. . . . . "A load of crap"@en . "In the Eskimo language, there are over 20 different words for snow. That, presumably, is because there was so much snow around them all the time. In English, we have over 20 different words for crap...for the same reason. A load of crap is a compilation of all the synonyms for the word crap. The purpose of this article is two-fold. First, to expand the vocabulary horizons of the general public who tend to use a single word exclusively. (Hopefully, those who read this will endeavor to add variety to their vocabulary.) Secondly, because who wouldn't want to spend countless hours and an advanced degree researching and writing all about turd? How better to enrich humanity? Over the course of this this scholarly work, each word and its origins will be discussed exhaustively. However, if you are taking the time to read an article about poo, then you most likely are not very scholarly. Therefore, I will try to explain some of the larger words to you. For example, scholarly means sumthin' they dun learned ya at school. Other meanings for big words will be at the end of each section of this article. Below, you can see the Big words explained list at the end of this section. I have placed the entries of this article in alphabetical order, not in the order of frequency of use, to prevent bias toward any one word. \n* Compilation - To put stuff together \n* Synonyms - Words that mean the same thing. For example, you and ignoramus. \n* Horizons of vocabulary - Words you know how to say. Go ask Mr. Rogers. \n* Exclusively - Without using any others \n* Endeavor - Try your very hardest \n* Variety - Lots of different stuff \n* Enrich - To make something better than it was \n* Exhaustively - As much as you can; If you ever did your homework exhaustively, you might become scholarly. \n* Alphabetical - Starts with A and ends with Z \n* Frequency of use - How much people (like your dad) say it \n* Bias - Not fair, not fair, not fair"@en . . "In the Eskimo language, there are over 20 different words for snow. That, presumably, is because there was so much snow around them all the time. In English, we have over 20 different words for crap...for the same reason. A load of crap is a compilation of all the synonyms for the word crap. The purpose of this article is two-fold. First, to expand the vocabulary horizons of the general public who tend to use a single word exclusively. (Hopefully, those who read this will endeavor to add variety to their vocabulary.) Secondly, because who wouldn't want to spend countless hours and an advanced degree researching and writing all about turd? How better to enrich humanity?"@en .