. . . "Nonaggression spielt im Weltraum und die Hintergrundfarben wechseln st\u00E4ndig zwischen Orange, Blau, Lila und so weiter."@de . "9"^^ . . . . . "*Super Sonic\n*Doktor Eggman"@pl . . . "Space"@en . . "Nonaggression spielt im Weltraum und die Hintergrundfarben wechseln st\u00E4ndig zwischen Orange, Blau, Lila und so weiter."@de . . . . "Nonaggression"@es . . "1"^^ . "Nonaggression.png"@pl . "9"^^ . "*Super Sonic\n*Dr. Eggman"@en . "Nonaggression (\u30CE\u30F3\u30A2\u30B0\u30EC\u30C3\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3 Non'aguresshon?) \u2013 dodatkowy poziom w grze Sonic Advance 3, na kt\u00F3rym gracz toczy walk\u0119 z prawdziwym fina\u0142owym bossem: Ultimate Gemerlem. Aby dosta\u0107 si\u0119 na poziom, gracz musi zebra\u0107 wszystkie siedem Szmaragd\u00F3w Chaosu na Specjalnych poziomach. Nast\u0119pnie, maj\u0105c Sonica jako lidera duetu, nale\u017Cy pokona\u0107 Hyper Eggrobo pod Altar Emerald."@pl . "Sonic Advance 3"@pl . "Nonaggression"@en . "Nonaggression"@de . "Nonaggression"@pl . . "Altar Emerald"@pl . . . . "Nonaggression (\u30CE\u30F3\u30A2\u30B0\u30EC\u30C3\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3 Non'aguresshon?) \u2013 dodatkowy poziom w grze Sonic Advance 3, na kt\u00F3rym gracz toczy walk\u0119 z prawdziwym fina\u0142owym bossem: Ultimate Gemerlem. Aby dosta\u0107 si\u0119 na poziom, gracz musi zebra\u0107 wszystkie siedem Szmaragd\u00F3w Chaosu na Specjalnych poziomach. Nast\u0119pnie, maj\u0105c Sonica jako lidera duetu, nale\u017Cy pokona\u0107 Hyper Eggrobo pod Altar Emerald."@pl . . . "thumb|237px|NonaggressionNonaggression es la zona donde puedes luchar contra el aut\u00E9ntico jefe final de Sonic Advance 3. Se puede acceder a esta zona obteniendo las 7 Chaos Emeralds y ganando al jefe del Altar Emerald con Sonic como l\u00EDder."@es . "Nonaggression (\u30CE\u30F3\u30A2\u30B0\u30EC\u30C3\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3 Non'aguresshon?) is the ninth and true final Zone in Sonic Advance 3, unlocked if all of the Chaos Emeralds have been found, Sonic is leader, all characters have been unlocked and the final boss is rebeaten. It features the final fight against Ultimate Gemerl, who is a powered-up form of the robot Gemerl."@en . . "Nonaggression"@en . "Nonaggression (\u30CE\u30F3\u30A2\u30B0\u30EC\u30C3\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3 Non'aguresshon?) is the ninth and true final Zone in Sonic Advance 3, unlocked if all of the Chaos Emeralds have been found, Sonic is leader, all characters have been unlocked and the final boss is rebeaten. It features the final fight against Ultimate Gemerl, who is a powered-up form of the robot Gemerl."@en . . . . . "Zone"@en . "Nonaggression"@pl . "Altar Emerald"@en . . . . . "Nonaggression"@pl . . . . . . . "1"^^ . . . . "Sonic Advance 3"@en . . . "thumb|237px|NonaggressionNonaggression es la zona donde puedes luchar contra el aut\u00E9ntico jefe final de Sonic Advance 3. Se puede acceder a esta zona obteniendo las 7 Chaos Emeralds y ganando al jefe del Altar Emerald con Sonic como l\u00EDder."@es . . "Nonaggression"@en . .