. "The 1/100 High Grade Victory Gundam Model Series (HGVG) is a line of Gunpla kits of the Mobile Suits from the Mobile Suit Victory Gundam series released from 1993 to 1994. Due to the complexity of their transformation, both the Victory and Victory 2 Gundams require parts-swapping to split each unit into the Core Fighter, Top Fighter, and Bottom Fighter; parts-swapping involves non-movable frame pieces that support the limbs in their alternate modes. This practice would continue with other kits in the High Grade Universal Century line such as the MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam, MSZ-010 \u0396\u0396 Gundam, MSN-001A1 Delta Plus, and MSZ-008 ZII. |-| Exclusives= Yen price excluding 5% sales tax (8% from 2014 onwards)."@en . . "The 1/100 High Grade Victory Gundam Model Series (HGVG) is a line of Gunpla kits of the Mobile Suits from the Mobile Suit Victory Gundam series released from 1993 to 1994. Due to the complexity of their transformation, both the Victory and Victory 2 Gundams require parts-swapping to split each unit into the Core Fighter, Top Fighter, and Bottom Fighter; parts-swapping involves non-movable frame pieces that support the limbs in their alternate modes. This practice would continue with other kits in the High Grade Universal Century line such as the MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam, MSZ-010 \u0396\u0396 Gundam, MSN-001A1 Delta Plus, and MSZ-008 ZII."@en . . . "1/100 High Grade Victory Gundam Model Series"@en .