. E' molto letale e pochi suoi colpi bastano per mandarvi a nanna quindi \u00E8 sempre meglio essere equipaggiati bene di erbe e munizioni quando lo si combatte. Per fortuna si incontrer\u00E0 solo due volte nel corso del gioco. La prima dopo che sarete caduti in una buca nel suolo, mentre la seconda, lo affronterete in un cimitero. La sua tattica di attacco \u00E8 molto semplice ma efficace: spunta da buchi fatti nel muro e vi attacca; per sconfiggerlo basta avvicinarsi ad un buco, aspettare che esca il verme senza farsi colpire, indietreggiare e fare fuoco. Nel secondo scontro invece vi sono due opzioni: far cadere con un colpo di coltello il lampione presso la pozza d'acqua, friggendo il mostro, oppure colpirlo quando esce da sottoterra. Una volta eliminato si aprir\u00E0 un via per uscire dalla fossa scavata dal verme, che si scioglier\u00E0 alle vostre spalle. il mostro \u00E8 vulnerabile con armi pesanti e granate acide."@it . "File:Huge item gravedigger bronze 01.png |-| Silver = [[Category:]] File:Huge item gravedigger silver 01.png |-| Gold = [[Category:]]"@en . "Secondary t-Virus infection"@en . "10000"^^ . "Grave Digger is a badge given to staff who presumably have broken the site and was introduced on August 14th, 2012"@en . . "-5"^^ . . "Grave Digger"@it . "Le Grave Digger a une gueule munie de quatre crocs dispos\u00E9s en carr\u00E9. Il ne poss\u00E8de qu'une attaque : il tente de plonger sur sa proie en la mordant."@fr . . . "Grave Digger is a badge given to staff who presumably have broken the site and was introduced on August 14th, 2012"@en . . . "Information"@en . . . . . . "A slow-moving zombie-like creature, it will regenerate hit points if it is allowed to dig. It is found most often in the first level of the Demon Crypts. Image:Act1Q6.gif This monster article is a . You can help the Diablo Wiki to become more awesome by expanding it."@en . "Destroyed"@en . "yes"@en . "A grave digger is someone who dig graves for coffins or bodies to be placed in. This Grave Digger is surrounded by Inhumers, entities that bury things in the ground. So, the Grave Digger digs the grave, and the Inhumers fill it up once the person has been put in it."@en . "Staff only"@en . "25"^^ . "$0.99 or 100 from the prize machine"@en . . . "Categoria:Pagine da riscrivere Il Grave Digger (scava-tombe) \u00E8 una B.O.W. apparsa in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. E' un enorme verme dotato di artigli affilati nato dalla mutazione di un millepiedi con il famigerato Virus-T. E' molto letale e pochi suoi colpi bastano per mandarvi a nanna quindi \u00E8 sempre meglio essere equipaggiati bene di erbe e munizioni quando lo si combatte. Per fortuna si incontrer\u00E0 solo due volte nel corso del gioco. La prima dopo che sarete caduti in una buca nel suolo, mentre la seconda, lo affronterete in un cimitero. La sua tattica di attacco \u00E8 molto semplice ma efficace: spunta da buchi fatti nel muro e vi attacca; per sconfiggerlo basta avvicinarsi ad un buco, aspettare che esca il verme senza farsi colpire, indietreggiare e fare fuoco. Nel secondo scontro invece vi"@it . "Le Grave Digger a une gueule munie de quatre crocs dispos\u00E9s en carr\u00E9. Il ne poss\u00E8de qu'une attaque : il tente de plonger sur sa proie en la mordant."@fr . . "The Grave Digger is a weapon in Saints Row: The Third. Old-school shotgun with a new Saints style. \u2014 Weapon description"@en . . . . . . . . . "The Grave Digger is a playable mascot in Crossy Road."@en . "Seeing as they only appear in the Metroid Prime Hunters commercial, their canonicity is ambiguous, though seeing as no sources contradict their existence and the fact that their \"position\" would be necessary, they may be part of Metroid continuity. No name is given in official media. Ntropic has a copy of an IGN article on their page for Dig that refers to this character as \"grave digger\"."