"Oldham"@zh . "Trabalhando para a Iniciativa DHARMA"@pt . . . "left"@zh . . . . . . . . . . "Oldham"@de . "This one"@en . "Desconocido"@es . "Oldham"@fr . . "The village is renowned for its greenery and lack of concrete, with a fine spring display of , daffodils and small friendly pixies. Before it's recent demolishment to make space for the metrolink, the underneath of mumps bridge was home to the village sasquatch also known as 'Barry' Barry stalks the Oldham streets growling in your ear when you least expect it; if approached by Barry known for his abundance of facial hair, refrain from making eye contact as he may nibble on your ear lobe; one of his favourite pastimes. Once you smell Barry's cider breath and feel his hair tickle the back of your neck never turn around. Just keep on walking until you find sanctuary in the closest McDonald's restaraunt or kebab shop. Upon arrival, the visitor will be surprised by the lack of pubs, betting shops and off-licences, all of which were banned in 1066 by William the Conqueror who upon witnessing Oldham's green and verdant surroundings swore that it would never be compromised by man's frailties and sins. The village is also noted for its racial tolerance. Many years ago, whilst the rest of the Western World was embroiled in race riots and segregation issues, the Oldham locals invited those of other religions, races and creeds with open arms. Now Caucasian, Asian, lesbian and paedophile live alongside each other in perfect harmony. To reiterate this racial tolerance Nelson Mandela once visited Oldham and walked down union street chanting 'everybody do the nelson' in a melancholy fashion. To celebrate its success in this area, the town organizes a parade every Saturday night, where 20 carefully selected Asians and Africans walk smilingly down the High Street while cheered and applauded by their Caucasian brothers."@en . . "Meat pie, sausage roll!"@en . "William Sanderson"@fr . "not mentioned"@en . . . . "Oldham is a large town in Greater Manchester. It has a population of over 100,000."@en . . . "Oldham es un miembro de la Iniciativa Dharma que trabaj\u00F3 como un interrogador o un torturador. En 1977 Horace trajo a Sayid a la tienda de Oldham, ubicada fuera de los Barracones para determinar la verdadera identidad de Sayid. Oldham lo drog\u00F3 con un suero de la verdad; cuando la droga surti\u00F3 efecto, Sayid empez\u00F3 a hablar sobre lo que pasar\u00EDa en el futuro, Oldham crey\u00F3 que estaba inventando una historia por todas las cosas que dijo, y concluy\u00F3 que le dio m\u00E1s suero del que deb\u00EDa. Al parecer Oldham es el \u00FAnico miembro que vive fuera de los Barracones. Jim LaFleur lo describe como un \"psic\u00F3pata\"."@es . "Oldham"@es . "Oldham prepares to interrogate Sayid."@zh . . "Oldham est un membre du Projet DHARMA dont une des fonctions consiste \u00E0 faire parler les gens. Oldham semble \u00EAtre le seul membre du Projet DHARMA \u00E0 vivre \u00E0 l'ext\u00E9rieur des Baraquements. Sawyer le d\u00E9crit comme \u00E9tant un \u00AB psychopathe \u00BB. (Le Prisonnier)"@fr . "I tried to count them but they wont stand still!"@en . . "Oldham"@fr . . . . "not mentioned"@en . . . . . "Oldham has just handed Klinger the spool of Primacord. He tells him it is safe."@en . . "'The Village With a Hole' Oldham's new polo mint logo, cheap at \u00A3100,000"@en . "\u7537\u6027\u4EBA\u985E"@zh . . "Vivant"@fr . . "Depends who you ask."