. "The author sings a song by Bert Brecht and Kurt Weill, dedicated to all immigrants to Bodrum from the big cities: \u201COh tell me the way to the next little village oh don\u2019t ask why oh don\u2019t ask why for if we don\u2019t find the way to the village site I tell you we must die I tell you, I tell you, I tell you we must die... Oh moon of \u0130stanbul We tell: our hearts are full... Oh moon of Alabama We now must say good bye We lost our good old mama And must have a village Oh you know why... Since the dawn of time, the city has been likened to the labyrinth, the brain, the uterus, civilisation, progress, emancipation. \u2018Stadtluft macht frei\u2019 - the air of cities makes us free - as the people of the middle ages used to say. As soon they touched the gates of a town their slavery ended. Cities are the third power between pope and emperor. Did a prince \u2013 except Attila - ever govern from village? It is written: \u2018There will be grass where your cities stood\u2019. I saw Jericho more than 5000 years after it was founded and saw that that was true. Our Halikarnassos? Let\u2019s be realistic, though important to us, Bodrum is a village. Even Rome sank to the size of 15,000 souls in 17th and 18th centuries, before it grew to be a metropolis again. Only Istanbul... But it is out of control, isn\u2019t it? Recently an American armed forces report uttered serious doubts concerning cities. More than rogue states they \u2018produce terrorists and give far better shelter to them\u2019. There are, so they say, far too many buildings in a small space. How easy it was in the old times to conquer countries and to defend one\u2019s own! Take Baghdad as a turning point. Americans spent just a few days to take Iraq. But have a look now. More and more quarters of the city are out of control. gangs have taken control A young American has just written a book called Urban Tribes, in which he describes a new group of citizens: young, unmarried, mobile, enjoying city-lifestyle, without any dependence on family or other peer groups. It struck me that most of these characteristics fit the urban guerrilla perfectly too. After Somalia, Lebanon and Afghanistan here we are with another example of a state without sovereignty. Gangs have taken control and, thanks to the mobile phone and the internet, their network is at least as efficient as that of the CIA and MI6. Istanbul has an estimated 15 million inhabitants. Nobody knows exactly how many and I don\u2019t think the authorities have the means to f\u0131nd out. Tokyo? A nightmare. Only a few people in Mexico City ever see the border of their town and they cannot imagine ever gett\u0131ng there. The only border they know is the dark sky by night with its pale stars behind the smog. Lagos and the adjacent cities constitute the broadest shanty town on earth w\u0131th aproximately 70 million people. Sociologists have already baptised these agglomerations \u2018feral cities\u2019 as parallels to \u2018failed states\u2019 the legend of a better life \u0131n a town is a myth While cities are still the motors of the economy they are also constantly growing centres of poverty. Within the cities that dualism is hardening: here are the rich quarters with walls, security controls, video cameras \u2013 they are the no-go-areas even Google-Earth cannot see through. How do they both develop? The rich produce few children but make money. The number of poor increases through birth and by migration. There is no chance to rise into the upper class by your own means. The legend of a better life in a town is a myth, but the poor are still off to the cities. What do they find there? Undercover economy, mafia, prostitution, crime and the hope that things will change. The ties of village life vanish. Yes, even \u2018honour-killing\u2019 is a reminiscence of the countryside. In town you\u2019ll kill for less reason. Who has the power? These quarters are out of official control \u2013 and they exist not only in Sao Paolo or Mumbai but already in London, Paris, Milan, Hamburg and Berlin. Since the US government declared war on terror, gangs in the American cities have boomed. Mafia and other groups outside the law are shown in TV channels (The Sopranos) and have widespread networks and social structures far superior to those of the state and give a feeling of solidarity to their members. Authorities? Government? Politicians? Get lost... More and more children grow up in the streets, without parents and without shelter. They naturally connect to such groups. Neither family, nor school, nor military service can possibly provide such a common feeling and warmth for them. And since the chances of accomplishing any normal career are near to zero, a life as a beggar, a criminal or even a suicide bomber becomes more probable... More and more mesmerising are the neighbourhood-connections. Neighbourhoods give shelter, mostly because everybody knows everybody and anyone unknown arouses suspicion. In towns the small village is rising from the dead again. But nowadays, the familiar connections are not from the past (relatives, blood, tradition) but arise from free choice. At the same time these emerging neighbourhoods operate light-years away from existing political systems which are disintegrating fast. And those feral cities may even speed up the disintegration of whole nations. You cannot hope for any help from aircraft carriers, cruise missiles or great-Middle-East-projects to stop that development. Thus cities are the true mirror of our contemporary development. (c)Thomas Kutzli Bodrum 2006"@de . . . . . "Looking for a new place to operate from? (Note that only Sacre Base sells Rechargers, has the Clone Center, and you return to Sacre Base to level up.)"