"Ahazra Redth"@en . "Ahazra Redth was born into the deep desert tribes of Tranquility III, also known as Bittergyre to its indigenous people and his psyker gifts surfaced early. When he was still a child his family undertook the dangerous pilgrimage across the erg sands to the Valley of the Nine Winds in order to present him to the Mantis Warriors for judgement. Although too young to begin the transformation into an Astartes warrior, nevertheless the Chapter's Librarians sensed a great future for the boy, and began to school him in the control of the mystic arts. From the day he had been brought forth, he showed a potential seen perhaps once in a hundred generations. As time progressed, Redth grew into a skilled Neophyte who fought as a Space Marine Scout in a score of campaigns, where his burgeoning gifts of prognostication allowed him to advise and improve upon the plans of Veteran Space Marines five times his age. His powers grew exponentially after joining the Mantis Warriors Librarium and learning the deeper mysteries of the Chapter. He quickly gained a reputation not only as a master of ambush and an expert field tactician, but also as a master of prophecy and divination whose word was trusted by all that heard it. Ahazra Redth would go on to become Chief Librarian of the Mantis Warriors and serve as both a powerful battle-psyker and a wise strategist. He would become one of the greatest Chapter Librarians in the Mantis Warriors' history. Known to both the Mantis Warriors and the people of the Endymion Cluster as the \"Dust Prophet\" for his abilities and writings, when the Badab War went against his Chapter, it was his leadership that managed to outwit the Loyalist commanders for so long and preserve his brethren in the face of the storm."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ahazra Redth was born into the deep desert tribes of Tranquility III, also known as Bittergyre to its indigenous people and his psyker gifts surfaced early. When he was still a child his family undertook the dangerous pilgrimage across the erg sands to the Valley of the Nine Winds in order to present him to the Mantis Warriors for judgement. Although too young to begin the transformation into an Astartes warrior, nevertheless the Chapter's Librarians sensed a great future for the boy, and began to school him in the control of the mystic arts. From the day he had been brought forth, he showed a potential seen perhaps once in a hundred generations. As time progressed, Redth grew into a skilled Neophyte who fought as a Space Marine Scout in a score of campaigns, where his burgeoning gifts of "@en . .