"Colin \"Big Dawg\" Steele joined NAW at the age of 26. For four years he fought epic battles with various NcW wrestlers. He defeated Coun for the North American Title then held it for the last year that NAW existed, not losing it once. His record of 272-69 was one of the best ever displayed by any wrestler. He came to be known as the dominant force in NAW, and one of the main reasons it hung on when the management gave up. Known as a master of the mic, this arrogant man has cut promos that have left his opponents quivering in rage. Now he has FINALLY come to NcW to show the world that there is still some life left in the old \"Big Dawg\". Since the formation of AWL, the Big Dawg has changed his ways. He has gone from being a fan favorite, to an all out villain. Joining the Dungeons of Simms he has shown an evil streak that is on par with some of the worst in the business. Now, with Diamond Diva at his side, he has shown that his rule breaking know no bounds. The Dugeons of Simms faded into the past, and the Big Dawg took a Hiatus. Coming back though he, Diamond Diva and Alex Rose formed EIC, and have begun reclaiming what he believes is his rightful place. The Top"@en . . "Colin \"Big Dawg\" Steele joined NAW at the age of 26. For four years he fought epic battles with various NcW wrestlers. He defeated Coun for the North American Title then held it for the last year that NAW existed, not losing it once. His record of 272-69 was one of the best ever displayed by any wrestler. He came to be known as the dominant force in NAW, and one of the main reasons it hung on when the management gave up. Known as a master of the mic, this arrogant man has cut promos that have left his opponents quivering in rage. Now he has FINALLY come to NcW to show the world that there is still some life left in the old \"Big Dawg\"."@en . . "Chicago, IL"@en . "Chicago, IL"@en . "Colin Steele"@en . "N/A"@en . "Colin Steele"@en . "6"^^ . "--11-03"^^ . "325"^^ . ""@en . . . "N/A"@en . "Chicago, IL"@en . "9.0"^^ . "Colin Steele"@en . "The Big Dawg"@en . .