. . "Ramen"@es . "280"^^ . "Ramen were Rokugani buckwheat noodles with egg added to the dough. They were popular between peasantry."@en . . "jade"@en . . . "36"^^ . . "He is Perry's future son and is a Supervillain though his dad does not improve. He mostly has a string of bad luck."@en . "43"^^ . . "coin"@en . "thumb|left|Ramen Ramen (\u30E9\u30FC\u30E1\u30F3) ist eine Nudelsuppe und Narutos Lieblingsspeise. Am liebsten vergleicht er verschiedene Nudelsuppen, aber sein Lieblings Nudel-Stand ist \"Ichirakus Ramen\". Es gibt drei Standard-Geschmacksrichtungen: Shio- (salzig), Shoyu- (mit Sojasauce gew\u00FCrzt) und Miso-Ramen (mit Sojabohnenpaste gew\u00FCrzt). Naruto isst am liebsten Ramen mit Misogeschmack. Dazu gibt es noch diverse Suppeneinlagen, die \"Toppingu\" (eng. topping = Garnierung) genannt werden. Meist bestehen sie aus Fleisch und/oder Gem\u00FCse. Kategorie: Essen"@de . "Wikipedia Article About Ramen on Wikipedia Ramen (/\u027Aa\u02D0me\u0274/, rahmen: \u30E9\u30FC\u30E1\u30F3, \u3089\u30FC\u3081\u3093 and occasionally \u62C9\u9EBA) is a Japanese dish of noodles and broth, with a variety of toppings such as sliced pork, seaweed, naruto, green onions, and even corn. Almost every locality or prefecture in Japan has its own variation of ramen, from the tonkotsu ramen of Kyushu to the miso ramen of Hokkaido."@en . . . . "\u30E9\u30FC\u30E1\u30F3"@en . . "player"@en . "A very popular type of Chinese noodles. The noodles are served in a bowl of soup. There are three or four main flavours of soup: \n* Shio-aji so-called \"salt\" flavour \n* Shoyu-aji flavoured with soy sauce, and usually having a piece of roast pork floating on top. \n* Miso-aji flavoured with Miso. \n* Tonkotsu or \"pork bone\" flavour. Apart from this, there are also things like leek flavour or, my favourite, mabo dofu, which is spicy tofu floating on top of the noodles. See also Ramen Restaurants TSUKUBA WIKI PROJECT ( pages) home || empty pages || short pages || contact us"@en . "Ramen is a Japanese dish of noodles served in broth that originated in China on Earth, or, more generally, various soup-noodle dishes inspired by Japanese ramen. Root and Wheel ate ramen on the USS Mumbai. (TOSS #17 \"[/ Late-Night Ramen]\", #18 \"[/ The Ends of the Earth]\")"@en . "Water"@en . "thumb|left|Ramen Ramen (\u30E9\u30FC\u30E1\u30F3) ist eine Nudelsuppe und Narutos Lieblingsspeise. Am liebsten vergleicht er verschiedene Nudelsuppen, aber sein Lieblings Nudel-Stand ist \"Ichirakus Ramen\". Es gibt drei Standard-Geschmacksrichtungen: Shio- (salzig), Shoyu- (mit Sojasauce gew\u00FCrzt) und Miso-Ramen (mit Sojabohnenpaste gew\u00FCrzt). Naruto isst am liebsten Ramen mit Misogeschmack. Dazu gibt es noch diverse Suppeneinlagen, die \"Toppingu\" (eng. topping = Garnierung) genannt werden. Meist bestehen sie aus Fleisch und/oder Gem\u00FCse. Kategorie: Essen"@de . "El Ramen (\u30E9\u30FC\u30E1\u30F3, R\u0101men) es una sopa de fideos japonesa que usualmente es acompa\u00F1ada con distintos ingredientes como: la salsa de soja, el bamb\u00FA, trozos de cerdo, entre otros. Este alimento es el preferido de Naruto Uzumaki, protagonista de la serie, llegando a comer casi exclusivamente esta comida. En el universo de Naruto hay un restaurante en Konoha llamado Ichiraku Ramen donde preparan el ramen favorito de Naruto e Iruka. La pasi\u00F3n de Naruto por este alimento ha llegado a tal punto que una vez demostr\u00F3 como ten\u00EDa una despensa llena de ramen. El due\u00F1o de Ichiraku Ramen es Teuchi y seg\u00FAn Naruto, \u00E9l prepara el mejor ramen de todos, el fue de los pocos que trataban bien a Naruto cuando nadie lo hacia, otra persona era Iruka Umino. La mayor\u00EDa de las veces en los primeros episodios recompensaban a Naruto con ramen."