@en . . . . "D\u00E9truit"@fr . . . "Attack Physical: 38 Attack Magical: 25 Level: 30 Sort: One-Handed Ax"@en . "1950"^^ . . "2012-08-14"^^ . . . . . . "Rare"@en . . "1000"^^ . . . . . "6"^^ . . . "Attack Physical: 38 Attack Magical: 25 Level: 30 Sort: One-Handed Ax"@en . . . . . "Mille-pattes"@fr . "A grave digger is someone who dig graves for coffins or bodies to be placed in. This Grave Digger is surrounded by Inhumers, entities that bury things in the ground. So, the Grave Digger digs the grave, and the Inhumers fill it up once the person has been put in it."@en . "The grave digger first appeared digging a grave in front of the Oracle's Temple when he is approached by Kratos whom he quickly identifies. The Spartan wondered why he was digging a grave in the middle of a battle however, the digger told him it was an important one when Kratos asked who it is met to be for he is told \"You will my son !\" until sending the surprised Spartan on his way. Later on when Kratos was killed by Ares at Pandora's Temple and was journeying through the Underworld a stone with rope tied to it fell from a hole. Kratos climbed the rope and return back to Athens at the Oracle's temple where he was met by the Grave Digger. It turns out his statement about Kratos using the grave he was digging was accurate as it proved to be the perfect portal for Kratos to use whilst escap"@en . . . . "none"@en . "File:Grave_Digger.gif"@en . "Grave Digger is a truck used in all MTM games. It is driven by Dennis Anderson."@en . . . . . . . "The grave digger first appeared digging a grave in front of the Oracle's Temple when he is approached by Kratos whom he quickly identifies. The Spartan wondered why he was digging a grave in the middle of a battle however, the digger told him it was an important one when Kratos asked who it is met to be for he is told \"You will my son !\" until sending the surprised Spartan on his way. Later on when Kratos was killed by Ares at Pandora's Temple and was journeying through the Underworld a stone with rope tied to it fell from a hole. Kratos climbed the rope and return back to Athens at the Oracle's temple where he was met by the Grave Digger. It turns out his statement about Kratos using the grave he was digging was accurate as it proved to be the perfect portal for Kratos to use whilst escaping the Underworld. The digger commented on Kratos he just finished digging the hole as the spartan asked him who he was to which the digger was about to answer until they heard an explosion .The Digger told Kratos to go quickly but the Spartan asked how he knew of the situation to which the mysterious man answered \" Athena isn't the only god keeping watch on you, Spartan.\" Afterward he disappeared, with his voice telling Kratos to defeat Ares so that his sins would be forgiven. The identity of the man was a source of great controversy for fans, who speculated he was either Zeus, or Hermes in disguise. As such, similarities were noted between his voice and Zeus', particularly when he gave Zeus' Fury to Kratos. Knowing the facts revealed in God of War III, the act of Zeus helping Kratos was probably because of him being oblivious that anyone would actually succeed in opening Pandora's Box. If anything, Zeus might have thought its power would be used by Kratos without actually releasing the evils sealed within. Furthermore, during that time, Zeus probably never fully realised the threat Kratos would pose, thus helping him in a moment which would otherwise have resulted in Kratos' certain death. It is also possible that Zeus and the other gods feared Ares' increasing belligerence, and thus they positioned Kratos to succeed in destroying Ares, but Zeus remained in disguise to avoid being discovered - and thus avoided a potential war between the gods."