"[Source] Sarco Plank \u00E9tait un ronin Melitto chasseur de tr\u00E9sor actif des ann\u00E9es apr\u00E8s la bataille d'Endor. Il voyage de monde en monde \u00E0 la recherche de richesse, il poss\u00E8de un casque lui permettant de pouvoir respirer quelle que soit l'atmosph\u00E8re de la plan\u00E8te o\u00F9 il se trouve. Il se battait avec un b\u00E2ton \u00E9lectrique et un pistolet JSP-14. Il se trouvait \u00E0 l'avant-poste de Niima sur Jakku vers 34 PBY."@fr . "Sarco Plank"@hu . . . . . "\u30B5\u30EB\u30B3\u30FB\u30D7\u30E9\u30F3\u30AF"@en . . "[Source] Sarco Plank \u00E9tait un ronin Melitto chasseur de tr\u00E9sor actif des ann\u00E9es apr\u00E8s la bataille d'Endor. Il voyage de monde en monde \u00E0 la recherche de richesse, il poss\u00E8de un casque lui permettant de pouvoir respirer quelle que soit l'atmosph\u00E8re de la plan\u00E8te o\u00F9 il se trouve. Il se battait avec un b\u00E2ton \u00E9lectrique et un pistolet JSP-14. Il se trouvait \u00E0 l'avant-poste de Niima sur Jakku vers 34 PBY."@fr . "Sarco Plank"@fr . "Sarco Plank"@fr . . . . "Sarco Plank"@en . "\u30B5\u30EB\u30B3\u30FB\u30D7\u30E9\u30F3\u30AF"@fr . "Sarco Plank"@fr . . . "Sarco Plank"@fr . . "Sarco Plank"@en . . "*B\u00E2ton \u00E9lectrique\n*Pistolet JSP-14"@fr . "Sarco Plank"@en . . . . "Fosztogat\u00F3, fejvad\u00E1sz, s\u00EDrrabl\u00F3. R\u00F6viden \u00EDgy lehetne jellemezni Sarco Plank-ot aki egy id\u0151s mellita, aki sz\u00E1mtalan ellens\u00E9get gy\u0171jt\u00F6tt mag\u00E1nak v\u00E1ltozatos karrierje sor\u00E1n (t\u00F6bbek k\u00F6z\u00F6tt Luke Skywalker-t). A szemekkel nem rendelkez\u0151 l\u00E9ny szuper\u00E9rz\u00E9keny csill\u00F3k seg\u00EDts\u00E9g\u00E9vel \"l\u00E1t\". thumb|Sarco Plank Kateg\u00F3ria:Szem\u00E9lyek"@hu . "Chasseur de tr\u00E9sor"@fr . . . . . . . . "Sarco Plank, also known as the Scavenger, was a male Melitto who made a living off of retrieving valuable artifacts for clients, while also displaying a sadistic side in luring individuals to their deaths in the process. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Plank guided Jedi-in-training Luke Skywalker to the Temple of Eedit on the planet Devaron, hoping to use the Jedi to unlock the temple, which Plank believed harbored a considerable amount of treasures in its sub levels. Plank revealed his true intentions to Luke after the latter outlived his usefulness and brandished an electrostaff against the Jedi trainee atop the temple. Luke fought back with his father's lightsaber and cast Plank into the depths of the temple, though Luke sensed Plank's continued survival through the Force. Plank was later active as far as 30 years after the Battle of Endor."@en . "142.0"^^ . "Sarco Plank"@en . "y"@en . . "Sarco Plank"@fr . . . . "y"@en . . . . . . . "Star Wars: The Force Awakens Series 1"@en . "Sarco Plank"@fr . . . "Sarco Plank, also known as the Scavenger, was a male Melitto who made a living off of retrieving valuable artifacts for clients, while also displaying a sadistic side in luring individuals to their deaths in the process. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Plank guided Jedi-in-training Luke Skywalker to the Temple of Eedit on the planet Devaron, hoping to use the Jedi to unlock the temple, which Plank believed harbored a considerable amount of treasures in its sub levels. Plank revealed his true intentions to Luke after the latter outlived his usefulness and brandished an electrostaff against the Jedi trainee atop the temple. Luke fought back with his father's lightsaber and cast Plank into the depths of the temple, though Luke sensed Plank's continued survival through the Force. Plank was "@en . . "1.82"^^ . "\u0421\u0430\u0440\u043A\u043E \u041F\u043B\u0430\u043D\u043A"@en . "Sarco Plank"@en . . . . . . . "Sarco Plank"@en . . . "\u0421\u0430\u0440\u043A\u043E \u041F\u043B\u0430\u043D\u043A"@fr . "Bounty hunter"@en . . "Fosztogat\u00F3, fejvad\u00E1sz, s\u00EDrrabl\u00F3. R\u00F6viden \u00EDgy lehetne jellemezni Sarco Plank-ot aki egy id\u0151s mellita, aki sz\u00E1mtalan ellens\u00E9get gy\u0171jt\u00F6tt mag\u00E1nak v\u00E1ltozatos karrierje sor\u00E1n (t\u00F6bbek k\u00F6z\u00F6tt Luke Skywalker-t). A szemekkel nem rendelkez\u0151 l\u00E9ny szuper\u00E9rz\u00E9keny csill\u00F3k seg\u00EDts\u00E9g\u00E9vel \"l\u00E1t\". thumb|Sarco Plank Kateg\u00F3ria:Szem\u00E9lyek"@hu . . "Masculin"@fr . .