@en . "Towns provide a safe haven for inhabitants and players alike, from the beasts and player killers wandering outside. Towns have no level requirement (\"0+\") to enter. Every town has an Inn, a General Store, a Magic Shop, a Pet Store, and an Armory. In these five stores, players can buy the full range of Common, Uncommon, and Rare equipment, potions, tradeskill items and travel gear. Each town and store has an infinite supply of very specific items, and each town is associated with items of a specific level range (shown below). Conveniently the level range sold in a particular town tends to coincide with the typical levels of players fighting in the vicinity of that town. Items to be auctioned must be placed on auction while in town, and items purchased from auction must be picked up from yo"@en . . "Combat Phaser - burst, stunner"@en . . "Towns are areas in the Dokapon Series that are essential to victory in Story Mode and Normal Mode. Towns are found on every continent, as well as one Castle. Other than Dokapon DX, Towns are first found to be occupied by a Monster, generally slightly stronger than the local monsters on that continent. To liberate the town, you must defeat the monster occupying that town. PvP Battles can take place on occupied towns, but liberated towns are safe (except if a Darkling lands on it). You cannot land on a town if you are wanted, they are having a Paid Vacation, or they are on Strike. You also can't land on this if a Darkling uses Day Off or Worker Strike. If a Darkling lands on a town that is occupied, they heal to full HP and are cured of ALL Field Status Ailments, even Z Plague and Doom. The "@en . "There are many towns in the subterranean world of Avernum. These towns are populated by a number of people. * Towns can be used for resting, to regain health and spell points. * Towns can also be used for buying and selling of products."@en . . . . . . . . . . "There are many towns in the subterranean world of Avernum. These towns are populated by a number of people. * Towns can be used for resting, to regain health and spell points. * Towns can also be used for buying and selling of products."@en . . . . "Sips played this game in March and June 2012, with large success."@en . "Deputy Fife"@en . . . . . "Florian Frankenberger"@en . . . . . . "Towns are a safe zone located between Planets where players can deposit loot into their Storage Chest, purchase Loot, Emblems and Combat Chips in exchange for Credits, open Loot Chests, upgrade equipment at the Gear Chalice, consult Questbot's Quest Board, equip or rearrange Combat Chips at the Combat Chip Stand, return to the Ship or continue to the next Planet. Towns are often inhabited by passive monsters which normally appear in the next planet."@en . . "Towns by Cities XL"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2012-11-07"^^ . . . . "All towns contain: \n* A shipwright where you can buy, sell, and repair ships. \n* A tavern to play cards and pick up quests. \n* A tailor where you can buy new outfits for your character. \n* A tattoo artist where you can purchase tattoos. \n* A gypsy where you can buy health tonics, voodoo dolls, and voodoo staffs. \n* A peddler where you can buy exclusive clothing sets that are updated monthly. \n* A jail where the pirate will restart their adventure should they be caught or rendered unconsious in combat, or caught cheating at Poker or Blackjack. \n* A dock to launch a dinghy to reach your ship. \n* A dockworker to help you stowaway to the other main islands. Note - Cuba only has a dinghy on the beach, like on the"@en . . . . . . . "75"^^ . . . . . . . . "This section details how towns will work"@en . "Towns provide a safe haven for inhabitants and players alike, from the beasts and player killers wandering outside. Towns have no level requirement (\"0+\") to enter. Every town has an Inn, a General Store, a Magic Shop, a Pet Store, and an Armory. In these five stores, players can buy the full range of Common, Uncommon, and Rare equipment, potions, tradeskill items and travel gear. Each town and store has an infinite supply of very specific items, and each town is associated with items of a specific level range (shown below). Conveniently the level range sold in a particular town tends to coincide with the typical levels of players fighting in the vicinity of that town. Items to be auctioned must be placed on auction while in town, and items purchased from auction must be picked up from your storage at the town where the item was listed on auction. For example if somebody puts up a Gate Potion on auction in Dorfellia and you buy it, the potion will be in your Storage in Dorfellia, and you must go there to pick up and use the potion, even if you've never been to Dorfellia before. Buyer beware! Image:Church.jpg Moreover in the back of each town is a church where you can sacrifice trophies to shrines for actively learning skills, pick up trophy and monster/boss quests, and get information about where to level next. For all towns other than Castille, you can ask the Seer in the church to send you back to Castille, but this counts as a normal death and you will lose rested time as a consequence of taking this potential shortcut back to Castille. If you die a normal death and are not resurrected, you are teleported to the last town you visited, with rested time penalty."