"Japan"@en . "D'apparence compl\u00E8tement humaine, ils \u00E9taient indiscernables de Terriens. Ils \u00E9taient spirituellement libres et tr\u00E8s amicaux lors de leurs premi\u00E8res relations, tr\u00E8s ouverts sexuellement entre eux et envers les nouveaux arrivants. Habill\u00E9s de tenues tr\u00E8s l\u00E9g\u00E8res, ils n'h\u00E9sitaient pas \u00E0 enlacer leurs invit\u00E9s et \u00E0 leur proposer leurs jeux h\u00E9donistes. Entre deux sites, ils se d\u00E9pla\u00E7aient toujours en courant. Ils \u00E9taient extr\u00EAment ob\u00E9issants des lois ; d'ailleurs la criminalit\u00E9 avait disparu depuis des milliers d'ann\u00E9es. Cependant, cette tranquillit\u00E9 \u00E9tait durement appliqu\u00E9e \u00E0 travers des domaines de punition qui changeaient al\u00E9atoirement. Franchir ces domaines alors qu'ils \u00E9taient interdits, condamnait les Edos \u00E0 la peine de mort. Les M\u00E9diateurs \u00E9taient l\u00E0 pour veiller au respect des domaines de punition et des lois. Les Edos \u00E9taient prot\u00E9g\u00E9s par \u00CAtre transdimensionnel. Ils le consid\u00E9raient comme leur dieu. (TNG: \"Justice\")"@fr . "In the Ultraman 2011 Manga it is revealed that the Zettonian race has all but been wiped out during their prior attempt to invade the planet by Ultraman. The last known Zettonian, is an individual apparently named Edo (\u30A8\u30C9 Edo?pronounced \"Ed\" in English) who introduces himself as Ai-De, he now works with the SSSP on behalf the Universal Alliance Council."@en . . . . . "Imagesizepx"@en . . . "Edo (\u6C5F\u6238 , Edo] is the imperial capital of Japan. It is also the final scene of the Edo and Asian Branch arc when the exorcists were sent after Cross Marian. The Noah's Ark were anchored to the city due to Nea D. Campbell."@en . "thumb|Logo der Edo. thumb|Die Edo auf ihrem Planeten. Die Edo sind eine relativ einfache, friedliche Zivilisation, die viel Freude an sinnlichen Kontakten und Vergn\u00FCgen hat. Sie leben auf dem Planeten Rubicun III und werden 2364 von der F\u00F6deration entdeckt. Diese Gesellschaft lebt auf einem warmen, sehr gr\u00FCnen Planeten, deswegen besteht keine gro\u00DFe Notwendigkeit f\u00FCr viel Kleidung. Die Edo sind ein sehr gesundes Volk. Sie betrachten das Rennen als gew\u00F6hnliche Fortbewegungsart und treiben sehr viel Sport, unter anderem Ballsport. Dar\u00FCber hinaus lieben sie sich bei jeder Gelegenheit und sind sexuell sehr aufgeschlossen. Fremden gegen\u00FCber sind sie sehr offen. Zudem sind sie sehr ehrlich und stolz auf ihre Sitten und Regeln. Die Freundlichkeit Fremden gegen\u00FCber kann sehr schnell vergehen, wenn man ihre Gesetze nicht respektiert. Die Gesetze sind die Grundlage ihrer friedlichen Gemeinschaft. Die Edo wurden wahrscheinlich von einer Spezies auf den Planeten angesiedelt, welche sie als Gott der Edo verehren. Diese Spezies ist sich bewusst, dass die Edo zu ihrem aktuellen Entwicklungszeitpunkt eine Gottheit brauchen. Aus dem Orbit bewacht diese Spezies die Edo und sie erscheinen auch manchmal den Edo. Seit Jahren hat es keine Verbrechen mehr auf den Planeten gegeben, da man ein wirksames System zur Verbrechensbek\u00E4mpfung installiert hat: Mediatoren wachen \u00FCber einen bestimmten Bereich, der als Bestrafungszone definiert ist. Niemand au\u00DFer den Mediatoren kennt die Zeiten und Orte der Bestrafungszone, deswegen muss man immer wachsam sein. Die einzige Bestrafung f\u00FCr alle Straftaten ist der Tod. Die Edo besitzen 2364 nicht die F\u00E4higkeit zur interstellaren Reise. In diesem Zeitraum besucht die Crew der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) den Planeten. Die Crewmitglieder werden von den Edo freundlich empfangen. Aber kurz darauf bricht Wesley Crusher unwissentlich ein Gesetz und kann nur durch intensive Intervention von Jean-Luc Picard vor der Todesstrafe bewahrt werden. Auf Dr\u00E4ngen der Edo und ihres Gottes verl\u00E4sst darauf die Enterprise wieder das System. (TNG: )"@de . "Edo (\u6C5F\u6238 , Edo] is the imperial capital of Japan. It is also the final scene of the Edo and Asian Branch arc when the exorcists were sent after Cross Marian. The Noah's Ark were anchored to the city due to Nea D. Campbell."