. . "Viable since update 1.27, the Chance-based Eniripsa is a new build that focuses on dealing tremendous damage while self-healing at the same time. Its main spell is Vampyric Word, a powerful life-stealing attack that, with Stimulating Word and +AP equipment, turns the Eniripsa from a supportive healer into a damage-dealing tank. This life-stealing effect also works well with the health-consuming effect of Mot Olov. With Vampyric Word, Summoning of Chaferfu and Friendship Word can become sources of self-healing. Lifting Word is also important for raising the limited range of Vampyric Word. Don't forget that Friendship Word also buffs MP. However, due to the low soft cap for Chance and the short range of Vampyric Word, most players do not rely on Chance alone. Furthermore, most spells of this class rely on either Intelligence or Wisdom. Possible variants of this are as follows: \n* Pure Chance variant. Very powerful at short range, but has very few spells. Uses Bows with Bow Skill for range. Excess spell points can be invested into Summoning of Chaferfu (for self-healing), Summoning of Arachnee, Release, Mot Olov and Frightening Word. Difficult to develop, needs scrolling and is generally not recommended. \n* Hybrid Chance + Intelligence variant. Similar to the Intelligence-based Battle Eniripsa build, mixing attacks with healing, but uses Vampyric Word instead of Forbidden Word to attack. This variant is more powerful than that build, but it is less capable of supporting allies. It also lacks range. On the other hand, this variant works very well with Word of Sacrifice. \n* Hybrid Chance + Agility variant. With Stimulating Word and +AP equipment, Wounding Word can be casted three times a turn. This provides a reasonably powerful attack at long range. High dodge locking also works very well with Mot Olov. This variant can deal consistent damage at all ranges and it is the easiest to develop effectively. \n* Hybrid Chance + Wisdom variant. Most versatile approach, as many Eniripsa spells use Wisdom. When out of range, Draining Word and Paralyzing Word can disable enemies from afar, while Word of Thorn can provide extra survivability. Word of Silence works well with Vampyric Word and Mot Olov as you have to get into melee range and hopefully become surrounded. Can be difficult to develop."@en . "Viable since update 1.27, the Chance-based Eniripsa is a new build that focuses on dealing tremendous damage while self-healing at the same time. Its main spell is Vampyric Word, a powerful life-stealing attack that, with Stimulating Word and +AP equipment, turns the Eniripsa from a supportive healer into a damage-dealing tank. This life-stealing effect also works well with the health-consuming effect of Mot Olov. With Vampyric Word, Summoning of Chaferfu and Friendship Word can become sources of self-healing. Lifting Word is also important for raising the limited range of Vampyric Word. Don't forget that Friendship Word also buffs MP. However, due to the low soft cap for Chance and the short range of Vampyric Word, most players do not rely on Chance alone. Furthermore, most spells of this"@en . "Eniripsa/Chance"@en . "Chance"@en . "Eniripsa"@en .