@en . . . . "SMP"@en . . . "ElectroLance"@en . . "In every town you can pick up maps for any town in the game, for a price. Even if you do purchase one of these maps you have to keep in mind that it costs Travel Points to instantly travel to that location. For Example: If you are level 1 and you purchased the map to Court of Virtue you will not be able to instantly travel there because it costs 180 Travel Points and you start with only 10. More information is to come about the other Town related topics, like Quests, Guilds, Trainings."@en . . "Towns are the commerce and industrial centers in Mount&Blade. They are supported by raw materials by the surrounding villages and trade caravans from other towns. The player will interact with towns frequently to rest, sell loot, purchase goods and equipment, and establish businesses. In the original Mount&Blade, there were 18 towns in Calradia. Mount&Blade: Warband added one more faction, the Sarranid Sultanate, along with its four new towns to bump the total up to 22."@en . . . . . . . . "Towns"@de . . "Towns have been found in each game of the Diablo series, often serving as hubs. The following is a list of towns (and similar hubs) found in each of these games, with hubs specified:"@en . . . "Arabel (off map) Ashabenford (off map)"@en . "Arabel (off map) Ashabenford (off map)"@en . . . . . . "There are several Towns of note in the game."@en . . "Towns"@en . . . "Towns may not be the right name for this article. It's a list of local towns, villages and cities in the Detroit Metro area -- the \"suburbs\". This article, \"Towns\", is a . That means that someone helped by starting this page, but it doesn't have much content yet. You are invited to [ add content] to this page. Thank you! See more information about how you can contribute."@en . . . . . "55"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "In every town you can pick up maps for any town in the game, for a price. Even if you do purchase one of these maps you have to keep in mind that it costs Travel Points to instantly travel to that location. For Example: If you are level 1 and you purchased the map to Court of Virtue you will not be able to instantly travel there because it costs 180 Travel Points and you start with only 10. More information is to come about the other Town related topics, like Quests, Guilds, Trainings."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Tibia has seventeen towns, all of them being a hometown. A hometown is the town you respawn in after you have died. Your first hometown in Tibia is Rookgaard. When you are level 8 you can leave Rookgaard by being teleported to Island of Destiny by The Oracle. There you'll choose a vocation and a hometown on the mainland. Your choice of hometown isn't permanent and can easily be changed whenever you want to. All you have to do is go to the town and find the Portal of Citizenship. If you enter it, the town you are in will become your new hometown. In the past, it was necessary to know the hometown of any character you wanted to send a Letter or Parcel. This is not necessary anymore with the implementation of the global Inbox (with Updates/9.7). Your hometown is listed on your character page on Tibia.com."@en . . . . "Tibia has seventeen towns, all of them being a hometown. A hometown is the town you respawn in after you have died. Your first hometown in Tibia is Rookgaard. When you are level 8 you can leave Rookgaard by being teleported to Island of Destiny by The Oracle. There you'll choose a vocation and a hometown on the mainland. Your choice of hometown isn't permanent and can easily be changed whenever you want to. All you have to do is go to the town and find the Portal of Citizenship. If you enter it, the town you are in will become your new hometown."@en . "Towns are the commerce and industrial centers in Mount&Blade. They are supported by raw materials by the surrounding villages and trade caravans from other towns. The player will interact with towns frequently to rest, sell loot, purchase goods and equipment, and establish businesses. In the original Mount&Blade, there were 18 towns in Calradia. Mount&Blade: Warband added one more faction, the Sarranid Sultanate, along with its four new towns to bump the total up to 22. (Note, Zendar was a neutral city positioned between the Nords and Vaegirs that players began the game in. It existed until patch 0.950 when it was removed from the game.) In order to take control of a town, you must besiege it or convince the owner to join your faction. Once you have successfully won control of a town, you can manage it and station a garrison there. Each town also grants control of two or more villages."