. . . . . . . . . . "The Cadet was a patriotic war hero who fought the Japanese in the Pacific theater of WWII. He possessed no powers but did wield a machine gun and a knife. His only appearance was in a two page text story."@en . . . . . . . "CDT2 .png"@en . "144"^^ . . "A rank that is found in most military groups. Usually given to someone who is in training."@en . "Cadet"@de . "Cadet is an unnamed male Cadet."@en . "The Cadet was a patriotic war hero who fought the Japanese in the Pacific theater of WWII. He possessed no powers but did wield a machine gun and a knife. His only appearance was in a two page text story."@en . . "A cadet was a trainee. The term was frequently used to refer those training to become an officer in the military. The rank of Cadet was, during brief periods of time, in use for Lisa Hayes, Jack Baker, and Owens."@en . . . "From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Cadet]]"@ia . . "Les cadets sont des \u00E9l\u00E8ves officiers qui suivent un cursus de formation \u00E0 l'Acad\u00E9mie de Starfleet en principe sur 4 ans. Ils effectuent des stages de courte dur\u00E9e \u00E0 bord de vaisseaux et installations de Starfleet. A la fin de leurs \u00E9tudes, ils re\u00E7oivent le grade d'enseigne de Starfleet."@fr . "Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is A9B2C3"@en . . . . "Original Publisher"@en . "*Universities\n*Galactic Republic\n**Republic military\n***Grand Army of the Republic\n****Clone Youth Brigade\n*New Mandalorians\n**Royal Academy of Government\n*Galactic Empire\n**Imperial Academy\n*Alliance to Restore the Republic\n**Alliance Fleet\n*Resistance\n**Resistance military\n***Resistance Starfighter Corps"@en . . . . . . . . . "0"^^ . . "A9B2C3"@en . . . . . "A person addressed as Cadet is still attending Starfleet Academy and is not an officer yet. Sometimes Cadets serve on Starfleet ships, but only for training purposes and for a limited time. Upon graduation from the Academy, they are given the rank of Ensign."@en . . . "Cadet"@en . . . . . "Cadet is an Achievement."@en . . . . "\u041A\u0430\u0434\u0435\u0442/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@fr . . . . . . . "A Cadet will be lucky to get access to a shuttlecraft, or short range fighter."@en . . . . "In the Federation, the term is most commonly used to refer to students at Starfleet Academy. In that context, it is synonymous with \"midshipman\". (ST movie: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)"@en . . . . . "Grand Theft Auto IV"@en . . . . "Cadet is a common trainee officer rank in the Standard-speaking universe's armies. It is functionally distinct from the naval Cadet or Midshipman."@en . . . . "CPO Sleeve .png"@en . . . . . . "In navy-speak, a cadet is a person in training to become an officer. In the Vorkosigan Saga, the term can also refer to the official heir of a District Count (cadet member of Council of Counts), or to a lesser branch of a District Count's family. The military position was indicated with a white cloth rectangle where a rank tab would go."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Title"@en . "First Appearance"@en . . . "[Source] Un cadet d\u00E9signe un \u00E9l\u00E8ve officier faisant ses classes dans une \u00E9cole militaire. Avant la Guerre des Clones, la Grande Arm\u00E9e de la R\u00E9publique entra\u00EEnait des cadets clones sur Kamino qui devinrent plus tard des soldats clones. Apr\u00E8s la chute de la R\u00E9publique, le tout jeune Empire Galactique cr\u00E9a de nombreuses Acad\u00E9mie Imp\u00E9riale o\u00F9 \u00E9taient form\u00E9s les cadets imp\u00E9riaux."@fr . . . . . "Red White Enlisted Sleeve .png"@en . . . . . . . . . . "A cadet was a trainee. The term was frequently used to refer those training to become an officer in the military. The rank of Cadet was, during brief periods of time, in use for Lisa Hayes, Jack Baker, and Owens."@en . "A person addressed as Cadet is still attending Starfleet Academy and is not an officer yet. Sometimes Cadets serve on Starfleet ships, but only for training purposes and for a limited time. Upon graduation from the Academy, they are given the rank of Ensign."