@en . "Alimento"@es . "R\u0101men"@en . . "1"^^ . . . . . . "Ramen is an Internet worm that runs on Linux and targets Red Hat 6.2 and 7.0 systems. Other Linux distributions are not affected. It has a payload that defaces websites, but also patches the exploits that allowed the worm to spread in the first place, making it both malicious and a helper at the same time. It has been compared in some ways to the Morris worm of 1988."@en . "\u30E9\u30FC\u30E1\u30F3"@es . . . "Ramen were Rokugani buckwheat noodles with egg added to the dough. They were popular between peasantry."@en . . . . . . "Moomba"@fr . "35"^^ . "Puhl"@en . "Alimento"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A very popular type of Chinese noodles. The noodles are served in a bowl of soup. There are three or four main flavours of soup: \n* Shio-aji so-called \"salt\" flavour \n* Shoyu-aji flavoured with soy sauce, and usually having a piece of roast pork floating on top. \n* Miso-aji flavoured with Miso. \n* Tonkotsu or \"pork bone\" flavour. Apart from this, there are also things like leek flavour or, my favourite, mabo dofu, which is spicy tofu floating on top of the noodles. Ramen is often served with gyoza, fried and then steamed items, or chahan, which is known as egg fried rice in Chinese restaurants. See also Ramen Restaurants TSUKUBA WIKI PROJECT ( pages) home || empty pages || short pages || contact us"@en . "Cord"@en . . "A baby goebie."@en . "140"^^ . "Raids - The Liberation of Mazcab"@en . "jade"@en . "Ramen are the tenders of the Ranyhyn (see below). The Ramen's life-work is to serve the Ranyhyn, whom they hold in very high esteem. Traditionally they do not ride or otherwise subjugate the great horses, and can grow resentful of those who do. The fact that the Lords of Revelstone and the Bloodguard often ride the great horses is a major point of contention, but the Ramen tolerate this in deference to the Ranyhyn, who choose to give their service. When defending the Ranyhyn from Kresh (large wolves in service to the Despiser) or other predators, the Ramen frequently use ropes as garottes to break the attackers' necks. Ramen are organised into three \"ranks\": Manethralls who are the leaders, Cords who assist the Manethralls, and Winhomes who perform domestic supporting duties. Two other ran"@en . . "R\u0101men"@es . "Manethrall"@en . . "Ramen"@en . "Manga, Anime, Pel\u00EDculas y Videojuegos"@en . . "Rue"@en . . . "Ramen"@en . "Ramen .png"@es . . . . . . . "Masculin"@fr . ""@en . . . . . "Ramen Shampoo x Konatsu. Shampoo crosses konatsu and they fight, then rather than kiss of death Shampoo decides some girl on girl would cheer her up, hot and bothered when finds out her partner is a man Shampoo stirred the pot of ramen on the stove slowly, allowing the soup to cook evenly. It was a task that she had done hundreds of times before, enough that she could let her mind wander and still cook up a storm. It actually made an otherwise boring job bearable. Especially when she thought about Ranma. Shampoo felt a pleasant shiver run up and down her spine at the thought of her airen. Oh the things she would do to him once he finally grew up a little and realized that she was the best choice for him. It frustrated her to no end that he just couldn\u2019t see that she was the best cook, the most beautiful, and would be the best lover. Shampoo shook her head to wake herself up from the dream, wiping a small skein of drool from her face. It had been far too long since she had taken a man into her bed. Sighing, she turned down the heat on the stove and started ladling out servings. Ranma was a man at heart, and that would be all the advantage she\u2019d need. Men couldn\u2019t help themselves when it came to carnal matters. Once he experienced the Joketsuzoku sexual knowledge first hand, it would be all over. In fact, the