@en . . "Edo is a travelling cook, renowned all over Rome for his talents in the kitchen. Indeed, it is even said that his food makes dinner with insurance salesmen seem bearable. His cooking is very versatile, and ranges from normal classics, to his own creations, such as his own personal favourite, aubergine stuffed with aubergine. He is also famous for being the creator of Crunchy Jam (see Frequently Featured Items). Edo also secretly invinted the jelly-baby. He just didn't tell anyone about it."@en . . "Male and Female"@en . . . . . "Known Price Range"@en . "Common, Ryuugumi"@en . . . "D'apparence compl\u00E8tement humaine, ils \u00E9taient indiscernables de Terriens. Ils \u00E9taient spirituellement libres et tr\u00E8s amicaux lors de leurs premi\u00E8res relations, tr\u00E8s ouverts sexuellement entre eux et envers les nouveaux arrivants. Habill\u00E9s de tenues tr\u00E8s l\u00E9g\u00E8res, ils n'h\u00E9sitaient pas \u00E0 enlacer leurs invit\u00E9s et \u00E0 leur proposer leurs jeux h\u00E9donistes. Entre deux sites, ils se d\u00E9pla\u00E7aient toujours en courant. Ils \u00E9taient extr\u00EAment ob\u00E9issants des lois ; d'ailleurs la criminalit\u00E9 avait disparu depuis des milliers d'ann\u00E9es."@fr . "Class M conditions"@en . . "250"^^ . . "Raza humanoide, similar a los seres humanos, habitantes del planeta Rubicun III. Son de car\u00E1cter impetuoso, pero muy \"amoroso\" a la vez. Muy respetuosos de sus leyes, las cuales est\u00E1n basada en costumbres y reglas muy elementales y sencillas, son muy hedonistas, pudiendo estar horas ocupados en juegos amorosos, masajes, comidas y bebidas o directamente haciendo el amor. Es una sociedad que no tiene cr\u00EDmenes de ning\u00FAn tipo, pero que antiguamente era muy desordenada. Para el control de la ley, disponen de una especie de cuerpo de polic\u00EDa llamado \"mediadores\". El problema es que la falta de cr\u00EDmenes provoca que cualquier nimiedad sea considerada una falta grave, por lo que el castigo para cualquier contravenci\u00F3n es directamente la muerte."@es . "Image:Rivan.jpg The Edo were a humanoid species native to the planet Rubicun III. The Edo had wiped out criminality thousands of years ago and it became virtually unknown to them. The Edo were a very peaceful and free-spirited society, being welcoming and friendly and offering themselves sexually to anyone who would accept. It was customary among them to run from place to place instead of walking. However, due to their fear of their society returning to a state of chaos and anarchy, their system of justice only acknowledged execution as punishment for any crime."@en . "Damage"@en . . . . . . . . "Edo is a travelling cook, renowned all over Rome for his talents in the kitchen. Indeed, it is even said that his food makes dinner with insurance salesmen seem bearable. His cooking is very versatile, and ranges from normal classics, to his own creations, such as his own personal favourite, aubergine stuffed with aubergine. He is also famous for being the creator of Crunchy Jam (see Frequently Featured Items). Edo also secretly invinted the jelly-baby. He just didn't tell anyone about it."