"Ghel Rhukal was a male Cardassian who lived in the 24th century. He was the son of a woman who taught political doctrine at the Central University on Cardassia and the older brother of Ataan Rhukal. In 2357, Rhukal was a newly promoted dalin and the first officer of the Aldara. (DS9 novel: Fearful Symmetry)"@en . . . . . "Ghel Rhukal"@en . . "Ghel Rhukal was a male Cardassian who lived in the 24th century. He was the son of a woman who taught political doctrine at the Central University on Cardassia and the older brother of Ataan Rhukal. In 2357, Rhukal was a newly promoted dalin and the first officer of the Aldara. (DS9 novel: Fearful Symmetry)"@en . . .