soup she\u2019d just finished preparing was flavored with eleven different Amazonian herbs and spices to help her errant husband realize this. She placed the bowls of soup inside her delivery box and went out to her bicycle. Ucchan\u2019s was slow. It was after the lunch rush, and the dinner rush hadn\u2019t started yet. Normally Ukyo would use this time to catch up on her paperwork, or her sleep if one of her boyfriends had spent the night. Today though there was no paperwork to do and neither Hiroshi or Daisuke were able to come over last night. And frankly, she had been hoping that at least one of them would. Unfortunately both had put off writing a major paper until the last minute, and had needed to finish them last night, or risk failing the class. Of course, that was last night, and the papers were due this morning during their half day of school. It shouldn\u2019t take much convincing for one of them to come over for some afternoon fun, if only she could get some privacy. Konatsu was sweeping up the floor in an attempt to stay busy. Ukyo had been trying to keep her relationships from her cross dressing waiter, feeling somewhat guilty about how she\u2019d treated him knowing that he liked her. He just wasn\u2019t the kind of guy she wanted to date. She\u2019d already gone through the cross dressing phase with Tsubasa. Ukyo sighed and promised herself she\u2019d tell Konatsu she had a boyfriend later. For now she needed him to disappear for a couple of hours. Looking out the window, she saw Shampoo zoom by on her bicycle, heading in the general direction of the Tendo dojo. An idea formed in her head. \u201CHey Konatsu, Shampoo just rode past. Why don\u2019t you see what she\u2019s up to. Stop her if she looks like she\u2019s on her way to pick up Ranchan.\u201D Konatsu smiled and nodded at his employer. \u201CShould I return to inform you of her whereabouts?\u201D he asked demurely. \u201CNo! Err\u2026\u201D Ukyo hesitated, but Konatsu gave no outward sign of having registered her outburst. \u201CJust do what you need to to keep her from getting to the Tendo Dojo. I have some homework that needs doing, so I don\u2019t want to be disturbed. Just come home when she gives up.\u201D Knowing Shampoo, that would give Ukyo hours of privacy. Konatsu bowed low, before removing his kimono, leaving him dressed in his kunoichi outfit. Pulling up the hood and mask, he leapt out an open window. Ukyo smiled as he left, and ran upstairs to her bedroom to make a call or two."@en . . . . "Pahni"@en . . . "Whane"@en . . "El Ramen (\u30E9\u30FC\u30E1\u30F3, R\u0101men) es una sopa de fideos japonesa que usualmente es acompa\u00F1ada con distintos ingredientes como: la salsa de soja, el bamb\u00FA, trozos de cerdo, entre otros. Este alimento es el preferido de Naruto Uzumaki, protagonista de la serie, llegando a comer casi exclusivamente esta comida. En el universo de Naruto hay un restaurante en Konoha llamado Ichiraku Ramen donde preparan el ramen favorito de Naruto e Iruka. La pasi\u00F3n de Naruto por este alimento ha llegado a tal punto que una vez demostr\u00F3 como ten\u00EDa una despensa llena de ramen."@en . . . . . "thumb|leftLe plat pr\u00E9f\u00E9r\u00E9 de Naruto est le Ramen, des nouilles instantan\u00E9es qui ressemblent un peu \u00E0 de la soupe avec plein d'autres ingr\u00E9dients dedans (comme de la viande). Il ne mange quasiment que \u00E7a, et ses pr\u00E9f\u00E9r\u00E9s sont celles de chez Ichiraku, o\u00F9 Teuchi et Ayame travaillent. Cat\u00E9gorie:Objets"@fr . "Ramen is a Japanese dish of noodles served in broth that originated in China on Earth, or, more generally, various soup-noodle dishes inspired by Japanese ramen. Root and Wheel ate ramen on the USS Mumbai. (TOSS #17 \"[/ Late-Night Ramen]\", #18 \"[/ The Ends of the