@en . . "*1151\n*1174\n*Amis\n*Chelli Aphra\n*Wedge Antilles\n*Mattis Banz\n*Harb Binli\n*Ezra Bridger \n*Yori Dahn\n*Lorica Demaris\n*Rake Gahree\n*Pedrin Gaul\n*Dec Hansen\n*\"Hotshot\"\n*\"Jax\"\n*Jordan Karls\n*Klimo†\n*Jai Kell\n*Derek Klivian\n*Korkie Kryze\n*Thane Kyrell\n*Lagos\n*Dhara Leonis\n*Zare Leonis\n*Gina Moonsong\n*Sari Nadle\n*Nazhros Oleg\n*Cutter Poole\n*Ciena Ree\n*Soniee\n*Sana Starros\n*Susina\n*Pandak Symes\n*Sabine Wren\n*TK-462"@en . . "A Cadet, also reffered to as a Midshipman or Apprentice Lieutenant, was somebody who held the lowest rank of officer in the British Royal Navy. The rank was one of two junior officer positions, which meant that they were not fully commisioned or ready to be made a leftenant. Most often, cadets were the teenaged sons of wealthy nobles or former officers who wished the pursuit of a naval career by their children. Essentially, cadets were apprentices to more senior lieutenants aboard their assigned ship. It was their job to shadow full officers as to gain experience for when the time came for them to be fully commissioned themselves. An average midshipman was usually assigned a detatchment of about five sailors to oversee. They were also responsible for manning and commanding a specific ammount of cannons in a broadside if they were stationed aboard a larger vessel like a frigate or corvette. Sometimes, in the event of taking a prize, cadets were entrusted to take their detatchment aboard the captured vessel and sail it to the nearest national port. On these occasions, cadets were promoted to the honorary rank of \"acting lieutenant\". This position was only temporary, however, and Acting Lieutenants reverted back to Midshipmen and continued to carry out the duties of a cadet following relievance of a prize command. At the end of apprenticeship, cadets had the opportunity to take an examination that would allow the admiralty to fully commission them as independant lieutenants. Sometimes, if not quite ready to be commisioned, cadets were promoted to Ensign which was a position reserved for those in a state of limbo who were too old to be a midshipman but not quite ready to take on the full responcibility recquired of a commisioned lieutenant, as well as those who joined the navy late and were too old to be cadets."@en . . . "Male"@en . . "Cadet"@fr . "Appearing at levels 1-4 (health 50-175), cadets are only trained to stab with their bayonet. Locations: \n* Port Royal in town, Fort Charles, and Governor's Garden \n* Tortuga in Wildwoods"@en . "Cadet is a clothing company in Grand Theft Auto IV. It is featured in the in-game website www.peepthatshit.com under the \"Street Fashion\" shopping section. There is a Cadet store located on Dukes Boulevard in East Island City, Dukes. pl:Cadet de:Cadet"@en . . . . . . . "A Cadet will be lucky to get access to a shuttlecraft, or short range fighter."@en . . . . . "War Victory Comics #2"@en . "The term comes from the French term \"cadet\" for younger sons of a noble family."@en . "0"^^ . "Cadet"@pl . "CDT3 .png"@en . . . . . . . . . . "A Cadet is a trainee in the Federal Bureau of Investigation."@en . "Cadet is a clothing company in Grand Theft Auto IV. It is featured in the in-game website www.peepthatshit.com under the \"Street Fashion\" shopping section. There is a Cadet store located on Dukes Boulevard in East Island City, Dukes. pl:Cadet de:Cadet"@en . . "This utau's bank has been moved to another Utau."@en . . "Appearing at levels 1-4 (health 50-175), cadets are only trained to stab with their bayonet. Locations: \n* Port Royal in town, Fort Charles, and Governor's Garden \n* Tortuga in Wildwoods"@en . "Cadets are trainees of the Black Hand, accepted as candidates but not yet initiated into full membership in the Hand, even lower in rank than rookies."