"Agenda is a video game developer based in Japan. They have worked with Nintendo on numerous occasions such as with Clubhouse Games and Slide Adventure: Mag Kid, both for the Nintendo DS."@en . . "L'agenda del governo, l'agenda digitale,l'agenda di qui l'agenda di l\u00E0 ma il tutto \u00E8 confinato nell'autoreferenziale mondo dei politici e dei giornalisti"@it . . . "From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Agenda]] agenda, substantive use of the neuter plural of agendus (\u201C\u2018which ought to be done\u2019\u201D), future passive participle (gerundive) of ag\u014D (\u201C\u2018I do, act, make\u2019\u201D)."@ia . . . "Agenda"@en . . . . . . . "July 2010"@en . . "Agenda"@it . "September 2009"@en . . . . . . . "Agenda"@en . "La Agenda es un diario y aparece \u00FAnicamente en Animal Crossing: Poblaci\u00F3n: \u00A1en aumento! ."@es . "Satsang Worldwide \u2022 [1] L'Agenda des rencontres, leveil.org"@fr . . "April 2009"@en . . "Clubhouse Games"@en . "Company's logo."@en . "Agenda - ksi\u0119ga liturgiczna, zawieraj\u0105ca przepisy odprawiania obrz\u0119d\u00F3w ko\u015Bcielnych. kategoria:s\u0142ownikkategoria:katolicyzmKategoria:Obrz\u0119dy i obyczaje religijne"@pl . . "Agenda is a video game developer based in Japan. They have worked with Nintendo on numerous occasions such as with Clubhouse Games and Slide Adventure: Mag Kid, both for the Nintendo DS."@en . . . . "Slide Adventure: Mag Kid"@en . . . . "The events of this story following follow the arc of the V4S virtual season, but are not considered to be a part of that season."@en . . . "1"^^ . "V4S universe"@en . . "5"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Agenda is the eighth episode of spook's fifth series which aired for the first time on 30 October 2006."@en . "1260"^^ . . "Chercher \"agenda\" sur dicod'\u00D2c (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congr\u00E8s permanent de la lenga occitana)"@fr . . "Agenda refers in normal parlance to set of discussion points in a committee meeting or perhaps a set of preferred public policies articulated by ideological or political groups. However to paranoid American conservatives, any provision of information may be deemed to be an \"aganda.\""@en . "Satsang Worldwide \u2022 [1] L'Agenda des rencontres, leveil.org"@en . . . . "December 1995"@en . . "August 2007"@en . . . "March 1995"@en . . . "1999-03-21"^^ . . . . . . . "Sistema de Agendas. Los personajes tendr\u00E1n 3 \" Agendas\" una de ellas estar\u00E1 dada por alg\u00FAn m\u00E9rito escogido, otra estar\u00E1 dada por sus fuentes de obligaciones y otra ser\u00E1 la Agenda Principal la cual es por lo general hacia d\u00F3nde va la Historia, la idea es que la Principal ser\u00E1 p\u00FAblica y las otras 2 ser\u00E1n secretas. Averiguar la agenda de otro puede otorgar un \"Chantaje\" que es una mec\u00E1nica para abrir puertas m\u00E1s f\u00E1ciles, pero ayudar a otro a completar una agenda personal NO otorga experiencia."@es . . . "\"The Criminal\""@en . . "In an Agenda coordination style, also referred to as the blackboard style of coordination, an agent sends a blackboard (always, an object that describes an entity by storing its characteristics as attributes) to multiple agents and components or arrays of agents or components. Once the blackboard is returned (after being updated by agents or components it was sent to), the control is passed to the logic block and after its execution, the blackboard (which might be updated by the logic block also) is re-sent to all participating agents and components. This iteration continues until the condition to come out of the logic block is met. When the condition is met, the blackboard object is set to null. The programmer is expected to provide the break condition to come out of Agenda's logic block."@en . "Agenda"@nl . . "November 2008"@en . "October 2006"@en . "2005"^^ . "2006"^^ . "2007"^^ . "2008"^^ . "2009"^^ . "2010"^^ . "An agenda is truly an interesting thing; it is a plan for any amount of time in the future. It can be your grocery shopping list, notes on how to do an essay, or a general ideology of how to win public opinion. But first things first!! An agenda, in political terms, is the set of goals which an ideological group, or indeed any individual, has set themself to achieve. The term \"agenda\" can also be used in a somewhat cynical manner by competing ideological groups, in which one group accuses another of pushing a certain ideology, or agenda. While technically this is true, as any set of goals can be referred to as having an agenda to achieve, the term is often repeatedly used by opposing ideology groups to emphasise how wrong the other group obviously is while their own group is obviously right."