"Her power is drawn from the land of Kislev itself, giving her command of the harsh and cold elements. Katarin is the greatest of the Ice Witches, and is so suffused with the power of Ice Magic that even her flesh is cold and pale. Some whisper that she is the reincarnation of the first Khan-Queen Miska, and it is said that when she ascended to the throne, the Bokha Palaces grew a whole new wing made of ice, half a mile long. This is beyond all but the most skilled ice mages and it is here that Katarin remains for most of her time. Some say she enjoys the cold, while others believe it to be an attempt to overawe all of her enemies and foreign ambassadors. Tzarina Katarin, unlike her predecessor, Boris Ursus, leads from the rear and is aloof and remote, preferring to work through agents and generals. She rarely joins the armies of Kislev (or pulks) but when she does she is almost always mounted on her stead whose breath is said to be the winter wind, or she may be riding an armoured sled drawn by a team of identical beasts. When she does go forth, she devastates all who stand before her, and the Ungol people to the north of Kislev believe and fear her to be one of the ancient warrior witches from their past. The Ice Queen has had to fight more, as in recent times the Kurgans and Kyazak have been growing more bellicose under their Zars and Hetzars. The scale and ferocity of their raids has lead to The Empire dispatching a number of contingents to aid her in Kislev's defence."@en . "Her power is drawn from the land of Kislev itself, giving her command of the harsh and cold elements. Katarin is the greatest of the Ice Witches, and is so suffused with the power of Ice Magic that even her flesh is cold and pale. Some whisper that she is the reincarnation of the first Khan-Queen Miska, and it is said that when she ascended to the throne, the Bokha Palaces grew a whole new wing made of ice, half a mile long. This is beyond all but the most skilled ice mages and it is here that Katarin remains for most of her time. Some say she enjoys the cold, while others believe it to be an attempt to overawe all of her enemies and foreign ambassadors."@en . . "Katarin the Ice Queen"@en . . . .