@en . "SMP"@en . . . . "The author sings a song by Bert Brecht and Kurt Weill, dedicated to all immigrants to Bodrum from the big cities: \u201COh tell me the way to the next little village oh don\u2019t ask why oh don\u2019t ask why for if we don\u2019t find the way to the village site I tell you we must die I tell you, I tell you, I tell you we must die... Oh moon of \u0130stanbul We tell: our hearts are full... Oh moon of Alabama We now must say good bye We lost our good old mama And must have a village Oh you know why... gangs have taken control the legend of a better life \u0131n a town is a myth (c)Thomas Kutzli Bodrum 2006"@de . . . . . . . . . . "Towns are a safe zone located between Planets where players can deposit loot into their Storage Chest, purchase Loot, Emblems and Combat Chips in exchange for Credits, open Loot Chests, upgrade equipment at the Gear Chalice, consult Questbot's Quest Board, equip or rearrange Combat Chips at the Combat Chip Stand, return to the Ship or continue to the next Planet. If a Challenge Level is currently in effect, item stalls may also sell Mods for 5000 Credits each, and an additional chalice (referred to as an Item Chalice) appears to the left of the Gear Chalice offering a piece of Loot, an Emblem, a Shard or a Mod from a selection of five. Towns are often inhabited by passive monsters which normally appear in the next planet. Cathedral towns do not have a Gear Chalice (or an Item Chalice on Challenge Level 1+). Instead, each one houses a Creation Machine just to the left of where a Gear Chalice would normally spawn. Town planets, though they possess the same layout as normal towns, have some key differences which are explored on their pages. Currently, only Mech City and Old Earth fall into this category."@en . "Towns are cities and outposts populated with NPCs offering diplomacy quests and Civic NPCs throughout the different regions of Telon. The race of the residents in a town influences the types of expressions used by NPCs when engaged in Civic Diplomacy. The conversation types are also influenced by this racial expression such that some conversations are blocked in some towns."@en . . "All towns contain: \n* A shipwright where you can buy, sell, and repair ships. \n* A tavern to play cards and pick up quests. \n* A tailor where you can buy new outfits for your character. \n* A tattoo artist where you can purchase tattoos. \n* A gypsy where you can buy health tonics, voodoo dolls, and voodoo staffs. \n* A peddler where you can buy exclusive clothing sets that are updated monthly. \n* A jail where the pirate will restart their adventure should they be caught or rendered unconsious in combat, or caught cheating at Poker or Blackjack. \n* A dock to launch a dinghy to reach your ship. \n* A dockworker to help you stowaway to the other main islands. Note - Cuba only has a dinghy on the beach, like on the Most towns also have: \n* A gunsmith where you can buy a pistol, ammunition, grenade and cannon ammunition. \n* A blacksmith where you can buy a cutlass, daggers and re-train Skill Points. \n* A barbershop where you can change hairstyles. \n* A jeweler to buy and sell rings and other adornments. Towns are where a pirate will be doing most of their quests, so it is best that you know their layout; especially sprawling ones like Port Royal and Padres Del Fuego."@en . . . . "Towns by Cities XL"@en . "Combat Phaser"@en . . "Towns may not be the right name for this article. It's a list of local towns, villages and cities in the Detroit Metro area -- the \"suburbs\". This article, \"Towns\", is a . That means that someone helped by starting this page, but it doesn't have much content yet. You are invited to [ add content] to this page. Thank you! See more information about how you can contribute."@en . . . . . "55"^^ . . . "__NOEDITSECTION__"@en . "Towns have been found in each game of the Diablo series, often serving as hubs. The following is a list of towns (and similar hubs) found in each of these games, with hubs specified:"@en . "There are several Towns of note in the game."@en . . . . "Towns are cities and outposts populated with NPCs offering diplomacy quests and Civic NPCs throughout the different regions of Telon. The race of the residents in a town influences the types of expressions used by NPCs when engaged in Civic Diplomacy. The conversation types are also influenced by this racial expression such that some conversations are blocked in some towns."@en . . . . . . "55"^^ . "__NOEDITSECTION__"@en . . . "Towns are areas in the Dokapon Series that are essential to victory in Story Mode and Normal Mode. Towns are found on every continent, as well as one Castle. Other than Dokapon DX, Towns are first found to be occupied by a Monster, generally slightly stronger than the local monsters on that continent. To liberate the town, you must defeat the monster occupying that town. PvP Battles can take place on occupied towns, but liberated towns are safe (except if a Darkling lands on it). You cannot land on a town if you are wanted, they are having a Paid Vacation, or they are on Strike. You also can't land on this if a Darkling uses Day Off or Worker Strike. If a Darkling lands on a town that is occupied, they heal to full HP and are cured of ALL Field Status Ailments, even Z Plague and Doom. The Accessory Overlord's Crown will conquer any town not owned by you. If used by a Darkling, they get Experience Points. If used by a normal Adventurer, no EXP is earned, but a monster will take over the town, and the next turn you will fight said monster."@en . "Sips played this game in March and June 2012, with large success."@en . . . . . . . "Looking for a new place to operate from? (Note that only Sacre Base sells Rechargers, has the Clone Center, and you return to Sacre Base to level up.)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "This section details how towns will work"@en . . .