@en . "Oldham \u00E9 um membro da Iniciativa DHARMA que trabalhou como interrogador ou torturador. left|250px|thumb|Oldham prepara-se para interrogar Sayid. Em 1977, Horace Goodspeed levou Sayid at\u00E9 \u00E0 tenda de Oldham para determinar a sua verdadeira identidade. Oldham administrou uma droga n\u00E3o-identificada em Sayid que aparentemente agiu como um soro da verdade. Quando Sayid come\u00E7ou a falar sobre ser do futuro, Oldham concluiu que ele estava criando uma hist\u00F3ria e achou que havia dado uma dose muito alta a Sayid. Oldham parecia ser o \u00FAnico membro da Iniciativa DHARMA a viver fora da Vila. Sawyer o descreveu como um \"psicopata\" e a vers\u00E3o DHARMA de Sayid - causando a \u00EAnfase do t\u00EDtulo do epis\u00F3dio: \"He's Our You\" - \"Ele \u00E9 o Nosso Voc\u00EA\". (\"He's Our You\")"@pt . . . . "Interrogador e torturador da DHARMA"@pt . "Vernehmer der DHARMA Initiative"@de . "Tortionnaire"@fr . . "Pretorture.jpg"@en . "unable to estimate"@en . . "Male"@en . . "not mentioned"@en . . "Oldham was a chemist and DHARMA Initiative member who performed interrogations.[1]"@zh . . "William Sanderson"@de . . "Oldham"@en . "Desconocido"@es . . . "Oldham"@pl . . "Oldham"@it . "\u4E0D\u660E"@zh . . . "Pit of Hell"@en . "Oldham was a patient of the 4077th MASH who made a brief appearance at the beginning of the Season 9 episode titled \"Depressing News\"."@en . "Probably a Private U.S. Army"@en . "Desconhecido"@pt . "Oldham was a chemist and DHARMA Initiative member who performed interrogations.[1]"@zh . "William Sanderson"@pt . "Oldham was a member of the DHARMA Initiative, and resided with the group on island during the 1970's. Oldham's role with the Initiative is vague, but he does appear to have at least some chemical expertise, as well as knowledge on interrogation techniques. Oldham resided outside of the DHARMA barracks, and lived in the jungle in a secluded tent. Some time in 1977, following the capture of suspected hostile Sayid Jarrah, it was decided by the DHARMA leadership to bring the prisoner to Oldham for interrogation. Radzinsky was particularly troubled, as he believed Sayid to be a grave threat, and felt the prisoner had intimate knowledge about the planned Swan station. Sawyer, under the alias of head of security Jim LaFleur, strongly opposed this decision, as he felt Oldham was too mentally unstable to lead an interrogation. Sawyer, Radzinsky, Horace and Phil escorted Sayid to Oldham's tent, and restrained the prisoner against a large tree. Oldham then approached Sayid, and inserted some form of drug into the prisoner's mouth. The effects of the drug became apparent, as Sayid began to hysterically babble a story about coming from the future. Despite the drug's purpose as a truth serum, Oldham began to doubt the dosage he gave the prisoner, and felt he may have administered too strong a dosage. Sayid, still rambling incoherently about the future of DHARMA and the island, informed Oldham that he had given the supposed hostile exactly enough. After Jarrah then broke into an uncontrollable fit of laughter, the rest of the DHARMA officials decided to discontinue the interrogation and returned the prisoner to his cell at the barracks. (He's Our You)"@en . "...trabajando con la Iniciativa Dharma"@es . . "Oldham"@pt . "Oldham"@zh . "OL somat."@en . "Rodney Saulsberry, in guest appearance"@en . "Member of the DHARMA Initiative"@en . . "The village is renowned for its greenery and lack of concrete, with a fine spring display of , daffodils and small friendly pixies. Before it's recent demolishment to make space for the metrolink, the underneath of mumps bridge was home to the village sasquatch also known as 'Barry' Barry stalks the Oldham streets growling in your ear when you least expect it; if approached by Barry known for his abundance of facial hair, refrain from making eye contact as he may nibble on your ear lobe; one of his favourite pastimes. Once you smell Barry's cider breath and feel his hair tickle the back of your neck never turn around. Just keep on walking until you find sanctuary in the closest McDonald's restaraunt or kebab shop."