@en . . . . "Agenda refers in normal parlance to set of discussion points in a committee meeting or perhaps a set of preferred public policies articulated by ideological or political groups. However to paranoid American conservatives, any provision of information may be deemed to be an \"aganda.\""@en . . "Company"@en . . "1992"^^ . "Agenda"@pl . "1993"^^ . . "Agenda is a video game developer based in Japan. They have worked with Nintendo on numerous occasions such as with Club House Games and Slide Adventure MAGKID, both for the Nintendo DS."@en . "1995"^^ . . . . "Agenda"@en . . "June 2005"@en . . "S\u00ED"@es . "Satsang Worldwide \u2022 [1] L'Agenda des rencontres, leveil.org"@en . "Japan"@en . . . "Agenda is the eighth episode of spook's fifth series which aired for the first time on 30 October 2006."@en . . . . . "Agenda"@ia . . . . . "HiperNook y Nook's"@es . "315"^^ . . "9 en 10 mei is de molen in Peize weer beide dagen geopend voor publiek, molenaar Thijs Duursma leidt u rond en verteld alles wat u wilt weten over de molen. Tevens kunt u van nabij zien hoe er graan wordt gemalen. Pannenkoeken bakken Naast de molen bakken we beide dagen pannenkoeken! U kunt voor \u20AC 3,00 per persoon zoveel pannenkoeken eten als u wilt. Kinderen kunnen onder begeleiding van de kok hun eigen pannenkoek bakken!!! \n* ..... \n* ....."@nl . . "9 en 10 mei is de molen in Peize weer beide dagen geopend voor publiek, molenaar Thijs Duursma leidt u rond en verteld alles wat u wilt weten over de molen. Tevens kunt u van nabij zien hoe er graan wordt gemalen. Pannenkoeken bakken Naast de molen bakken we beide dagen pannenkoeken! U kunt voor \u20AC 3,00 per persoon zoveel pannenkoeken eten als u wilt. Kinderen kunnen onder begeleiding van de kok hun eigen pannenkoek bakken!!! \n* ..... \n* ....."@nl . . "December1992"@en . . "Agenda"@es . "Julian Simpson"@en . . "Najbardziej zaawansowana technologicznie organizacja na forum. O Agendzie m\u00F3wi si\u0119, i\u017C wie ona wszystko i \u017Ce wsz\u0119dzie ma swoich agent\u00F3w i szpieg\u00F3w. Agenda realizuje Plan, a tak\u017Ce pomniejsze Plany, ale s\u0105 one oczywi\u015Bcie znane tylko cz\u0142onkom tej organizacji. O Agendzie m\u00F3wi si\u0119, i\u017C to ona poci\u0105ga za wszystkie sznurki w Multi\u015Bwiecie. Generalnie pozycj\u0119 Agendy w Multi\u015Bwiecie mo\u017Cna by por\u00F3wna\u0107 do Enklawy, albo Vault City z Fallouta. Przyw\u00F3dc\u0105 Agendy jest Distant. To tylko wst\u0119p, prosimy o edycje osoby \u015Bci\u015Ble obeznane z tematem."@pl . . . "C"@en . . "An agenda is truly an interesting thing; it is a plan for any amount of time in the future. It can be your grocery shopping list, notes on how to do an essay, or a general ideology of how to win public opinion. But first things first!! An agenda, in political terms, is the set of goals which an ideological group, or indeed any individual, has set themself to achieve."@en . . "Chercher \"agenda\" sur dicod'\u00D2c (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congr\u00E8s permanent de la lenga occitana)"@fr . . "2006-10-30"^^ . "8"^^ . "Please login or join Weblogs & Beyond, then Create a News Item in response to these questions: Think about a community to which you belong. What attracted or drew you to that community? What sustains your membership in that community? Now think about your students or teachers you are working with. What might make them want to participate in an online community? What might encourage them to take chances and to bring their best work to that online community? What obstacles might present themselves in establishing an online community with your students? How might you remove those obstacles?"@en . "In an Agenda coordination style, also referred to as the blackboard style of coordination, an agent sends a blackboard (always, an object that describes an entity by storing its characteristics as attributes) to multiple agents and components or arrays of agents or components. Once the blackboard is returned (after being updated by agents or components it was sent to), the control is passed to the logic block and after its execution, the blackboard (which might be updated by the logic block also) is re-sent to all participating agents and components. This iteration continues until the condition to come out of the logic block is met. When the condition is met, the blackboard object is set to null. The programmer is expected to provide the break condition to come out of Agenda's logic block. \t\t Agenda(agent.method(blackboard, otherparameters), component.method(blackboard, other parameters); [agent[ ] | component [ ]].method(blackboard, other parameters); result) { // business logic } \t where, \n* agent and component are instances of type Agent and Component \n* agent[ ] and component[ ] are arrays of type Agent and Component that return all instances of type Agent and Component of the named agent and component existing across the network at that point in time \n* result is a variable that holds a value of type defined by return type of invoked method Like in the Broadcast style of coordination, __agenda__agent__role and __agenda__agent__id may be retrieved and used in the agenda's logic block. Also, as in Broadcast, methods invoked on different agents and components or arrays of agents and components must have the same signature. However, unlike in Broadcast, a result must be returned in an Agenda."