. "In 2347, the Rozhenko family was residing on the farming colony of Gault where Worf and Nikolai grew up. (TNG: \"Heart of Glory\" ; DS9: \"Let He Who Is Without Sin...\") After some time, they returned to Earth, where the males in the family would often go camping in the Ural Mountains. (DS9: \"Change of Heart\") Worf eventually left his family to attend Starfleet Academy, while his foster parents continued to live out their retirement in the same dwelling for a number of years to follow. (TNG: \"New Ground\" ) Nikolai also attended Starfleet Academy, but dropped out because the rules were too stringent. Years later, Doctor Rozhenko was assigned to the cultural observation post on the planet Boraal II and was the only observer present by 2370. He broke the Prime Directive by becoming much more involved with the Boraalans than necessary. He conceived a child with a Boraalan female, Dobara, and became very protective of the Boraalans in her village. (TNG: \"Heart of Glory\" , \"Homeward\" ) In 2367, Worf's parents shared their concern and showed their support to Worf for his recent discommendation. (TNG: \"Family\" ) Later that year, Sergey and Helena met the Enterprise-D at Starbase 73 to take Worf's son \u2013 their grandson \u2013 Alexander Rozhenko, back to Earth to provide him with a home and a family following the death of K'Ehleyr, something Worf felt that he could not provide on his own. (TNG: \"Reunion\" ) In 2368, Alexander returned to his father, due to his difficulties in adjusting to the Human way of life. (TNG: \"New Ground\" ) By 2374, Alexander had decided to join the Klingon Defense Force. Sergey and Helena were not happy about the decision, but when they realized that Alexander was determined to enlist, they supported him as they always had. (DS9: \"Sons and Daughters\") In an alternate timeline, Worf and Deanna Troi were married and Worf had two further children, Eric-Christopher and Shannara. (TNG: \"Parallels\" ) cs:Rozhenko de:Rozhenko"@en . "In 2347, the Rozhenko family was residing on the farming colony of Gault where Worf and Nikolai grew up. (TNG: \"Heart of Glory\" ; DS9: \"Let He Who Is Without Sin...\") After some time, they returned to Earth, where the males in the family would often go camping in the Ural Mountains. (DS9: \"Change of Heart\") Worf eventually left his family to attend Starfleet Academy, while his foster parents continued to live out their retirement in the same dwelling for a number of years to follow. (TNG: \"New Ground\" )"@en . . . . "Rozhenko family"@en .