@en . . . . . . "Oldham"@pl . "M\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . "Oldham"@pl . . "left"@en . "Oldham \u00E8 un membro della DHARMA Initiative e si occupa di compiere degli interrogatori qualora vi siano dei prigionieri."@it . "Przes\u0142uchiwanie, tortury"@pl . "not mentioned"@en . . . . . . . . "\"He's Our You\""@es . . . . "Oldham est un membre du Projet DHARMA dont une des fonctions consiste \u00E0 faire parler les gens. Oldham semble \u00EAtre le seul membre du Projet DHARMA \u00E0 vivre \u00E0 l'ext\u00E9rieur des Baraquements. Sawyer le d\u00E9crit comme \u00E9tant un \u00AB psychopathe \u00BB. (Le Prisonnier)"@fr . . . "1"^^ . "Interrogador de la Iniciativa Dharma"@es . . . . "\"He's Our You\""@es . "Oldham ist ein Mitglied der DHARMA Initiative, das als Vernehmer oder Folterer arbeitet. 1977 bringt Horace Goodspeed Sayid zu Oldhams Zelt au\u00DFerhalb der Baracken, um seine wahre Identit\u00E4t herauszufinden. Oldham verabreicht Sayid eine unbekannte Droge, welche als eine Art Wahrheitsserum dient. Als Sayid anf\u00E4ngt, dar\u00FCber zu faseln, dass er aus der Zukunft kommt, schlussfolgert Oldham, dass die Dosis, die er Sayid gegeben hat, zu stark war. Oldham scheint das einzige Mitglied der DHARMA Initiative zu sein, das au\u00DFerhalb des zentralen Baracken-Komplexes lebt. Sawyer beschreibt ihn als \"Psychopath\". (\u201E\u201C)"@de . . "Patient at the 4077th MASH"@en . . "American/Black"@en . . "W roku 1977 na polecenie Horace'a, Sayid zosta\u0142 zabrany do niego w celu ustalenia prawdziwej to\u017Csamo\u015Bci. Oldham poda\u0142 mu niezidentyfikowany narkotyk (kt\u00F3ry zadzia\u0142a\u0142 jak serum prawdy). Gdy Sayid rozpocz\u0105\u0142 opowiada\u0107, \u017Ce jest z przysz\u0142o\u015Bci Oldham uzna\u0142 to za wymy\u015Blon\u0105 histori\u0119. Tym samym zastanawia\u0142 si\u0119, czy nie poda\u0142 za du\u017Cej dawki. [[Grafika:Pretorture.jpg|thumb|250px|left|Oldham przygotowuje si\u0119 do przes\u0142uchania Sayida.]]"@pl . . . . . . "Oldham ist ein Mitglied der DHARMA Initiative, das als Vernehmer oder Folterer arbeitet. 1977 bringt Horace Goodspeed Sayid zu Oldhams Zelt au\u00DFerhalb der Baracken, um seine wahre Identit\u00E4t herauszufinden. Oldham verabreicht Sayid eine unbekannte Droge, welche als eine Art Wahrheitsserum dient. Als Sayid anf\u00E4ngt, dar\u00FCber zu faseln, dass er aus der Zukunft kommt, schlussfolgert Oldham, dass die Dosis, die er Sayid gegeben hat, zu stark war. Oldham scheint das einzige Mitglied der DHARMA Initiative zu sein, das au\u00DFerhalb des zentralen Baracken-Komplexes lebt. Sawyer beschreibt ihn als \"Psychopath\". (\u201E\u201C)"@de . "Dark brown"@en . . . . "Desconhecido"@pt . "Ask for the operator."@en . . "Oldham"@pt . . "Oldham"@pt . . "William Sanderson"@en . "Oldham prepares to interrogate Sayid."@en . . . "Oldham \u00E8 un membro della DHARMA Initiative e si occupa di compiere degli interrogatori qualora vi siano dei prigionieri."@it . . "Oldham"@de . "Oldham is a large town in Greater Manchester, England. It lies amid the Pennines on elevated ground between the rivers Irk and Medlock, 5.3 miles (8.5 km) south-southeast of Rochdale, and 6.9 miles (11.1 km) northeast of the city of Manchester. Oldham is surrounded by several smaller towns that together form the Metropolitan Borough of Oldham, of which Oldham is the administrative centre."@en . "\"Depressing News\""@en . "Oldham was a chemist and DHARMA Initiative member who performed interrogations.