"1968-12-18"^^ . "640"^^ . "David and Amy go into Quentin's room and tell the apparently empty room about Janet Findley's arrival, and plan to find him. They ask what they should do. David asks Amy if perhaps Quentin will not mind if he is found, but Amy assures him he would have sent for her if he wanted to see her. The Gramophone begins playing Quentin's theme. Downstairs Elizabeth asks Mme. Findley what she has found. Mme. Findley tells her it is strongest downstairs and that there are two opposing forces at work. They go into the Drawing room and Mme. Findley asks if there is someone in the family or in the house's history who's name begins with the letter \u201CM\u201D. Elizabeth cannot think of anyone. She asks to be left alone, but before Elizabeth leaves she tells her that there is a curse on Collinwood. She calls out asking \u201CM\u201D for help and where to look, and gets an answer by knocks that tell her the spirits are confined to a single room, but not where the family lives. When Joe knocks on the door her concentration is broken. Joe has arrived and asks Elizabeth if he can see Amy. Mme. Findley asks if there are parts of the house not currently used and Elizabeth tells her about the East and West Wings. She decides to check out the East Wing first. Meanwhile, in the West Wing, David and Amy leave Quentin's room with instructions. Joe tries to talk to Amy, but she seems distracted. He tells her Chris is not coming to see her today and that is why he is here to talk to her about. Joe asks Amy if she likes living at Collinwood and when she enthusiastically says \u201CYes\u201D he tells her he doesn't like her staying there. She says she would prefer to live with Chris, but he has no place for her and she just hopes he doesn't leave town again. When Mme. Findley enters Amy introduces her to Cousin Joe. She goes to the table and gets the Tarot card and tells Amy she is going to use it as bait. When she turns around and looks at Joe, a Pentagram has appeared on his face. Mme. Findley hears this and turns around just in time to see it before it fades away. He asks Amy to leave and has a chat with Janet Findley who tells him she also saw the star. She tells him it is an ancient symbol and it was a bad omen, and when he asks, she tells him he should avoid an animal who walks like a man. Amy returns with Elizabeth who takes Joe up to see Roger, but first Mme. Findley asks if Amy can show her to the West Wing. Elizabeth says she would not know her way around there yet and offers to escort her when she returns. As Amy is leaving the drawing room, she runs into David, who asks how things are going. When Amy tells him Mme. Findley wants to go to the West Wing, he is intrigued, and tells her to go talk to Mme. Findley. Amy tells Mme. Findley she would like to talk to her, but is thrown off course when Mme. Findley starts asking her questions about the star she saw on Joe's face, how often she sees odd things like that, and if she has noticed anything strange in the drawing room. They discuss what mediums are and if Amy believes in ghosts or not. Mme. Findley asks Amy if she has ever seen a ghost, and Amy almost deflects the question, which Mme. Findley notices. She implores Amy for help when David arrives from behind the secret panel to the West Wing. Fascinated, Mme. Findley asks the children about the panel and the West Wing and they ask her not to tell that she knows about it. David tells Mme. Findley she can't go up there, but she tells Amy that she intends to find out what Amy's secret is up there. They ask her not to go as she climbs the steps, but they are already closing the door behind her when they hear Elizabeth's footsteps. Amy pulls a game of jacks out of her pocket and she and David pretend they have been playing for a while. When Elizabeth enters and asks about Mme. Findley, they tells her Mme. Findley left already and didn't say where she was going. Baffled, Elizabeth goes to look for her in Roger's study. Mme. Findley find Quentin's room immediately knows this is the right room. The door slams behind her as David and Amy eavesdrop outside. Mme. Findley tells Quentin she wants to help as the children block up the hole in the panel to Quentin's room."@en . . "648"@en . "Nachdem Simone Pillentausch bei Juli durch Vanessa auffliegt, gelingt es Simone und Richard zwar, die Beweise zu vernichten, doch die beiden k\u00F6nnen nicht verhindern, dass Vanessa sich noch mehr von ihrer Familie abwendet. Aus Angst, ihre Tochter f\u00FCr immer zu verlieren, nimmt Simone die alleinige Schuld an der Intrige auf sich und rehabilitiert Richard. Wozu Simone Vanessa aber damit treibt, wird ihr erst klar, als es schon zu sp\u00E4t ist... Vanessa entschlie\u00DFt sich, trotz ihrer wieder erstarkten Gef\u00FChle f\u00FCr Oliver , mit Juli und Oliver zum Gegenschlag gegen Simone auszuholen. Sie ahnt nicht, wie hoch der Preis daf\u00FCr ist. Ausgel\u00F6st durch Stellas Musik, wird Lars immer \u00F6fter von Erinnerungen an den Tod seiner Ehefrau Anna heimgesucht. Ahnungslos \u00FCber die Bedeutung des Liedes f\u00FCr Lars, pocht Stella auf ihren Musikwunsch. In letzter Sekunde erkennt Lars, dass es nur einen Ausweg aus seinem Dilemma gibt..."@de . . . . "648"@es . . ""@en . "1968-12-11"^^ . "El seiscientos cuarenta y ocho (648) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 647 y precede al 649. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . . "648"^^ . . . . "El seiscientos cuarenta y ocho (648) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 647 y precede al 649. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . . . ""@en . . . "David and Amy go into Quentin's room and tell the apparently empty room about Janet Findley's arrival, and plan to find him. They ask what they should do. David asks Amy if perhaps Quentin will not mind if he is found, but Amy assures him he would have sent for her if he wanted to see her. The Gramophone begins playing Quentin's theme. Downstairs Elizabeth asks Mme. Findley what she has found. Mme. Findley tells her it is strongest downstairs and that there are two opposing forces at work. They go into the Drawing room and Mme. Findley asks if there is someone in the family or in the house's history who's name begins with the letter \u201CM\u201D. Elizabeth cannot think of anyone. She asks to be left alone, but before Elizabeth leaves she tells her that there is a curse on Collinwood. She calls out "@en . . . "Nachdem Simone Pillentausch bei Juli durch Vanessa auffliegt, gelingt es Simone und Richard zwar, die Beweise zu vernichten, doch die beiden k\u00F6nnen nicht verhindern, dass Vanessa sich noch mehr von ihrer Familie abwendet. Aus Angst, ihre Tochter f\u00FCr immer zu verlieren, nimmt Simone die alleinige Schuld an der Intrige auf sich und rehabilitiert Richard. Wozu Simone Vanessa aber damit treibt, wird ihr erst klar, als es schon zu sp\u00E4t ist... Vanessa entschlie\u00DFt sich, trotz ihrer wieder erstarkten Gef\u00FChle f\u00FCr Oliver , mit Juli und Oliver zum Gegenschlag gegen Simone auszuholen. Sie ahnt nicht, wie hoch der Preis daf\u00FCr ist. Ausgel\u00F6st durch Stellas Musik, wird Lars immer \u00F6fter von Erinnerungen an den Tod seiner Ehefrau Anna heimgesucht. Ahnungslos \u00FCber die Bedeutung des Liedes f\u00FCr Lars, pocht"@de . "1968"^^ . . . "648"@de . "648"^^ .