@en . "200"^^ . . "Grave Digger"@pt . . . "File:Huge item gravedigger bronze 01.png |-| Silver = [[Category:]] File:Huge item gravedigger silver 01.png |-| Gold = [[Category:]]"@en . "Grave Digger is a Monster Jam truck, and has made multiple appearances throughout the years. Here is a list of every release."@en . "The Grave Digger is a playable mascot in Crossy Road."@en . . . "Grave Digger vs. Bad News"@en . "The Grave Digger is the name of a large, mutated caterpillar that grew into it's current size from a Sliding Worm. It's encountered only in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis and it's varient in Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chron icles with the aformentioned taking place in the Raccoon Cemetary and the latter taking place in Racc oon City's downtown district right in the middle of a street road. The encounter in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis can be considered high mid-to low high difficulty, mostly in terms of taking damage and how much you take based on certain strikes from the Grave Digger. Normal hits are from a quick lunge out of the ground, usually random since the Grave Digger doesn't move around to get in front or around you. The secondary form of attack is that the Grave Digger moves at you from underground then comes out of it completely and moves forward while lunging at you, this move does the MOST damage and can be FATAL if it manages to get you in a corner so watch out. Two ways exist of killing the Grave Digger: 1) You can go the casual/typical route of dodging it's attacks and continue to pour gunfire on it until the Grave Digger dies. 2) Avoid the creature long enough for a sequence to happen in which the light pole n ear the puddle is knocked loose and lure the Grave Digger near it, shoot it down completely and crispy fry the monster in a one-hit K.O. -Notice, there's a first round with the Grave Digger that takes place in the Courtyard in the city, a rumble happens at first and a little farther ahead the Grave Digger causes the ground underneath you to collapse. Inside the maintanence room you fall in there are several switches and a ladder out of your reach for the moment, in a small sequence the Grave Digger bursts out of a wall beside Jill starting the bout which is one you COULD win but not recommended since it would cost a LOT of ammo and health, the Grave Digger here is quick and it's bite does an IMMENSE amount of damage so quickly activate two switches to lower the ladder and leave the room before the monster manages to kill Jill and end the game."@en . "\u30B0\u30EC\u30A4\u30D6\u30C7\u30A3\u30AC\u30FC"@fr . "Saints Row: The Third"@en . "Genero ; Classic / Speed Metal Tema das letras ; Horror, Guerra , Mitologia , Hist\u00F3ria Europ\u00E9ia e Metal. \n* Letras Origem ; Alemanha Formada em; 1980 Gravadora; Locomotive Records Chris Boltendahl - Vocalista Manni Schmidt - Guitarrista Jens Becker - Contra-Baixo Hans Peter H.P. Katzenburg - Teclados Stefan Arnold - Bateria Peter Masson (1980-1986) Uwe Lulis (1986-2000) Martin Gerlitzki (1983) Willi Lackman (1983-1984) Ren\u00E9 T-Bone Teichgr\u00E4ber (1984) C.F. Brank (1985-1987) Tomi G\u00F6ttlich (1991-1997) Lutz Schmelzer (1980) Philip Seibel (1981-1983) Albert Eckardt (1983-1987) Peter Breitenbach (1991-1993) J\u00F6rg Michael (1993-1994) Frank Ulrich (1994-1995) A banda est\u00E1 trabalhando na segunda parte da trilogia Rheingold. Grave Digger foi uma das primeiras bandas derivadas do Accept,com o Classic/Speed Metal,junto com Running Wild, Helloween,Sinner,Cutty Sark e Rage.O \u00FAnico membro da forma\u00E7\u00E3o inicial que continua na cabanda \u00E9 o vocalista Chris Boltendahl. Ap\u00F3s tr\u00EAs albuns, Grave Digger descidiu mudar o nome para Digger e comercializar seu