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Daniel Kountz"@en . "Unknown"@en . . . "Cadet"@en . "A Cadet, also reffered to as a Midshipman or Apprentice Lieutenant, was somebody who held the lowest rank of officer in the British Royal Navy. The rank was one of two junior officer positions, which meant that they were not fully commisioned or ready to be made a leftenant. Most often, cadets were the teenaged sons of wealthy nobles or former officers who wished the pursuit of a naval career by their children. Essentially, cadets were apprentices to more senior lieutenants aboard their assigned ship. It was their job to shadow full officers as to gain experience for when the time came for them to be fully commissioned themselves."@en . . . . "Harvey"@en . . . "Cadet is an unnamed male Cadet."@en . "\u041A\u0430\u0434\u0435\u0442/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@en . "right|150px Cadet \u2013 sklep z ubraniami wyst\u0119puj\u0105cy w Grand Theft Auto IV, kt\u00F3ry jest ulokowany przy Dukes Boulevard, w East Island City, w Dukes. Jest on opisany na stronie Peepthatshit.com. Na stronie Designerslave.com mo\u017Cna kupi\u0107 koszulk\u0119 tej firmy po $20 i pofa\u0142dowane, kr\u00F3tkie spodenki po $25."@pl . . . . . "A rank that is found in most military groups. Usually given to someone who is in training."@en . . . . . "Cadet ist ein milt\u00E4rischer Dienstgrad von Soldaten in der Ausbildung. Er entspricht dem deutschen Kadetten.thumb|Holly Short, eine Cadet"@de . . . . "Real Name"@en . . . "A Cadet is a rank or title, usually assigned to service organization personnel attending an educational institution oriented towards training officers for military or paramilitary organizations. In the Federation, the term is most commonly used to refer to students at Starfleet Academy."@en . . . "Cadets are neither officers nor are they enlisted personnel. Cadets still attend Starfleet Academy and only serve on Starfleet ships for training purpose for a limited time period. The term also applies to attendees of the Starfleet Marine Corps Academy. The equivalent term in the Federation Starfighter Corps is air cadet. (Star Trek: Remington)"@en . . . . . . . . "Cadets are neither officers nor are they enlisted personnel. Cadets still attend Starfleet Academy and only serve on Starfleet ships for training purpose for a limited time period. The term also applies to attendees of the Starfleet Marine Corps Academy. The equivalent term in the Federation Starfighter Corps is air cadet. (Star Trek: Remington)"@en . "Cadet"@en . . . . . . . "PO2 Sleeve .png"@en . . . "Cadet was a rank which was used at Starfleet Academy to denote students in training to become Starfleet officers. The rank was used in the mid 23rd century throughout the late 24th century. (TOS: \"Whom Gods Destroy\" ; Star Trek V: The Final Frontier; TNG: \"The Game\" ) For a time, specifically in the 2280s, the rank of cadet was superimposed (if not outright replaced) by the rank of midshipman. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) Becoming a Starfleet cadet was a difficult process and required a significant amount of academic achievement while in high school. Academy entrance standards were particularly high, especially in scientific and math disciplines (such as calculus). Cadets were also expected to maintain a satisfactory grade point average during their attendance at the Academy. Getting bad grades was grounds for a cadet's revocation of appointment from the Academy, also known as \"washing out\". (TNG: \"The First Duty\" , \"Journey's End\" ) Starfleet cadets were under the same uniform code of justice as Starfleet officers and were in turn subordinate to the orders of superiors. They were also required to report violations of Federation law they observed to their superiors. Cadets were also expected to show military courtesy and respect to senior commanders. In 2370, after Wesley Crusher disrespected Commanders Data and Geordi La Forge and then further disobeyed a direct order from Captain Jean-Luc Picard, it was discussed that Wesley's appointment as a cadet might be revoked. (TNG: \"Journey's