Earth]\")"@en . . "Ramen are the tenders of the Ranyhyn (see below). The Ramen's life-work is to serve the Ranyhyn, whom they hold in very high esteem. Traditionally they do not ride or otherwise subjugate the great horses, and can grow resentful of those who do. The fact that the Lords of Revelstone and the Bloodguard often ride the great horses is a major point of contention, but the Ramen tolerate this in deference to the Ranyhyn, who choose to give their service. When defending the Ranyhyn from Kresh (large wolves in service to the Despiser) or other predators, the Ramen frequently use ropes as garottes to break the attackers' necks. Ramen are organised into three \"ranks\": Manethralls who are the leaders, Cords who assist the Manethralls, and Winhomes who perform domestic supporting duties. Two other ranks are mentioned in The Runes of the Earth, Keepers and Curriers, but their placement within the Ramen hierarchy is not known."@en . . . "Grace"@en . . . "El Ramen (\u30E9\u30FC\u30E1\u30F3, R\u0101men) es una sopa de fideos japonesa que usualmente es acompa\u00F1ada con distintos ingredientes como: la salsa de soja, el bamb\u00FA, trozos de cerdo, entre otros. Este alimento es el preferido de Naruto Uzumaki, protagonista de la serie, llegando a comer casi exclusivamente esta comida. En el universo de Naruto hay un restaurante en Konoha llamado Ichiraku Ramen donde preparan el ramen favorito de Naruto e Iruka. La pasi\u00F3n de Naruto por este alimento ha llegado a tal punto que una vez demostr\u00F3 como ten\u00EDa una despensa llena de ramen. El due\u00F1o de Ichiraku Ramen es Teuchi y seg\u00FAn Naruto, \u00E9l prepara el mejor ramen de todos, el fue de los pocos que trataban bien a Naruto cuando nadie lo hacia, otra persona era Iruka Umino. La mayor\u00EDa de las veces en los primeros episodios recompensaban a Naruto con ramen."@es . . . "Ramen (\u30E9\u30FC\u30E1\u30F3 r\u0101men) is a 2001 Japanese film co-written, edited, and directed by Akira Kurosawa. It was the third in a trilogy of motion pictures produced and directed by Kurosawa about the diets of famous Japanese warrior kings, or \"shotguns.\" The trilogy garnered much critical acclaim, but was greeted with indifference by movie audiences, who complained that there was \"not enough meat\" to the stories. The story centers around a warrior named Toshiro Mifune, who plans to embark on a journey of bloody revenge to kill the four warrior kings in neighboring kingdoms because they slaughtered his only son and heir. So far, so good, right? But before Mifune leaves on his journey, he decides he must fortify himself with a large feast. At this point, the story turns into a highly detailed and historically accurate account of the warrior's feast, which consists primarily of noodles cooked in a mild vegetable broth. Occasionally, there is a tiny piece of shrimp or chicken thrown into the soup, but most of the time it's just salt and some MSG. During the meal, the warrior's lieutenants passionately attempt to dissuade the warrior from seeking revenge, but their arguments are lost among all the eating and noodle slurping. This scene takes place over the better part of an hour, as the scene was filmed according to the Ramen Ceremony of the Holy Order of Ramen. Critics regarded \"Ramen\" as a \"tour de force,\" pointing out that the eating and digesting the noodles was strikingly symbolic of Mifune's desire to \"consume\" his enemies, and that the triumph of food over armed conflict was touching and deeply felt. To their credit, audiences left the theaters hungry for more, and concession sales accounted for nearly half of the movie's overall profits."