@en . . . . . "thumb|Logo der Edo. thumb|Die Edo auf ihrem Planeten. Die Edo sind eine relativ einfache, friedliche Zivilisation, die viel Freude an sinnlichen Kontakten und Vergn\u00FCgen hat. Sie leben auf dem Planeten Rubicun III und werden 2364 von der F\u00F6deration entdeckt. Fremden gegen\u00FCber sind sie sehr offen. Zudem sind sie sehr ehrlich und stolz auf ihre Sitten und Regeln. Die Freundlichkeit Fremden gegen\u00FCber kann sehr schnell vergehen, wenn man ihre Gesetze nicht respektiert. Die Gesetze sind die Grundlage ihrer friedlichen Gemeinschaft."@de . . "TBA"@en . . . . "Tech Level"@en . "The final battle of Samurai\u2013Shinobi Civil War took place in Edo. There, a team of Yamagakure j\u014Dnin confronted and fought the Four Devas. While the four weren't killed, the samurai surrendered, and the war was won by the shinobi. The sh\u014Dgun was replaced by a daimy\u014D, however, a successor sh\u014Dgun was placed to handle shinobi affairs; a different duty than the position had prior too the shinobi take over."@en . "An unnamed Edo male"@en . . "Edo"@en . . . "Humanoids from Rubicun III. Very similar to Terrans. A strange mixture of hedonistic sexuality and puritanical respect for a draconian legal code. In the distant past, the Edo were a lawless and chaotic people, through time they developed a legal system where a small number of \"mediators\" patrol randomly selected \"punishment zones\" where any infraction, even if accidental, results in immediate execution without appeal. Since the \"punishment zones\" are randomly chosen and rapidly changing, the system is a powerful incentive to obey all laws. The Edo welcome visitors openly as long as they conform to their system of justice. The Edo may be a transplanted race since they are governed by a transdimensional craft that the Edo worship as their god."@en . . "Edo"@en . . . "Edo"@en . . . . . . . . . "2000ms"@en . "\u6C5F\u6238"@en . . . . . "De Edo waren een bezield volk, waar bezoekers met een warm welkom onthaald werden. Ook waren ze zeer open over seksualiteit. Edo begroetten vrienden met een omhelzing en boden zichzelf seksueel aan aan iedereen die daar open voor stond. Het was onder de Edo gebruikelijk om van plaats naar plaats te rennen in plaats van te lopen. De samenleving was vredevol en extreem wetsgehoorzaam. Misdaad was in al enkele duizenden jaren eerder uitgeroeid en was in 2364 nagenoeg onbekend. De unieke rust in de Edo samenleving had echter een prijs. In het Edo strafrechtsysteem bestond maar \u00E9\u00E9n straf, ongeacht de misdaad: de doodstraf. Mobiele strafzone's hielden mogelijke misdadigers echter alert. De Edo worden beschermd door een trans-dimensionaal wezen in een baan om hun planeet, die ze verafgoden als ware het een god. (TNG: \"Justice\")"@nl . . . . . . . . "Edo"@de . . . "225"^^ . "De Edo waren een bezield volk, waar bezoekers met een warm welkom onthaald werden. Ook waren ze zeer open over seksualiteit. Edo begroetten vrienden met een omhelzing en boden zichzelf seksueel aan aan iedereen die daar open voor stond. Het was onder de Edo gebruikelijk om van plaats naar plaats te rennen in plaats van te lopen. De samenleving was vredevol en extreem wetsgehoorzaam. Misdaad was in al enkele duizenden jaren eerder uitgeroeid en was in 2364 nagenoeg onbekend."@nl . . "None"@en . "Asia"@en . "Male"@en . . "The final battle of Samurai\u2013Shinobi Civil War took place in Edo. There, a team of Yamagakure j\u014Dnin confronted and fought the Four Devas. While the four weren't killed, the samurai surrendered, and the war was won by the shinobi. The sh\u014Dgun was replaced by a daimy\u014D, however, a successor sh\u014Dgun was placed to handle shinobi affairs; a different duty than the position had prior too the shinobi take over."