[1]"@en . . . . . "Oldham was a member of the DHARMA Initiative, and resided with the group on island during the 1970's. Oldham's role with the Initiative is vague, but he does appear to have at least some chemical expertise, as well as knowledge on interrogation techniques. Oldham resided outside of the DHARMA barracks, and lived in the jungle in a secluded tent."@en . "Vivo"@es . "Oldham"@en . "250"^^ . . . . "Pretorture.jpg"@zh . . "Oldham"@es . "not mentioned"@en . "Desconocido"@es . "250"^^ . "unable to estimate"@en . "N/A, guest appearance"@en . "Oldham"@zh . "Interrogator, chemist DHARMA Initiative"@en . "OldhamDharma.jpg"@es . . "Oldham was a chemist and DHARMA Initiative member who performed interrogations.[1]"@en . "William Sanderson"@es . . . "200"^^ . . "Oldham es un miembro de la Iniciativa Dharma que trabaj\u00F3 como un interrogador o un torturador. En 1977 Horace trajo a Sayid a la tienda de Oldham, ubicada fuera de los Barracones para determinar la verdadera identidad de Sayid. Oldham lo drog\u00F3 con un suero de la verdad; cuando la droga surti\u00F3 efecto, Sayid empez\u00F3 a hablar sobre lo que pasar\u00EDa en el futuro, Oldham crey\u00F3 que estaba inventando una historia por todas las cosas que dijo, y concluy\u00F3 que le dio m\u00E1s suero del que deb\u00EDa. Al parecer Oldham es el \u00FAnico miembro que vive fuera de los Barracones. Jim LaFleur lo describe como un \"psic\u00F3pata\"."@es . . "\u4E0D\u660E"@zh . . . . . . . . . "Oldham \u00E9 um membro da Iniciativa DHARMA que trabalhou como interrogador ou torturador. left|250px|thumb|Oldham prepara-se para interrogar Sayid. Em 1977, Horace Goodspeed levou Sayid at\u00E9 \u00E0 tenda de Oldham para determinar a sua verdadeira identidade. Oldham administrou uma droga n\u00E3o-identificada em Sayid que aparentemente agiu como um soro da verdade. Quando Sayid come\u00E7ou a falar sobre ser do futuro, Oldham concluiu que ele estava criando uma hist\u00F3ria e achou que havia dado uma dose muito alta a Sayid. Oldham parecia ser o \u00FAnico membro da Iniciativa DHARMA a viver fora da Vila. Sawyer o descreveu como um \"psicopata\" e a vers\u00E3o DHARMA de Sayid - causando a \u00EAnfase do t\u00EDtulo do epis\u00F3dio: \"He's Our You\" - \"Ele \u00E9 o Nosso Voc\u00EA\". (\"He's Our You\")"@pt . "Desconhecida"@pt . . "Unknown"@en . "Oldham is a large town in Greater Manchester. It has a population of over 100,000."@en . . "Oldham"@de . "Owd'm"@en . "Oldham"@en . "W roku 1977 na polecenie Horace'a, Sayid zosta\u0142 zabrany do niego w celu ustalenia prawdziwej to\u017Csamo\u015Bci. Oldham poda\u0142 mu niezidentyfikowany narkotyk (kt\u00F3ry zadzia\u0142a\u0142 jak serum prawdy). Gdy Sayid rozpocz\u0105\u0142 opowiada\u0107, \u017Ce jest z przysz\u0142o\u015Bci Oldham uzna\u0142 to za wymy\u015Blon\u0105 histori\u0119. Tym samym zastanawia\u0142 si\u0119, czy nie poda\u0142 za du\u017Cej dawki. [[Grafika:Pretorture.jpg|thumb|250px|left|Oldham przygotowuje si\u0119 do przes\u0142uchania Sayida.]]"@pl . . . "Oldham is a large town in Greater Manchester, England. It lies amid the Pennines on elevated ground between the rivers Irk and Medlock, 5.3 miles (8.5 km) south-southeast of Rochdale, and 6.9 miles (11.1 km) northeast of the city of Manchester. Oldham is surrounded by several smaller towns that together form the Metropolitan Borough of Oldham, of which Oldham is the administrative centre."@en . "Apariciones de personajes#OldhamS5"@es . "Black"@en . . "Oldham"@zh . "Oldham"@es . "Oldham was a patient of the 4077th MASH who made a brief appearance at the beginning of the Season 9 episode titled \"Depressing News\"."@en . .