@en . "AGENDA"@en . . . "L'agenda del governo, l'agenda digitale,l'agenda di qui l'agenda di l\u00E0 ma il tutto \u00E8 confinato nell'autoreferenziale mondo dei politici e dei giornalisti"@it . . "1995"^^ . . . . . . . . "Agenda - ksi\u0119ga liturgiczna, zawieraj\u0105ca przepisy odprawiania obrz\u0119d\u00F3w ko\u015Bcielnych. kategoria:s\u0142ownikkategoria:katolicyzmKategoria:Obrz\u0119dy i obyczaje religijne"@pl . . . . . . "From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Agenda]] agenda, substantive use of the neuter plural of agendus (\u201C\u2018which ought to be done\u2019\u201D), future passive participle (gerundive) of ag\u014D (\u201C\u2018I do, act, make\u2019\u201D)."@ia . . . "Sistema de Agendas. Los personajes tendr\u00E1n 3 \" Agendas\" una de ellas estar\u00E1 dada por alg\u00FAn m\u00E9rito escogido, otra estar\u00E1 dada por sus fuentes de obligaciones y otra ser\u00E1 la Agenda Principal la cual es por lo general hacia d\u00F3nde va la Historia, la idea es que la Principal ser\u00E1 p\u00FAblica y las otras 2 ser\u00E1n secretas. Al momento de completar una agenda ganar\u00E1n autom\u00E1ticamente un punto de experiencia, aunque puede que en situaciones muy especiales los personajes puedan obtener m\u00E1s Experiencia a\u00FAn basado en la agenda. s\u00ED es que esta es m\u00FAltiple, puede que por razones de partida un personaje vaya agregando agendas. Averiguar la agenda de otro puede otorgar un \"Chantaje\" que es una mec\u00E1nica para abrir puertas m\u00E1s f\u00E1ciles, pero ayudar a otro a completar una agenda personal NO otorga experiencia. El primer punto de la agenda te lo dar\u00E1 una de tus responsabilidades contra\u00EDdas para obtener puntos de creaci\u00F3n adicionales, para construirlo considera entonces una misi\u00F3n enviada por tus responsabilidades. En el caso que no tengas [es raro un jugador sin puntos libres pero es posible] considera las 2 primeras agendas derivadas de tu lista de m\u00E9ritos y concepto de personaje. El segundo punto de la agenda corresponde a alguna obligaci\u00F3n derivada de la profesi\u00F3n, los m\u00E9ritos, los cultos o algo similar, tambi\u00E9n tiende a ser una misi\u00F3n, algo muy similar a las aspiraciones a largo plazo salvo que nace m\u00E1s de una responsabilidad que de un deseo. El tercer punto de la agenda, nace de un deseo, es alguna misi\u00F3n auto impuesta por el personaje, por motivos netamente personales y de su propio crecimiento."@es . "Satsang Worldwide \u2022 [1] L'Agenda des rencontres, leveil.org"@fr . "The events of this story following follow the arc of the V4S virtual season, but are not considered to be a part of that season."@en . "Agenda is a video game developer based in Japan. They have worked with Nintendo on numerous occasions such as with Club House Games and Slide Adventure MAGKID, both for the Nintendo DS."@en . . . . . . . . . "Najbardziej zaawansowana technologicznie organizacja na forum. O Agendzie m\u00F3wi si\u0119, i\u017C wie ona wszystko i \u017Ce wsz\u0119dzie ma swoich agent\u00F3w i szpieg\u00F3w. Agenda realizuje Plan, a tak\u017Ce pomniejsze Plany, ale s\u0105 one oczywi\u015Bcie znane tylko cz\u0142onkom tej organizacji. O Agendzie m\u00F3wi si\u0119, i\u017C to ona poci\u0105ga za wszystkie sznurki w Multi\u015Bwiecie. Generalnie pozycj\u0119 Agendy w Multi\u015Bwiecie mo\u017Cna by por\u00F3wna\u0107 do Enklawy, albo Vault City z Fallouta. Przyw\u00F3dc\u0105 Agendy jest Distant. To tylko wst\u0119p, prosimy o edycje osoby \u015Bci\u015Ble obeznane z tematem."@pl . "La Agenda es un diario y aparece \u00FAnicamente en Animal Crossing: Poblaci\u00F3n: \u00A1en aumento! ."@es . . . "\"Hostage Takers (Part 2)\""@en . . "October 1993"@en . "Julian Simpson"@en . "Please login or join Weblogs & Beyond, then Create a News Item in response to these questions: Think about a community to which you belong. What attracted or drew you to that community? What sustains your membership in that community? Now think about your students or teachers you are working with. What might make them want to participate in an online community? What might encourage them to take chances and to bring their best work to that online community? What obstacles might present themselves in establishing an online community with your students? How might you remove those obstacles?"@en . "March1992"@en . . . . . "Agenda"@fr .