End\" ; DS9: \"Little Green Men\") In the alternate reality, the final year cadets were hurriedly assigned to supplement the crew of several Federation ships, including the USS Enterprise, upon learning of the attack on Vulcan. A few cadets served as bridge crew on that ship, while stowaway Cadet James Kirk was later promoted to acting first officer when captain Christopher Pike had to leave the ship. He ultimately became acting captain after Spock was proven to be emotionally compromised, and due to his actions in the Battle of Earth, Kirk was commissioned at the rank of captain upon his graduation, alongside the cadets who had served on the Enterprise, some of whom became part of his official crew. (Star Trek)"@en . "Cadet ist ein milt\u00E4rischer Dienstgrad von Soldaten in der Ausbildung. Er entspricht dem deutschen Kadetten.thumb|Holly Short, eine Cadet"@de . . . "A cadet may mean a future officer in the military, a junior branch of an important family, or simply a person who is in JROTC or trainee."@en . . . . . . . "PO1 Sleeve .png"@en . "*R\u00E9publique Galactique\n**Grande Arm\u00E9e de la R\u00E9publique\n*Nouveaux Mandaloriens\n**Acad\u00E9mie Royal du gouvernement\n*Empire Galactique\n**Acad\u00E9mie Imp\u00E9riale\n*Alliance Rebelle\n**Flotte Rebelle"@fr . "The rank and title of Cadet encompasses the lowest level of a commissioned officer in a military organization, most frequently used by army and starfighter corps. It is often the title given to academy students who are training for a commissioned officer's post. There were several derivatives of the Cadet rank."@en . . "Blue .png"@en . "CDT1 .png"@en . "Cadet is a common trainee officer rank in the Standard-speaking universe's armies. It is functionally distinct from the naval Cadet or Midshipman."@en . "Gray"@en . . . . . . . . "144"^^ . "Cadet is an Achievement."@en . . . . "Clothing Comapny"@en . "miniatur|Das Logo des Ladens Cadet (dt. Kadett) ist ein Street-Fashion-Gesch\u00E4ft aus Grand Theft Auto IV. Man findet es auf der Internetseite peepthatshit.com unter \u201EEinkaufen bis zum Umfallen \u2192 Stra\u00DFenkleidung\u201C."@de . "Blue-gray"@en . "Blue"@en . "In the Federation, the term is most commonly used to refer to students at Starfleet Academy. In that context, it is synonymous with \"midshipman\". (ST movie: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)"@en . . . . . "CN Sleeve .png"@en . . "Cadet"@ia . . "From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Cadet]]"@ia . . . . . . "Les cadets sont des \u00E9l\u00E8ves officiers qui suivent un cursus de formation \u00E0 l'Acad\u00E9mie de Starfleet en principe sur 4 ans. Ils effectuent des stages de courte dur\u00E9e \u00E0 bord de vaisseaux et installations de Starfleet. A la fin de leurs \u00E9tudes, ils re\u00E7oivent le grade d'enseigne de Starfleet. Cadet 4\u00E8me classe : Etudiant de premi\u00E8re ann\u00E9e \u00E0 Starfleet Academy Cadet 3\u00E8me classe : Etudiant de seconde ann\u00E9e \u00E0 Starfleet Academy. A ce niveau, les cadets participent \u00E0 un entra\u00EEnement sur le terrain dans une station spatiale ou un avant-poste. Cadet 2\u00E8me classe : Etudiant de troisi\u00E8me ann\u00E9e \u00E0 Starfleet Academy Cadet 1\u00E8re classe : Etudiant de quatri\u00E8me ann\u00E9e \u00E0 Starfleet Academy. Apr\u00E8s leurs \u00E9tudes, ils re\u00E7oivent le grade d'enseigne"@fr . . . . . "Red Cadet .png"@en . "*Zare Leonis\n*Derek Klivian\n*Wedge Antilles\n*Sabine Wren"@fr . "Gray .png"@en . . . . "show"@en . . "The term comes from the French term \"cadet\" for younger sons of a noble family."@en . . . . "Created by"@en . "This utau's bank has been moved to another Utau."@en . "right|150px Cadet \u2013 sklep z ubraniami wyst\u0119puj\u0105cy w Grand Theft Auto IV, kt\u00F3ry jest ulokowany przy Dukes Boulevard, w East Island City, w Dukes. Jest on opisany na stronie Peepthatshit.com. Na stronie Designerslave.com mo\u017Cna kupi\u0107 koszulk\u0119 tej firmy po $20 i pofa\u0142dowane, kr\u00F3tkie spodenki po $25."