@en . . "Ramen"@pl . . "Ramen (\u30E9\u30FC\u30E1\u30F3 r\u0101men) is a 2001 Japanese film co-written, edited, and directed by Akira Kurosawa. It was the third in a trilogy of motion pictures produced and directed by Kurosawa about the diets of famous Japanese warrior kings, or \"shotguns.\" The trilogy garnered much critical acclaim, but was greeted with indifference by movie audiences, who complained that there was \"not enough meat\" to the stories."@en . "Ramen is an Internet worm that runs on Linux and targets Red Hat 6.2 and 7.0 systems. Other Linux distributions are not affected. It has a payload that defaces websites, but also patches the exploits that allowed the worm to spread in the first place, making it both malicious and a helper at the same time. It has been compared in some ways to the Morris worm of 1988."@en . "Winhome"@en . . . "Marhtir"@en . . . "4"^^ . "The Ramen is a seed in FarmVille. It can only be planted in water plots on the Jade Falls farm. It requires File:Zen Point-icon.png zen points to unlock. It costs and can be harvested for and . It yields File:XP-icon.png experience when planted."@en . "Ramen \u2013 ziemska potrawa pod postaci\u0105 zupy. Jest ulubionym jedzeniem doros\u0142ej Bulmy."@pl . "2015-07-13"^^ . "14"^^ . . "Wikipedia Article About Ramen on Wikipedia Ramen (/\u027Aa\u02D0me\u0274/, rahmen: \u30E9\u30FC\u30E1\u30F3, \u3089\u30FC\u3081\u3093 and occasionally \u62C9\u9EBA) is a Japanese dish of noodles and broth, with a variety of toppings such as sliced pork, seaweed, naruto, green onions, and even corn. Almost every locality or prefecture in Japan has its own variation of ramen, from the tonkotsu ramen of Kyushu to the miso ramen of Hokkaido."@en . "Human"@en . "Ramen"@fr . . . . . "Ramen"@fr . "jade"@en . "710"^^ . "Ramen Shampoo x Konatsu. Shampoo crosses konatsu and they fight, then rather than kiss of death Shampoo decides some girl on girl would cheer her up, hot and bothered when finds out her partner is a man Shampoo stirred the pot of ramen on the stove slowly, allowing the soup to cook evenly. It was a task that she had done hundreds of times before, enough that she could let her mind wander and still cook up a storm. It actually made an otherwise boring job bearable. Especially when she thought about Ranma."@en . . . "Bhapa"@en . . "thumb|leftLe plat pr\u00E9f\u00E9r\u00E9 de Naruto est le Ramen, des nouilles instantan\u00E9es qui ressemblent un peu \u00E0 de la soupe avec plein d'autres ingr\u00E9dients dedans (comme de la viande). Il ne mange quasiment que \u00E7a, et ses pr\u00E9f\u00E9r\u00E9s sont celles de chez Ichiraku, o\u00F9 Teuchi et Ayame travaillent. Cat\u00E9gorie:Objets"@fr . . . . . "Manga, Anime, Pel\u00EDculas y Videojuegos"@es . . "Ramen .png"@en . "Ramen \u2013 ziemska potrawa pod postaci\u0105 zupy. Jest ulubionym jedzeniem doros\u0142ej Bulmy."@pl . . . "No"@en . . "No"@en . "Yes"@en . "Ramen"@de . "El Ramen (\u30E9\u30FC\u30E1\u30F3, R\u0101men) es una sopa de fideos japonesa que usualmente es acompa\u00F1ada con distintos ingredientes como: la salsa de soja, el bamb\u00FA, trozos de cerdo, entre otros. Este alimento es el preferido de Naruto Uzumaki, protagonista de la serie, llegando a comer casi exclusivamente esta comida. En el universo de Naruto hay un restaurante en Konoha llamado Ichiraku Ramen donde preparan el ramen favorito de Naruto e Iruka. La pasi\u00F3n de Naruto por este alimento ha llegado a tal punto que una vez demostr\u00F3 como ten\u00EDa una despensa llena de ramen."@es . "He is Perry's future son and is a Supervillain though his dad does not improve. He mostly has a string of bad luck."@en . . . "Gay"@en . "The Ramen is a seed in FarmVille. It can only be planted in water plots on the Jade Falls farm. It requires File:Zen Point-icon.png zen points to unlock. It costs and can be harvested for and . It yields File:XP-icon.png experience when planted."@en . "--07-14"^^ . "Ramen"@fr . .