@en . . . . "Deceased"@en . "\"Big City Girl\""@en . . "In the Ultraman 2011 Manga it is revealed that the Zettonian race has all but been wiped out during their prior attempt to invade the planet by Ultraman. The last known Zettonian, is an individual apparently named Edo (\u30A8\u30C9 Edo?pronounced \"Ed\" in English) who introduces himself as Ai-De, he now works with the SSSP on behalf the Universal Alliance Council."@en . . . . . "Ultraman Manga Chapter 6"@en . "Settlement"@en . . . "The Edo is a guided missile with the ability to track targets."@en . "Universal Alliance"@en . . . . "Monarchy"@en . . "\"Time of Your Life, Part Three\""@en . "2000.0"^^ . "1"^^ . "Edo"@es . . "Edo was the capital of Ryuugumi in the Second Age. Travel between the Ryuugumi capital and the mainland was pretty sparse. Taro Ofuchi lived in the royal palace during the Ofuchi Usurpation."@en . . "Edo Logo.png"@en . "-> 99$"@en . . "Type"@en . "Humanoids from Rubicun III. Very similar to Terrans. A strange mixture of hedonistic sexuality and puritanical respect for a draconian legal code. In the distant past, the Edo were a lawless and chaotic people, through time they developed a legal system where a small number of \"mediators\" patrol randomly selected \"punishment zones\" where any infraction, even if accidental, results in immediate execution without appeal. Since the \"punishment zones\" are randomly chosen and rapidly changing, the system is a powerful incentive to obey all laws. The Edo welcome visitors openly as long as they conform to their system of justice. The Edo may be a transplanted race since they are governed by a transdimensional craft that the Edo worship as their god."@en . "-> 86$"@en . "Raza humanoide, similar a los seres humanos, habitantes del planeta Rubicun III. Son de car\u00E1cter impetuoso, pero muy \"amoroso\" a la vez. Muy respetuosos de sus leyes, las cuales est\u00E1n basada en costumbres y reglas muy elementales y sencillas, son muy hedonistas, pudiendo estar horas ocupados en juegos amorosos, masajes, comidas y bebidas o directamente haciendo el amor."@es . . . "Edo player.jpg"@en . "Edo"@fr . . . . . "3300m"@en . "Image:Rivan.jpg The Edo were a humanoid species native to the planet Rubicun III. The Edo had wiped out criminality thousands of years ago and it became virtually unknown to them. The Edo were a very peaceful and free-spirited society, being welcoming and friendly and offering themselves sexually to anyone who would accept. It was customary among them to run from place to place instead of walking. However, due to their fear of their society returning to a state of chaos and anarchy, their system of justice only acknowledged execution as punishment for any crime. The Edo were protected by a trans-dimensional super-entity which orbit around their planet, which they worshiped as a God. In 2364, the Edo made first contact with the crew of the USS Enterprise-D when they arrived at their planet for potential shore leave. When Wesley Crusher accidentally destroyed a greenhouse while playing ball with the Edo children, the Edo sentenced him to death. However, due to the intervention of Captain Picard, Wesley was saved. (TNG episode: \"Justice\")"@en . . "EDO"@no . . . . . "The Edo is a guided missile with the ability to track targets."@en . . . "Edo Missile"@en . . . . . . . . . "70"^^ . . "TBA"@en . . . "Unknown"@en . "Edo"@nl . . . . . "Speed"@en . . "Range"@en . "Large city"@en . . "Unknown, as all of them deceased."@en . "An unnamed Edo female"@en . "Edo"@en . . . "Loading speed"@en . . . . "Edo was the capital of Ryuugumi in the Second Age. Travel between the Ryuugumi capital and the mainland was pretty sparse. Taro Ofuchi lived in the royal palace during the Ofuchi Usurpation."@en . . . "Ally"@en . "Humans"@en . . . . . . "Edo"@en .