@pl . . . . "[Source] Un cadet d\u00E9signe un \u00E9l\u00E8ve officier faisant ses classes dans une \u00E9cole militaire. Avant la Guerre des Clones, la Grande Arm\u00E9e de la R\u00E9publique entra\u00EEnait des cadets clones sur Kamino qui devinrent plus tard des soldats clones. Apr\u00E8s la chute de la R\u00E9publique, le tout jeune Empire Galactique cr\u00E9a de nombreuses Acad\u00E9mie Imp\u00E9riale o\u00F9 \u00E9taient form\u00E9s les cadets imp\u00E9riaux."@fr . "A cadet may mean a future officer in the military, a junior branch of an important family, or simply a person who is in JROTC or trainee."@en . . "Cadet"@en . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . "The rank Cadet was the first rank in ST-RP under the old ranking system. This rank has been replaced with the rank of \"Recruit\". Cadet(s) had the following responsibilities: \n* Is Registered on the Forums and has Applied to Join. \n* Has been witnessed roleplaying by a council member. \n* Can RP well in 1 or more positions / willing to train. \n* Can devise a successful plot / build on another person\u2019s plot to some extent. \n* Is willing to follow ALL rules, forum AND on server."@en . "Cadet was a rank which was used at Starfleet Academy to denote students in training to become Starfleet officers. The rank was used in the mid 23rd century throughout the late 24th century. (TOS: \"Whom Gods Destroy\" ; Star Trek V: The Final Frontier; TNG: \"The Game\" ) For a time, specifically in the 2280s, the rank of cadet was superimposed (if not outright replaced) by the rank of midshipman. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)"@en . "The rank and title of Cadet encompasses the lowest level of a commissioned officer in a military organization, most frequently used by army and starfighter corps. It is often the title given to academy students who are training for a commissioned officer's post. There were several derivatives of the Cadet rank."@en . . "CDT4 .png"@en . "A Cadet is a trainee in the Federal Bureau of Investigation."@en . . . . "*Arkanis Academy, Arkanis\n*University of Bar'leth, Bar'leth\n*Carida Academy, Carida\n*Royal Imperial Academy, Coruscant\n*Imperial Academy of Eriadu, Eriadu\n*Tipoca City, Kamino\n*Academy for Young Imperials, Lothal\n*Imperial Academy of Mandalore, Mandalore\n*Skystrike Academy, Montross\n*Prefsbelt Fleet Camp, Prefsbelt"@en . . . "A Cadet is a rank or title, usually assigned to service organization personnel attending an educational institution oriented towards training officers for military or paramilitary organizations. In the Federation, the term is most commonly used to refer to students at Starfleet Academy."@en . . . . . . . "Cadet"@fr . "Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is A9B2C3"@en . . "In navy-speak, a cadet is a person in training to become an officer. In the Vorkosigan Saga, the term can also refer to the official heir of a District Count (cadet member of Council of Counts), or to a lesser branch of a District Count's family. The military position was indicated with a white cloth rectangle where a rank tab would go."@en . . "miniatur|Das Logo des Ladens Cadet (dt. Kadett) ist ein Street-Fashion-Gesch\u00E4ft aus Grand Theft Auto IV. Man findet es auf der Internetseite peepthatshit.com unter \u201EEinkaufen bis zum Umfallen \u2192 Stra\u00DFenkleidung\u201C."@de . . . . "The rank Cadet was the first rank in ST-RP under the old ranking system. This rank has been replaced with the rank of \"Recruit\". Cadet(s) had the following responsibilities: \n* Is Registered on the Forums and has Applied to Join. \n* Has been witnessed roleplaying by a council member. \n* Can RP well in 1 or more positions / willing to train. \n* Can devise a successful plot / build on another person\u2019s plot to some extent. \n* Is willing to follow ALL rules, forum AND on server."@en . . . . . "Cadets are trainees of the Black Hand, accepted as candidates but not yet initiated into full membership in the Hand, even lower in rank than rookies."@en . . .