som. Chris Boltendahl mais tarde admitiu que a principal motiva\u00E7\u00E3o era fazer dinheiro. O que n\u00E3o agradou os fans,por fim,a banda acabou se separando e se reuniu nos anos 90 com o velho nome de Grave Digger. Demo Demo, 1982 Born Again Demo, 1983 Shoot Her Down Single, 1984 Heavy Metal Breakdown Album Completo, 1984 Witch Hunter Album Completo, 1985 War Games Album Completo, 1986 For Promotion Only EP, 1992 The Best of the Eighties Best of/Compilation, 1993 The Reaper Album Completo, 1993 Symphony of Death EP, 1994 Heart of Darkness Album Completo, 1995 Rebellion Single, 1996 Tunes of War Album Completo, 1996 The Dark of the Sun EP, 1997 The Battle of Bannockburn Single, 1998 Knights of the Cross Album Completo, 1998 The Round Table (Forever) Single, 1999 Excalibur Album Completo, 1999 The Grave Digger Album Completo, 2001 Die Definitiv Biografie Best of/Compilation, 2002 History Best of/Compilation, 2002 Tunes of Wacken DVD, 2002 Tunes of Wacken Live album, 2002 Middle Ages Trilogy Boxed set, 2002 Masterpieces Best of/Compilation, 2002 Lost Tunes from the Vault Best of/Compilation, 2003 Rheingold Album Completo, 2003 The Last Supper Album Completo, 2005 Das H\u00F6rbuch Best of/Compilation, 2005 25 To Live DVD, 2005 25 To Live Live album, 2005 Yesterday Single, 2006 Liberty or Death Album Completo, 2007"@pt . . "2011-10-20"^^ . . . . "Grave Digger is a reputation title in Fallout 2."@en . . "\u30B0\u30EC\u30A4\u30D6\u30C7\u30A3\u30AC\u30FC"@en . "Grave Digger is a truck used in all MTM games. It is driven by Dennis Anderson."@en . . . . "10000"^^ . . "auto"@en . "Humanoid"@en . . "Grave Digger"@en . "Septembre 1998"@fr . "Grave digger"@en . . . . . . . "Non-Giftable"@en . . . "Grave Digger"@fr . . "Grave Digger is a Monster Jam truck, and has made multiple appearances throughout the years. Here is a list of every release."@en . "Genero ; Classic / Speed Metal Tema das letras ; Horror, Guerra , Mitologia , Hist\u00F3ria Europ\u00E9ia e Metal. \n* Letras Origem ; Alemanha Formada em; 1980 Gravadora; Locomotive Records Chris Boltendahl - Vocalista Manni Schmidt - Guitarrista Jens Becker - Contra-Baixo Hans Peter H.P. Katzenburg - Teclados Stefan Arnold - Bateria Peter Masson (1980-1986) Uwe Lulis (1986-2000) Martin Gerlitzki (1983) Willi Lackman (1983-1984) Ren\u00E9 T-Bone Teichgr\u00E4ber (1984) C.F. Brank (1985-1987) Tomi G\u00F6ttlich (1991-1997) Lutz Schmelzer (1980) Philip Seibel (1981-1983) Albert Eckardt (1983-1987) Peter Breitenbach (1991-1993)"@pt . "September 1998"@en . . . . "Grave Digger"@en . . . . "Infection secondaire au virus T"@fr . . "The Grave Digger is a weapon in Saints Row: The Third. Old-school shotgun with a new Saints style. \u2014 Weapon description"@en . . . . . . . "74"^^ . . "Henchmen"@en . "76"^^ . "300"^^ . "79"^^ . . . "The Grave Digger is the name of a large, mutated caterpillar that grew into it's current size from a Sliding Worm. It's encountered only in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis and it's varient in Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chron icles with the aformentioned taking place in the Raccoon Cemetary and the latter taking place in Racc oon City's downtown district right in the middle of a street road. Two ways exist of killing the Grave Digger: 1) You can go the casual/typical route of dodging it's attacks and continue to pour gunfire on it until the Grave Digger dies."@en . . . "Dennis Anderson and more"@en . . . "Grave Digger"@en . "Released on"@en . "A slow-moving zombie-like creature, it will regenerate hit points if it is allowed to dig. It is found most often in the first level of the Demon Crypts. Image:Act1Q6.gif This monster article is a . You can help the Diablo Wiki to become more awesome by expanding it."@en . . . . "Shotgun"@en . "200"^^ . . . . . "Name"@en . . .