"General Jeg Hohn (CC: 33/4/4,251 - CC: 33/4/4,315), also known as King Eunuch, was an imperial eunuch general of Sayerthenn from Sukaar. He was power-hungry, ambitious, manipulative, charismatic, intelligent, strategic, pragmatic, and all-around a dangerous man. Initially, Jeg Hohn was but a minor eunuch in the Wet Blue King's court, but rose to power soon after the ascension of the Handsome Blue King. Jeg Hohn was able to consolidate power, and organized a coup, seizing power for himself, and turning the Handsome Blue King entirely into his figurehead."@en . . "General Jeg Hohn (CC: 33/4/4,251 - CC: 33/4/4,315), also known as King Eunuch, was an imperial eunuch general of Sayerthenn from Sukaar. He was power-hungry, ambitious, manipulative, charismatic, intelligent, strategic, pragmatic, and all-around a dangerous man. Initially, Jeg Hohn was but a minor eunuch in the Wet Blue King's court, but rose to power soon after the ascension of the Handsome Blue King. Jeg Hohn was able to consolidate power, and organized a coup, seizing power for himself, and turning the Handsome Blue King entirely into his figurehead. Jeg Hohn was not a king, and so could not have Royal Magaye, so instead he surrounded himself with Imperial Paladins, and had them lead his Imperial Blue Army, rather than the Stone Army that Sayerthenn used to have. He began an expansionist period in Sayerthenn's history, first setting his sights on the Ane Polki of the Crescent Blue Mountains. He conquered their capital of Gra'Polk Sse, and then commited the Tragedy at the Temple of Tears. A large mountain, Mount Hohn, was named in his honor. Having had much knowledge of the world, Jeg Hohn was able to make quick work of the Yentenners, and the Plainsmen, and their Quaggariders, the Scorpion-Eaters, and the Lavafarers. He forged alliances with the chieftains of Western Parthalenn, and began trading with them on scales unheard of. Jeg Hohn, and the Handsome Blue King visited Farbdak, and the God King bowed to them both. Jeg Hohn sold back the City of Rod to its people as \"Deynaar,\" for $ - 8,999,999, and a statue of him was built upon it, and its bay, the Bay of Hohn, was named for him. Jeg Hohn gave power to the House of Kaalororsi, giving them Sunrise Harbor, and they built a statue in his name. Near the end of his life, Jeg Hohn's blue mages felled the King of Murusai's Bay, Sous, son of Remsed, son of Laand. The blue mage Fuhnf Xaar caused a massive dragonstir, bringing down the termite tunnel on Sous. This destroyed their colony at Gra'Polk Sse, and destroyed much of the Termite Tunnel. On his return to the Blue City, he fell from the long bridges, and died on impact. Immediately, his blue mages carried out his orders, killing the Handsome Blue King, and installing a worthy succesor. About five years before his death, Jeg Hohn made to conquer Murusai's Bay, and expand his kingdom's borders beyond the Crescent Blue Mountain. He had gathered from the Western Parthalenner kings, and chieftains that the King of Murusai's Bay had fearsome lightning powers, and had caused the Storm of Storms. He sent the full force of his navy to Murusai's Bay, and was able to secure the city in a month. The King of Murusai's Bay, Sous, son of Remsed, son of Laand, led a realist (from royal, and leal) revolt against Jeg Hohn from the Termite Town within the Termite Tunnel. Jeg Hohn had his blue mage Fuhnf Xaar magickally cause a dragonstir above the Termite Tunnel, causing a massive cave-in on Sous. This killed the boy-King, and ended his revolt. The dragonstir was very powerful, however, and even caused the destruction of Gra'Polk Sse, the capital of Ane Polki. He began his return trip to Sayerthenn about six months later, after Murusai's Bay was finally fully under control. He went through the Termite Tunnel, clearing debris, and once again making the tunnel passable. This took several months. After passing the Termite Town, Jeg Hohn's army was attacked by realist survivors of the dragonstir, who had somehow gotten their hands on a wooly mammoth (they had actually stolen it from a tailor on the Mountain Pass who had come to Sayerthenn to sell Farnorthern slaves), and now had hundreds of Irrinisians fighting alongside them. The Irrinisians were told that Jeg Hohn had caused the dragonstir, motivating them to fight. After the Bloody Battle of the Tunnel, Jeg Hohn, three of his blue mages, sixteen soldiers, and a single surviving rebel, King Sous' nephew, Mesmer, made it to Yentenne. There they recovered for several months while Mesmer was brutalized, and brainwashed into thinking that Jeg Hohn saved his life, and that Sous endangered it by allowing him to lead a rebellion. Mesmer was not fooled however. A blue mage, Ha Ik, had decided that crossing the Hungry Sea so that they could have access to the Mountain Road was their best course of action, since otherwise they would have to cross hundreds of kilometers of land to get to the Blue City. Ha Ik was correct, but Mesmer only saw opportunity. He shipwrecked them on Horseshoe Isle, an isle full of Horsers (and followers of Iksas from the Dragonfoot) leal to Sayerthenn. As a result, many of them hated Jeg Hohn for selling Horse Isle back to the Horsers. Not expecting an old man, but rather a young eunuch-looking man, the Horseshoers killed Ha Ik instead of Jeg Hohn, who they surmised was a blue mage. Mesmer, feeling guilty, decided to go along with this while Jeg Hohn recovered. The other two blue mages, Fuhnf Xaar, and Mo Ka Ma So Ko were treated well, and urged to install a worthy successor to the Wet Blue King. When Jeg Hohn recovered, they all made their way across the Hungry Sea. Mesmer wondered why Jeg Hohn had not yet ordered his blue mages to kill him. At the Temple of the Blue King, Jeg Hohn told him that once, he had too been a rebel. \"Boy. I too have been a rebel. When I was your age, early in the Year of the Seven Shogun, I was the varona of the Ormos Sukaari, the Black Sukaari. We wanted an independent Sukaar, free of Sayerthenner rule. Just as our finder, King Cog Cohni, had envisioned. We were found out, and the Wet Blue King had us all beaten, and had us all made to think as leal subjects. I willingly became a eunuch. I took away the possibility of ever having a son of my own. I gave my life to a cause that I had previously been disgusted by. And... and I'm proud of it. I took the broken realm of the Wet Blue King, and made it my own. I expanded its borders, strengthened the blue mages, and gave pride to millions of people in a country that I had once judged to be savage, and barbaric. But that country built this statue. That country defeated mine, yours, that of the Ane Polki, that of the Yentenners, and it so permanently affected those men on that Isle that they came here, and abandoned their homeland. That is what this country is. Better to work with it, than against it, I say.\" \u2014 Jeg HohnMesmer, Jeg Hohn, Fuhnf Xaar, and Mo Ka Ma So Ko made their way to the Mountain Road. They passed the river moon almost three years after the dragonstir which brought down the Termite Tunnel happened. Jeg Hohn made his way through Sayerthenn proper, and was greeted with parades, cheering, feasts, and great banquets in his honor. He was beloved, and his return was full of glory. On his return to the Blue City, Jeg Hohn fell from the long bridges, dying on impact. The blue mages followed his orders, and assassinated the Handsome Blue King, installing Mesmer as the Handsome Blue King's successor, the Stormless Blue King."@en . "Jeg Hohn"@en . . .